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Walnut or Corn

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I have used both over the years and carnt see any difference . A good tip is to put a teasponful of brasso in the media ,this will really buff them up . Another good tip is when the media gets dirty and I assure you it will put it in an old pillow case ,tie it up tight and put it in the washing machine on a short cycle wash ,you can then put in the tumble drier to dry . I was allways careful to make sure Mrs Harnser was out when I did this .

Harnser .

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A good tip is to put a teasponful of brasso in the media ,this will really buff them up .



I was always warned AGAINST using Brasso for cleaning reloading brass.


Apparently the ammonia attacks the Zinc in the brass and can lead to case failures :blink:


Someone can confirm ?

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all brass has Zinc in its an alloy of Zinc and copper. Guess it depends how often you reload the same case whether its an issue or not. There doesn't seem a lot of evidence of cases actually cracking more a lot of theory as the interweb seems good for. My guess is Harnsers been using it a few years without incident. After all if you got a cracked case it should be pretty safe in the chamber

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Oh my god another anomally in reloading . Brasso causes cracks in cases . I have loaded untold thousands of rifle and pistol cases over the years and have allways added a drop of brasso . I will put my hand on my heart and say that I have never known brasso to crack a case .

Did you hear the one that you shouldt use WD 40 on guns because they have changed the propellant in the cans from gas to air and it will rust your gun out in one application ? what a load of old horlicks .

Harnser .

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