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About mikehutt

  • Birthday 27/05/1960

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  • Interests
    shooting bikes (italian) food and beer !

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  1. Hi i am in mid kent I have 340 grams of Lovex DO32 left out of a 500g bottle £25 ( pistol/revolver powder ) 370 grams Hodgdon Hi-Skor 800x left in a 454g bottle £25 ( small arms and heavy load shot cartridges) will need to see a licence collect only for obvious reasons !
  2. I understand they were often made with various heads using the std trenching tool handle and whatever lump of metal could be made to fit
  3. high quality replica trench mace cast iron head . suit re-enactor, museum, collector or a priest for very large bunnies ! £49 inc uk post
  4. Now all sold thanks to you all .
  5. sorry not looked at messages for a bit i will send tomorrow Mike
  6. only got martini henry and snider cartridges left now ..................
  7. sorry just beaten to it , pending now i will let you know if it does not pan out mike
  8. Various brass and a hand loading press all excess to my requirements now going online but club first . Lee Hand loading press with ram primer, lube and instructions , good it you only do a little reloading £45 inc post (Sold pending ) Just over 100 .45/70 cartridges unprimed good clean condition various brands .50p each free post on 20+ ( 50 sold 50 left ) 10x .577/450 Martini Henry cartridges unprimed good cond £35 inc post 10 x Snider .577 cartridges some Jamison some unbranded unprimed good cond £35 inc post
  9. can i have it please pm sent
  10. Thanks had a blank day forgot they were hazmat will remove delivery
  11. I have 4000 12g plastic shells primed 69mm long far more than i will ever load . £5 per 100 need to be collected mid kent so cost 100= £5 200= £10 500=£25 1000= £50
  12. Now available again as speaky53 has dropped out
  13. In Mid Kent Beeman 1358 shooting today at approx 10.5 ftlbs scope. 1x10 shot magazine and can thow in a soft case £200 collected mid-kent
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