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Posts posted by Maiden22

  1. Martin, you have PM. They have told me that they want you to start again. The thread is on the other site if you want to see what they said. Some unfriendly comments from self-appointed technology experts, but there you go.



  2. This is ridiculous. Lavatories can't face Mecca? There are loads of lavatories actually in Mecca. Or at least here ought to be, what with all those old ladies in there - a lot of weak bladders, not to mention the excitement if they win.




    Edit: Dammit Duncan, you beat me to it :good: .

  3. I'd let people use what they want - if you prefer 28g, then so be it.


    Personally, I use 24g mostly, and I haven't noticed any clays failing to break because of a lack of lead. Because of the muppet at the wooden end pointing the tubes 6ft behind the clay, yes, but because of a lack of lead, definitely no.




    Don't you think it's rather silly to point the gun - sorry, clay target breaker, 6ft behind the clay? :good:


    I recommend you have a course of 500 lessons with a fully certifiable instructor :lol:


    I do indeed Chard.


    Your advice seems sound. Can you recommend an organisation that provides certifiable instructors?


    By the way, I'm very disturbed by your post. Your use of the term "Clay Target Breaker" is deeply worrying. Not very PC is it? By using the word "target", it suggests that you are deliberately trying to shoot clays. The word "breaker" suggests that you want to do these clays actual harm.


    Either way, you're clearly a violent psychopath that gives responsible shooters a bad name and should have your guns seized soonest :blink: .



  4. The RSPCA is not a charity concerned with rescuing and protecting vulnerable animals. It is an increasing extreme left-wing animal rights organisation. Nobody should be surprised by this. Anybody that donates out of a concern for animal welfare is either a fool or being duped.


    Can anyone remember (or have a guess) what their stance was on hunting?



  5. Congratulations. The driving test is one of those things that seem such a big hurdle before you get over it.


    Very true, and then once you've done it it's surprising how quickly driving becomes instinctive. Very nerve-wracking at the time however.


    Anyway, congratulations old boy :good: .



  6. Going over to Park Lodge to miss a few after lunch tomorrow (nice place next to a river, one of thos Vintage Inn things). When I've been to the ground before on Sunday afternoon it's been fairly quiet, don't like it so much when it's busy - very noisy :rolleyes: .



  7. Definitive testing of shot fall out distances was carried out in testing by the CPSA to support their safety recommendations. This was an independent test done under scientific conditions and there is a published paper on it. ie, the quality of the information would stand up in court.


    The results were that shot sizes 7-9 all fell at around 200m in still weather at 24 degrees. It made little difference what load ( 24g / 28g / 32g ) or gauge or choke was used, all fall outs where 200m +/- 10m at most. Shot size 6, how-ever, has more inertia and traveled up to another 20m or so.


    Windage could add significantly to the drift, and up to an extra 50m was observed with back wind.


    The CPSA's recommended minimum safety distance of 275m in all directions of fire was therefore supported by the findings.


    The CPSA will only allow grounds to join if they have 275m of safety when all shot sizes 6 - 9 are allowed. ( there is a special dispensation scheme for certain grounds to restrict shot to 8 and 9 only, and have 250m, but this is by application and agreement following inspection).


    Loads heavier than 6 will travel further, there are ballistic programs this can be simulated on ( the CPSA did not test game loads) , and another 10m for each shot size down would be a good estimate.


    Jerry Parks Young

    CPSA Senior Safety Officer


    That souds pretty definitive. Harnser, looks like you were right to begin with.



  8. I paid £50 or £55 a few months ago, plus clays. Took my own cartridges. I ended up having three lessons in total.


    Each lesson was supposed to last an hour, but we over-ran by a long way every time. Overall, I was very impressed and thought that it was well worth it.


    If you're just starting out (or coming back after a long absence, as I was) I'd strongly recommend taking a few lessons. This will allow you to sort out the basics (eye dominance, gun fit, stance, mounting, etc) and getting these right will save you a lot of time and frustration.


    I don't know the ground you referred to, but I'm sure that there'll be someone on here who has shot there and can give you an opinion on it.



