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  1. Hi which part of the country are you how is it choked Whats the length of pull please
  2. But remember this will pass and a new life awaits you Best of luck.
  3. SX3

    Thank you \, 

    I take it you are not far away from me I am at CW1 post code?

    It looks like the standard multichoke game gun is there any history with the gun how old and level of use.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TATE1


      i am free this weekend,  And in the evenings this week from 4 pm onwards.

    3. SX3



      Its pay day on Friday so I will be intouch with when I can come over. In the mean time if some one comes over please do sell. 

      Regards Phil 

    4. TATE1



      Are you still interested in the LANBER shotgun.



  4. SX3

    Hi can you send pictures of the Lanber to laep65@live.co.uk 

    I am just up the road and can collect.


    Which model is it please



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TATE1
    3. TATE1
    4. SX3


      Thank you \, 

      I take it you are not far away from me I am at CW1 post code?

      It looks like the standard multichoke game gun is there any history with the gun how old and level of use.



  5. And he is a gentleman to do business with
  6. Hi are you about tomorrow day time ? I am interested in the Franchi and or the yeoman. 

    Cheers Phil 

  7. Hi I am interested in the Lamber but its a bit to far for me do you ever come to the west I am in Crewe
  8. Hi how much are you thinking for your SX3 please

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