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Posts posted by ditchman

  1. Help !!!! got the problem the engine running away from me smoke imeem smmooookkke....think cracked piston pressurising crankcase............................QUESTION... "can i remove the pistons from the engine from underneath without dropping the crank, or do i really have the drain down the engine and remove the head " ??





  2. I posted the topic last year, like everything else if you get it right it works......i nabbed a load of D.P.M. (Viscreen) plastic sheet to you and me from a skip on a building site in the late autumn..i knew the fields i was going to shoot over that year and i knew the crops that were going to be planted, so i rolled the sheet up and stowed it in the ditch near to where i was going to set up that winter.....i watched the weather forcast (thats like pigeon shooting...very hit and miss !) until they lied about the hard frost and powder snow and that aternoon i went out with my mate and pulled the sheet over the mangolds ( sheep grub) pegged it down and went home.


    sure enough the next morning everywhere was white, so off we went back to the mangolds , set up and pulled the sheet off and chucked a rake of deeks out higgeled piggle where the sheet was which by this time was green as green amonst the surrounding countyside and it acted like a becon to the local and passing pigeons.


    If you get it right it works...but it works best when all the other feedin areas are denied to the birds.



    let us know how you get on



  3. 40 odd years ago i used to sit in a hide with a local farm worker shooting pigeons for the pot, he put out half a dozen wooden decoys with a blacksmith made flapper...he never failed to pull the birds in.

    40 years on i have managed to reproduce the flapper after several attempts...and i have used it about 8 or 9 times......i am amazed at what it does, pigeons that normally are flying "on a mission" at 2-300yds away i can turn by giving 2-4 quick tugs on the machine ..then you see the bird turn and start on a long loop around where im set up and then commit themselves to a flypast.....the most difficult part is knowing how much flapping to do and the type of movement needed to interest the bird...too much and the bird is spooked and not enough and it looses interest. The word is FIELDCRAFT.


    Question; How do you boys (and girls) view and use your flappers ?



  4. Thanks you boys for your thoughts.....next question, some people switch their magnets on when they see pigeons in the distance, others have them on intermittantly...whatever !


    the feedback ive been getting back is when the birds come in some people switch the magnets off as they say it can spook the birds when they get close, others say leave it on !

    rekon the lifelike look of the decoys are a part of this......what is your opinon.



    cheers for the feedback on the other question...like the answer about setting the magnet at an angle in high crops as it looks like a pigeon jostling about for position.....thats good fieldcraft





  5. Does the diameter of the arms if altered make a difference? the videos ive seen seem crazy 2 pigeons about 6ft apart and going round like a centrifuge! there are loads of magnets out there ..different models etc...idealy what is the best set up


    Wide arms, light polystrene deeks going slowly...or


    Short arms going round like bloody hell


    your opinion.........................................

  6. One of my old shooting buddies told me when the snow was coming he went out to a young crop and took a large piece of visquene (plastic sheet, used in the building trade) and pegged it out before the snow fell, then the next day he went back ...lifted the sheet approx 20m x 30 m and put a few deeks out (he used sawn off bits of grey plastic guttering ) and settled back in the hide and waited for the action to start !!! as everywhere was white this area stuck out like a saw thumb.

    ive shot pigeons whilst it was snowing and had good results, i think they get confused and keep on coming around and round again.............have any of you guys and gals had simalar experiences in the snowy weather and how did you set up...was it preplanned or did it just happen. :lol:


    regards ditchman

  7. Got to agree with "anser2"....i find more and more i prefer to use a 26" side by side with cylinder and 1/4 28g 7's....i get better results as it can be difficult managing a 28 or 30" barrel and moving it on to a target you have only 2 secs to pull thro on...i leave the long birds which i have pricked in the past and concentrate on the ones that flick thro from your blind side and ones that are moving quick infront....obviously there are going to be days when everything is to far out for me,




    ditchman ..(back from the dead)

