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Needing help with my scope.


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I am just new to air rifles etc and Just got my XL tactical when i look in the scope it is all foggy when i slacken the screws hollding the scope on to the rifle and move the scope up it is clear what could i use to pack this up?


Thanks for any info.

Edited by blacky
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I have the scope as far back to the scope stop pin at the rear of the rail to stop movement.

It is the mounts which hold the scope at the top of the scope i have to put some packing under the back mount under the scope to lift it up of the mount that wee bit.

Don't know if this makes sense to you B)

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Blacky, may I offer a little tip here. You say that by putting a piece of foil between the lower part of the scope and mount the situation is fine now. Could I suggest that instead of using a bit of foil you try using a piece of the material type of insulating tape (Not the shiny plastic type). This will have exactly the same effect but will also help to minimise any possibility of "scope creep" that might occur over a period of time, especially if your gun is a "Springer". :yes:

Edited by Frenchieboy
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Thanks Frenchie,

Is it just the black insulating tape you are talking about?


Not electricians insulating tape (the shiny stuff), more like gaffa tape (as used by roadies and kidnappers). I used some pieces of film negative I found in an old truprint envelope.

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