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Apart from dog training...


Winebrewing :good:

Make everything-Tea wine,bramble,pea pod, grape, bramble whiskey(blow yer head off) and the list goes on.


By the way anyone suggest a wine making section for the forum ?

Edited by lewis
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I have just recently got back into one of my hobbies / passions which is fly tying. I started tying flies when i was 9 years old and after a year of learning was able to make a nice bit of pocket money tying for a couple of tackle shops locally. Recently i have got back into it and have a room set aside in my house which is purely for shooting and fishing memoriablia. To me there is (nearly) nothing like catching a wild brown,seatrout or salmon on one you have rolled yourself. I also tie up presentation boxes for people which are normally Salmon Fly's which will never see a river but none the same is still nice to see someone appreciate them!!

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Hiya, well...where do I start..?? My main hobby is sea fishing, off my own boat, on the west coast of Scotland for Common Skate.... had a few too..:) The boat is a Seahog Shortie with a 50hp Mariner 4 stroke....goes fairly well, :yes: fitted with a Sounder, Plotter, DSC radio, and all the other paraphanalia thats needed to survive out there..:)


I also fly fish, and have been lucky enough to have a few decent fish in my life...NO salmon tho..:(




Then there's my Library...got a collection of sea angling books going back to 1820..which has become a passion....it numbers around 7-800....theres also a collection of freshwater books, that are going onto Fleabay sometime soon, that one consists of books dating back to around 1880, and numbering approx 200....


Then, there's my car...a Mitsibushi Challenger 3ltr V6 petrol....absolutely love that car!! goes well, on and off road, tho heavy on fuel..I've had it for 5 years now, and must have spent a kings ransom on motion lotion for it!!!.

It really showed my mates X5 up a few weeks ago...he couldnt even launch his boat on the beach, never mind recover it!!! so, the old beat up Mitsy did it for him...:)


Anyway, you asked !! :):)

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