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yukon nvmt-4


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here i have for sale is a yukon nvmt-4 with scope adapter so you can use your normal day scope as night vision BUT IT MUST HAVE PX ADJUSTMENT other wise it wont focus

everything is with it that is needed to go so there is nothing else to buy. It is the best thing for shooting rats but seeing as i have no more rat shooting it not worth having it and i have just bought a lightforce 170 with lithuim ion battery so i wont use it again and need the money to pay towards it. i want 170 posted for it.


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the light force has a dimmer so i will use it from rats up to foxes they dim down to nothing so no blind rats. Asho that price is just for the monocular in your link i am including the illuminator and the scope adapter for it and batterys and charger for the monocular (its not in the pic)

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