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Posts posted by Maiden22

  1. I don't want to hijack your thread Henry (please delete this if it's inappropriate) but does anyone know why willow is used for cricket bats? Does it have some quality that makes it especially suitable, or is it just tradition?



  2. Almost as good as a guy went to Australia.


    Upon arrival he was questioned at passport control:


    "Do you have any convictions, sir?"


    To which he replied,


    "No sorry, I wasn't aware one still needed them to get in!!"


    Oscar Wilde :blink: .

  3. Lord Seagrave, if you're a fan of mild, stay off the Bank's (not sure if it's widely available outside the Black Country anyway). Very popular up Wolverhampton way, despite the fact that it tastes and looks like week-old dishwater.



  4. theakstons old peculier , foxes *** ,bushmills black lable , and famous grouse the 12 year old one

    and cockburns port


    My Mum's favourite is Famous Grouse :hmm: . Fail-safe cure for colds: very weak Earl Grey tea, spoon of honey, slice of lemon, spoon or two of Famous Grouse. Far better than that lemon sherbert max strength rubbish, on your feet in no time :blink: .



  5. Well off to Epsom on Saturday for the yearly visit to the Derby.


    £40 for coach there and back all food and beer all day!!


    Anyone on here have any tips for the day or any general interest?


    Personally I think Casual Conquest will be the one to beat, but I fancy an e/w on Rio del la plata too!


    Lets have em fellas :blink:




    This is the best tip you'll ever get. Absolutely no way you can lose...



















    Don't gamble! :hmm:



  6. If I could only drink one thing for the rest of my life, it would be tea (Earl Grey preferably), but anything would do, even the sfuff that the monkeys interfere with.


    Booze wise:


    1. The kind of cheap red wine that you get in a jug when you order a "mezzo rosso" in a Neapolitan restaurant. It's always different but always tastes the same.

    2. For a real treat (white), Batard-Montrachet, or Condrieu. Condrieu reminds me of raw eggs and petrol, but it's wonderful. Favourite red is Chateau Beychevelle.

    3. Brandy and Soda.

    4. Guiness if I'm eating in a pub. Best with a pie or a Sunday roast.

    5. Strega or Limoncello.

    6. A nice Campari Soda (half and half, slice of orange).

    7. The Macallan. I don't know if it's correct or not, but I like it with a little water.


    I'm not keen on fizzy p*** generally, but like a few others if it's a hot day I quite enjoy a Super Bock or Sagres, or a Peroni will do at a pinch.


    This is going to sound like sacrilege to some of you, but I can't get on with all the "Old Monk's Rancid Scrotum" Real Ales.



  7. :P Well, punk? go ahead....tell me the answer!!! :hmm:


    I'm feeling lucky...


    Off the top of my head I think that there are a number of collective nouns that apply to hares. These include drove, down, husk, leash and trace. You will also find a group of hares referred to as a leap, a trip and a husk.


    Those are the only ones I can think of now. I might be able to find more when I google it... :yes::lol: .




    Edit: D'oh! Too slow with my one-finger typing.

  8. Many Republicans I know say they will not vote at the next presidential elections, rather than vote for McCain.

    They are very disappointed with the choice of an old man (albeit a brave man with an exemplary war record) as candidate.

    With the strong possibility of reclaiming the White House, I bet the Hilary supporting Democrats will vote Obama, rather than have a republican President.


    Only time will tell.



    We'll have to have a friendly wager Cranners, once the Dem VP is sorted :lol: I notice Obama has formed a "comit-eeeee" to pick the VP. Obviously a man who can make decisions by himself :yes::hmm: It doesn't look good for Hillary that Whatshername Kennedy is on it though.


    I'll join you in that bet John. Cranfield, after Bush the Democrats shouldn't need to campaign - they ought to be able to just send a kid to pick up the keys to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. He's loathed by Democrats, and he's not much more popular with the Republican base. But I think that they've picked two terrible candidates that a lot of people simply won't vote for. I don't think it's got anything (or at least, not much) to do with race or sex either. As you say, though, only time will tell.


    Anyway Cranners, I'll have a fiver on McCain if you're up for it :P .



  9. Mungler,


    I've never done a course, but I helped my Mum butcher our pigs (going back a few years now though). She hasn't got any training, but she new exactly what to do - my Dad was the same. I think that when they were growing up most people kept animals of one kind or another, so I suppose people learnt how to prepare them. . I couldn't make head nor tail of it (if you'll pardon the expression) - I just did the slicing and sawing, she was just pointing, "Cut that like that" and so on. I think you're right - knowing how is the real skill.


    I wouldn't recommend it - chopping up two pigs in your kitchen is bloody hard work (pretty unpleasant too). They did taste good though.



  10. Platoon, Kelly's Heroes, American History X, Heat, Good Will Hunting, Jaws, Star Wars and I feel guilty putting it for some reason but Lethal Weapon.[/quote]



    Maybe because "You're gettin' too ol fuh this ****." Tee Hee :yes:



  11. Thanks for the info Peter.


    Thanks for you feedback guys.


    Bit of a shame about Highlanders attitude but understandable. Being new to shooting its the same old story of how do you get in to the sport when you dont know anyone else that's in to shooting. I have done a full day coaching course, attended a gun handling/safely course and had several private lessons. I have also taken another members advice and purchased a book titled "the art of good shooting" - it was a good read. We all had to start somewhere and I suspect I have done more towards being competent before buying a shotgun, that most other beginners have.


    During coaching lessons, there are only so many questions you can ask before you come across like a bit of ****. Hence the reason why I use this forum to learn for others. I did purchase the 7 1/2's for clays but just want to get out there and get some experience. I have picked up a box of 6's and will give them a go - if nothing else, to learn from.


    Good choice, 6's should do the trick for most flying things within 40 yds - assuming the barrels are pointing in the right direction of course.



  12. What really annoys me is that no one asked in court if the scaffold was even tagged?


    I wonder if the sling had its weekly inspection and was entered on the approriate register?


    And was his leather overalls were CE marked to a Britiash standard?


    I get ******** everyday by this sort of stuff and I don't see why anyone else should get away with it


    :yes::P ***** :hmm::lol:



  13. A bit to rough round the edges for me!




    although look at the presenters they have in france!!!!



    noted the only other good thing to come out of france was food & drink!


    So lets recap - good women, good food, good booze. To be fair to them, that's not bad.



  14. I'd vote for McCain :yes: I don't like the Democrats anymore. They won't win unless it's an Obama Clinton ticket. Here's hoping Hillary will vent by sabotaging Obama and not endorsing him. I've been following it, he's very snobbish.


    Racist as well in my opinion John, not to mention that pastor of his! As for his wife, with all that "For the first time I'm proud of my country" rubbish, God only knows what she'll be like if she gets to the White House.


    He makes soothing noises, but looking at him I would say that he's the most left-wing candidiate that they've ever put up for the Presidency.



  15. I like a lot of the Coen brothers movies and if Casablanca is to your liking then I think you`d like "The Man Who Wasn`t There" >>IMDB link<<


    However I love for a laugh "Withnail and I" and can never make my mind up for "Best" film perhaps Fargo ? Usual Suspects ? Manhunter ?



    ......... Forbidden Planet ??


    Thanks for the tip Henry, I'll have a look at that. I've enjoyed a few of their films, but I've never seen that one.


    Got to agree on Withnail..."I must have some booze. I demand to have some booze." ..."We want the finest wines available to humanity, we want them here, and we want them now." Genius.


    I like your commedy choices Bob. Leslie Nielsen and Mel Brooks are superb. Airplane is so funny that when I watch it now I start laughing in anticipation of the gags.



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