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Cheap and risky way would be to drill the stock, not something I would attempt but if you are handy with the old lignum or know a friendly joiner/gunsmith might be worth considering.


You don't say whether its a T or an S. If it's an S then maybe get hold of the thumbhole stock, that will save about half a kilo. May also be worth looking at some of the custom stock makers, iirc the HW100 stock is walnut anyway but if I'm wrong then walnut or maybe even synthetic would give you a saving. Custom stocks can run about £200 though so you might be better buying a lighter gun.


One other thing to consider is the scope, smaller objective, fixed mag scopes can be a lot lighter than some huge front end, parallaxy sidewheel thingy and 2 piece mounts weigh less than 1 piece mounts.


Hope this helps

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If it's the 100S you can try changing the cylinder.




The after market ones are not cheap, but they save a fair bit of weight and do improve the balance.


Apart from that you could change the stock to something not made of walnut, which will save a lot of weight.



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