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Posts posted by Maiden22

  1. Harnser, I will humour you and accept your ludicrous protestations that you are not a lifelong devotee of this particular perversion :cool1::yahoo::lol: .


    However, a full definition of dogging would not be suitable for a family forum such as this. I believe that the internet is rich with dogging resources (I mean, ahem, I think, don't know of course, never looked, wouldn't be interested in that sort of thing).


    Failing that, PM the Essex Mafia for a full explanation and a possible invite to their next outing :lol::yahoo::good::lol::hmm::lol::P .



  2. Martin, I too have been the victim of an ear infection, and yes it is bloody awful. Ignore the hard-hearted so-called tough guys above, and whimper to your heart's content.


    However, you may be cheered up by my little story, which serves to remind us that it could always be worse. I came down with an ear infection many years ago in Portugal. This was back when the hospitals resembled the ones in Gaza that you sometimes see on the news after an Israeli strike against Hamas.


    At the filthy and decrepit hospital I was seen by an equally filthy and decrepit doctor, who was intoxicated to the most astonishing degree, given that it was not yet noon. The consultation that followed was rich in comedy value but I confess it afforded me little comfort.


    We obtained the recommended medication, and I was instantly struck by the shape and huge size of the "tablets" - they most resembled small (but not that small) torpedoes. It was only when I returned to our villa that I discovered that the Portuguese treat ear infections with rectal suppositories :good: .


    I have never been able to understand the logic of curing an ear problem by pushing things up your ****.



  3. please explain dogging in....


    Dogging In is far more common in Essex. It is of course where dogging takes place under cover (usually in the back of a transit van). Essex dogging purists are horrified at the growing popularity of Dogging In, as they maintain that the only proper place for dogging is on the bonnet of an XR3i.


    Interestingly, dogging is almost unknown in my part of the country (Doncaster). I beleive that Donny ladies think it prudish - they prefer alleys, nightclub lavatories, and the open spaces of the local market, where a sizeable audience can be had on any Friday or Saturday night, and where the delicate scents of vomit and Blue WKD create a suitably romantic atmosphere.



  4. Maybe it's the t'interweb version of "dogging"


    I now feel dirty and used. To think that there are people who get a kick from seeing "the Mafia" wearing the cap... :lol::lol:


    Whats dogging LV ? Harnser .


    Come off it Harnser, we all know that dogging is the Number 1 pastime in Norfolk. Closely followed by shedding :good::P:hmm: .




    Do you think this is real? its gotta be near impossible to get two deer in one shot.


    And you read most of the coments on their?



    No it's not, I shot two muntjac with one bullet two years ago, the first bullet broke up in the chest, a piece of jacket came out and into the heart of the second one, both were dead when I reached them. Bullets frequently go straight through deer.



    im sorry i don't want to burst your bubble but i think it was stupid puting that up on here. in fact i think it was stupid taking the shot when there was another muntjac in the possible killing area of the aimed deer. i am no expert but even i would not have take the shot.

    So, the PW police are employing 16 year old children who do not even own guns to monitor experienced deer stalkers now? I would have thought that over 30 years of deerstalking may have given me a vague idea of what is and what is not a shot, but obviously not. Anybody know where I can get a bubble repair kit?


    You are correct highseas, I did not know that there were two deer untill I went to pick them up, whether this will be a good enough defence against the all seeing, all knowing PW police remains to be seen.......and of course in the future, I will not even take a shot at a pigeon if there is another one in the"possible killing area". Computer games have a lot to answer for.


    B) :no:



  6. I would try it. Might be fun, different style of shooting and so on. Would want targets a bit further away than in those videos though - if you missed the shot you could just kick them over.


    Are there any clubs near / in South Yorkshire?



  7. This kind of naive rubbish drives me mad. Thanks to global capitalism, the developing world is working its way out of poverty at an astonishing rate. It is far from perfect, but the last thing countries like India need is do-gooder western liberals and their childish ideas.


    Martin, do us a favour - load up "Socky" and head down to the Panorama studios.



  8. Done loads of times on here, but I'm a member:


    1. Insurance.

    2. Support shooting, large and experienced organisation. Maybe not perfect, but probably better than any of the other organisations in this respect.

    3. Never needed help/advice, but you never know so just in case.



  9. I've no idea to be honest, although it would seem odd if we were the only intelligent life in the universe. Mind you, they'd need a bloody good spaceship to get to our galaxy, and what with the price of deisel these days, I doubt they'd bother.



  10. No problem, Alastair can bung it on the credit card. According to his unspeakably dull Mansion House stand-up routine, the Government's in a great position to borrow to fund public "investment". Sure this comes under that category.



  11. Worst possible solution is to get the council in. We had them round to remove a nest, duly turned up with protective gear, long thin pipes etc, and we were relieved of £45. Wasps currently thriving.



  12. Sorry to hear about this. It's maddening but sadly crime does pay in this country. The chance of these toerags being caught is tiny,and the punishment if they are is likely to be risable.



  13. My mate and his wife where out shopping when he spotted some sausages with picture of A W T on the label

    looking at the ingredients and instructions it said ***** with a fork.

    his missus said now thats what \I call appropriate. :unsure:


    Gordon Ramsey must have written those :angry: .



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