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  1. Thanks everyone for the help. In then end I blew my budget and got an arrieta viscount (£200 cashback until end of Jan 2012). It just fit so perfectly and felt great I had to have it so I traded my silver pigeon. It is also very nice to look at with colour case hardening
  2. Also have gsp. Had more experience of labs. They are completely different all I will say is I thought I knew what I was getting into. I was wrong but I learned a lot from weekend pointer training at Laochin Gundogs. Wasn't that expensive and wish had gone when dog was younger. That said she is awesome pet and fantastic hunter. But as a Gundog you have to ask your self can you work that dog and how much time can you spend with it. They are clingy and can throw tantrums. I love my dog but in retrospect I should have done more research. My shoot had all old dogs and the thought was they have stamina to do the work of 4 dogs. She does but can do it in 30 mins. That said she is smartest and most loveable pet and really adopted her pack. So now we all follow the pointer rather than driven shoot and actually for a small group of amateurs an extended dog walk with warning of game is good fun. I could never use her on a guest day. I never get an invite back as we'd either clear their ground or I'd be forever holding her on the leash
  3. like the sound of these merkels http://www.cheshiregunroom.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=6245&zenid=9tlcv6kj1i5h6lh05vnjtq5863 anyone seen/tried/costed one?
  4. Don't really want another beretta but £1500 for new gun at the topmost. £1500 for second hand I could not risk it.
  5. Thanks for all the new options. I'm emailed sportsmanguncenter to see if they getting more in but they are discounting the remaining fausti's quite heavily so i doubt it.
  6. £1500 or so. Nuts that Fausti is not on sportsman anymore just the o/u ones called windsors.
  7. Yeah famous maker from their didn't make the grade parts bin
  8. Yeah stock altering only works a little bit if you add it on the butt. Extend to much and geometry all messed up. Better longer and shallower angle from the start. Miroku stopped doing one. There used to me a model 500 but browning weight made it unpopular I think. yildiz has the plastic painted over wood grain which is nasty looking. Lincoln don't make em, Fausti and Gamba ..didn't know about them can't see any uk stockist though?
  9. Any chance of some pictures of Yeoman? What sort of condition is it in?

  10. I am looking for a sidebyside for rough/walked up shooting. I'd like boxlock 12g fixed 1/2,3/4 chokes and oiled pow/half pistol grip would be perfect but I don't want to spend load on it or have a heavy gun. aya 4/53 seems good but expensive new would have to trade silver pigeon to consider it. I was thinking Ugartechea http://www.guntrader.co.uk/GunsForSale/051122173503001 anyone had one? tried one? (the wood on this one looks like it wants to split with that two tone line running down it) I know someone will say good deals second hand but older guns mean shorter stock and which is a problem. Baikal are good but heavy and new ones are all multichoke and full pistol which i don't want on sbs. So have I left any stone unturned? Is there some small gunmaker out the that I have overlooked or is SBS just a thing of the past.
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