  9. cutting grass at a golf course sounds like a good 'in' and would give you something to do after work. Throw the gun in with you and go after the last group rounds the back nine.


    back in the states a few buddies worked summers caddying. My best mate did that for a few years at the same course. He was a good golfer himself despite being 15-18 years old at the time and is a very personable guy. He would make minimum wage from the club, but tips and gratuities would put him around $50 a round of 18 and he'd do 2-3 rounds in a day. Best part is that it was all cash, in your hand at the end of the day, that isn't taxed. Don't know if courses do that here or not, but it was a great way for him to learn the minor nuances of that course and he doesn't get beaten there.





    Not sure that this is strictly correct in the technical sense according to the IRS or HMRC :good::good::sly: .



  10. Was thinking of starting a thread surveying all pw members to see if they share my second hobby (after shedding of course ) of collecting used sandpaper . Its surprising the different swirls and patterns that form when sandpaper is used .I once found a pattern that portrayed the last supper and is one of my favourites in my extensive collection . Any body else interested . Harnser .


    Harnser, I too am passionate about sand-paper. I would be very interested to inspect your collection. The bulk of mine centres around the golden age of sandpaper (which of course as you know runs from 1932 to 1957), when the full benefits of modern papering technology were being applied, but before the old craftsmanship vanished forever.


    My own favourite piece dates back to the late 16th Century. It bears the Tudor emblem and the letters "ER". I have documentary proof that this was Good Queen Bess's own personal buttock-rubbing sheet, the very one that gave her the smooth and rosy ****-cheeks that were the envy of all the potentates of Christendom.


    Rumour has it that when she was brought the news of the approach of the Armada she was engaged in a final rub down of the Royal Sinister (from the Latin, of course, meaning left) Cheek. This took place every Thursday in the East Sanding Room at Windsor Castle. With her was Sir Francis Drake, who had just finished his member and was half-way through applying a fine sheen to his testicles.


    At the news the gallant Drake leapt up, ready to rush out to lead the fleet against the foe. Elizabeth, displaying the courage and steadiness that she was to become famous for, said to her courtier "Stay, Sir Francis, you have time to finish your balls and yet beat the Spanish!".


    As you know this story was censored and altered at the time so as to avoid a scandal, and sadly the lie has persisted whilst the truth is forgotten.


    The Spaniards as you know had no knowlegde of sand-paper at the time, and were compelled to use fire to burnish their genitalia. This is the true origin of "the singeing of the King of Spain's beard". His wife of course used neither paper nor fire, as she was completely bald around her Cadiz harbour, a fact that she disguised with a mirkin.



  11. :yay: I can only relate what happened in this area around 15 years ago. A Danish lad, who lived over here at the time, had the same idea.

    He brought over Danish shooters for pigeon shooting, and he paid local farmers for the pigeon shooting rights. The farmers took the money quite happily and kicked off all of the local lads, some of who had shot on the land all of their lives. :yes:


    The Danes, although great company in the pubs in the evenings, shot everything that flew, ran, walked, crawled, or swam. The locals who had lost their shooting, took their dogs for walks more regularly than usual, and not surprisingly, past the pigeon shooters hides. Ropes of crow-scaring bangers appeared magically overnight in strategic places, scarecrows migrated en masse, close to hides near boundaries. Carrier bags and shiny objects blew across the country-side and caught in trees on pigeon flight lines. Numerous other events that cannot be printed, to protect the guilty, also occurred regularly. :yp:


    It eventually dawned on the farmers, that when it came to the harvest and the game rearing season, that all of the lads who had helped them out in the past were far too busy to lend a hand do any pest control, ferreting, or, and this hit them the hardest, to do any beating. :good:

    After two seasons, all of the farmers, without exception, declined the money offered and went back to local shooters as previous. :hmm:


    Since then the status quo has been restored, along with the tranquility of the country-side. :yp:

    No idea where you intend obtaining your shooting, but I can guarantee that farmers in this area will not participate in the scheme. Best of luck. :good:


    You're on form today Bob. A very elegant blend of sympathy, reasonableness, sound advice, and menace :sly::lol: .



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