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Late Game

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Had a drive across a farm to check on some newly arrived pheasants and was very pleasantly surprised with the amount of wild game I saw on the stubbles. But some of it was very young, maybe too young to survive now all the cover has been removed. Saw a pair of english with 6 chicks about 2 weeks old, still had stripey heads. Then six adult redlegs parenting 6 poults of about five weeks old, then encountered a hen pheasant with a handful of two week old chicks. All the game was sat tight under hedgerows. Also saw a covey of partridge flying with about 8 young the size of tennis balls with wings. My mate visits the farm much more often than myself and he has seen good numbers of well grown young including a big covey of english partridge, so hopefully it will be a bumper year.

Edited by scolopax
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That is pretty late yep; most likely due to predation of their first nests earlier in spring and therefore these are from their second broods. I counted 9 broods of pheasants and 3 broods of partridges on my 750 acre shoot before i released my poults. One brood of 15, yes 15 RLP's that are now around 13 weeks old.


Keep ontop of the predators and when feeding those poults dont forget the wild broods too.



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