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Posts posted by Maiden22

  1. Mrs Sweepy,


    I think that I understand why you don't want to say too much. Coming from Essex, the nature of your new venture does not take a Sherlock Holmes to uncover.


    You wish, in the manner of a modern day Florence Nightingale, to offer assistance to the degenerates from your area. In particular, Bob and the members of the Essex Mafia are in dire need of help.


    You no doubt think that shame will prevent them from coming forward to seek treatment for their vile perversions. But the first step in overcoming their problem is to admit that they have a problem.


    Simply be bold, and call the new venture "Doggers Anonymous".



  2. Probably the best mens final I have ever seen. :no::oops::hmm::)


    First one I've ever watched (can't stand sport) but I was amazed at the skill displayed by both competitors. They also seemed very civil and gracious, which makes a welcome change from the ape-like behaviour of many "sportsmen".



  3. Cant beat normal names imo , poor kids :)


    Absolutely :oops::hmm: .


    Cherrelle Laquonda Crysttalle etc etc. Do your children a favour - name them after a saint, their grandfather, King Arthur, anything other than an American rap "star", a luxury car, or your favourite tipple.


    And why oh why all these ludicrous spellings? The correct spelling has been good enough in many cases for hundreds of years. Your offspring does not merit a new one.



  4. if the guy openly addmits he rather anyone won a tournament then the "english" he just sound like yet another winging scot who's banging on about some persicution the scots suffered at the hands of the english, which he whittnessed first hand watching braveheart.....


    ROFLMFAO :good::oops::blush:



  5. I'm just polite and friendly and make it perfectly clear that I'm not interested. It takes less than a minute to get them off the phone. On the rare occassions this does not work, receiver goes down at 61 seconds.



  6. I can't stand the miserable little squit and can't for the life of me fathom why anyone who isn't Scottish cares what he does. He made his sentiments about the English perfectly clear, regardless of whatever back-pedalling he then engaged in to avert a PR disaster.


    These kind of cheap "anyone but the English" jibes are a disgrace (particularly in view of the massive subsidies paid to support Scotland) and would be considered racist if uttered against any other nation, with the possible exceptions of America and Israel. I for one am very pleased that Nadal won so convincingly and with such flair.


    As for our pampered and deluded sports "stars", they seem to me to be as useless as most things British these days. The only things in Britain that seem to work properly are the Armed Forces, despite the best efforts of successive governments to destroy them.


    Nice to have a little rant so early in the day. Thanks Cranners.



  7. What happens if you add a few: :good:


    Gran Tourino - Starsky and Hutch


    Capri 3.0s - The Professionals


    Aston DB5 - Bond


    Pontiac Firebird - Rockford files


    Trans Am - Smokey and the bandit


    KITT - The Hoff


    Makes it a little harder to choose!!


    Trans Am :good:



  8. DF, you've definitely got the right picture for your avatar <_< . When was it taken?


    Welcome back. As Mung says, stick around - all in all, this seems to be a pretty good forum, and it's a shame to let little gripes get in the way.



  9. Shut up you tarts.


    It's probably the best bit of viewing at the moment :lol::lol::lol:








    Please tell us you've banged your head and you're not thinking straight? :oops:



    Muteley I have banged my head HARD to many times to count but I do enjoy watching fraggles losing it :yes:











  10. I've been watching the "Commission" programmes - Jesus Christ Almighty. What a bunch of utter and total chumps. Cherie Blair in particular.


    Her reaction to the very impressive Ray Lewis was disgraceful - virtually the only person with anything worthwhile to say, and certainly the only one who had achieved anything of practical value, he was treated abysmally. It was abundantly clear that anything that didn't fit it with the "Commission's" absurd politically correct prejudices was to be dismissed out of hand.



  11. If we carnt have a laugh on the forum and it all has to be serious then i for one will go . I agree that some posts should not be hi jacked and kept for serious replys . I like others on the forum who are experianced field sports men will gladly give advice to novices and the not so experianced . There are members who it would seem are in urgent need of a humour transplant and find it difficult to laugh at some of the really funny quips that come out in the posts . For these people i would say read the posts and try and laugh ,if you dont understand the humour just ask . There are some very witty funny people on this great forum and i personally find it hillarious at times and am always calling my wife in to have a read and she is allways saying what a crazy funny lot you are . God am i glad that she has a good sense of humour . Also some of the posts are posted purely to start the wits going and to have a laugh .I have to plead guilty to this but i wont apologize for it . I think the bottom line is if you dont like humour dont read the funny posts . Harnser .


    Good post Harnser.



  12. We all know it will never happen over here, the country doesn't have the stomach for it right or wrong. Our judicial system as it stands is a shambles :)


    What about sending all the the fit criminals between the ages of 21-40 up to suffolk and serve out there sentances during hard labour painting my shed?


    All of them? Must be a big shed. Are you sure it's not a Brick-Built Workshop?



  13. All the people who think they have the right to decide who lives and dies should turn up at your police station tomorrow and thell them you have a pile of guns and think that some people deserve to die, and furthermore you know who they are. See if they let you back out the door.


    I have the right to life, and you aint going to take that away. Which is exactly what you would do if you brought back the death penalty.


    And dont get all angry at me, the worst my argument does is to keep your right to stay alive - yours gives the governement the right to kill me, and my family, and yours, and any one else they decide.


    We have few liberties left, the only ones we have guaranteed is the liberty to think and to be alive.


    Human life is paramount. PARAMOUNT!


    I can't belive that people complain more about having their police restrict what they can shoot than losing the right to be alive.


    A right is only a right if it is defended, merely declaring that someone has certain rights does not guarantee them. Capital punishment after due process is part of that defence.


    You are much more likely to lose your right to life in Britain today than you were when we had capital punishment. Your argument does put people in danger - innocent people. It protects the wicked and dangerous.


    As the for the police station - I have said that above all I value the rule of law.




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