  8. Here I go again,These Political Correct loonies, who as we all know have infilterated every position in Goverment , and everywere else have now popped up in Londons Southwark Cathedral, and other Christian churches,... They have banned the singing of "Jerusalam"... and another favourite, "I Vow To Thee My Country" because,as quoted by a Church spokesman it is too Nationalistic, :yes:.... These imbeciles are dismantaling all that is great about our country,The dozens of things being banned that was traditional to Great Britain mostly because " it will offend the minorities"...... Things like, children cant sing, Baa Baa Black sheep!,......many schools have banned Nativity plays at Xmas !......Sorry its called a winter festival now,... again many loony Labour councils have banned the flying of our Union Flag,..... these are just a tiny number of things banned,... Because,.." you cant do that , sing, be proud of your Country, Mate it will offend the minority".... in a few more years we will be the MINORITY" I wish these cretins passing these laws, would listen to ME, I AM BLOODY OFFENDED. ... Rant over.... (For NOW) :blush::yes:


    I think our way of life can be sumed up by the sad facts that 20 years ago "the high church" veiws were 1. Pro foxhunting & 2. Anti ******* and now they are 1. Anti hunting and 2. pro *******.


    Its all a result of small well funded minority groups (and guess where the funding comes from)...HMG grants...so actually we are funding our own downfall.

    GET RID OF "COUNTRYFILE" bring back FARMING DIARY .......i remember the day when most pheasant shoots were run on Pigeon clearance cartriges

    p.s ...GEOFF HARGREAVES.....(out of town) For PM (i wish) :yes:


    :blush: They were made by Eley, and were "Rabbit Clearance" cartridges, not "Pigeon Clearance", although they were issued to pigeon and rabbit shooting clubs, they were half-price, and I still have some in the loft. First issued around 1953, and untill 1965 if memory serves. Later issues were not stamped "Rabbit Clearance", they were normal Grand Prix. :blush:

    Do you remember that loverly smell as you open a new box of paper ely grand prix......aaaahhhhh
  9. Here I go again,These Political Correct loonies, who as we all know have infilterated every position in Goverment , and everywere else have now popped up in Londons Southwark Cathedral, and other Christian churches,... They have banned the singing of "Jerusalam"... and another favourite, "I Vow To Thee My Country" because,as quoted by a Church spokesman it is too Nationalistic, :blush:.... These imbeciles are dismantaling all that is great about our country,The dozens of things being banned that was traditional to Great Britain mostly because " it will offend the minorities"...... Things like, children cant sing, Baa Baa Black sheep!,......many schools have banned Nativity plays at Xmas !......Sorry its called a winter festival now,... again many loony Labour councils have banned the flying of our Union Flag,..... these are just a tiny number of things banned,... Because,.." you cant do that , sing, be proud of your Country, Mate it will offend the minority".... in a few more years we will be the MINORITY" I wish these cretins passing these laws, would listen to ME, I AM BLOODY OFFENDED. ... Rant over.... (For NOW) :rolleyes::blush:


    I think our way of life can be sumed up by the sad facts that 20 years ago "the high church" veiws were 1. Pro foxhunting & 2. Anti ******* and now they are 1. Anti hunting and 2. pro *******.


    Its all a result of small well funded minority groups (and guess where the funding comes from)...HMG grants...so actually we are funding our own downfall.



    GET RID OF "COUNTRYFILE" bring back FARMING DIARY .......i remember the day when most pheasant shoots were run on Pigeon clearance cartriges





    p.s ...GEOFF HARGREAVES.....(out of town) For PM (i wish) :blush:

  10. Yeh could be right there ! temted to go for oil

    Cheers !


    Just to make things really complecated, on one of my s/s i stripped of the yucky varnish and found "tiger stripes" in the wood on the butt, so i carefully burnt the stock to bring them out using a blow lamp and alchohol, then oiled it, it came out a treat....but as i said before the wood on the forstock where it butts up to the action is very thin so you must think carefully about what you are going to do with that, have a word with your gunsmith for some "rubbing oil" it takes a long time to rub it in as it needs the warmth of your hands, this can be done infrount of the TV over several nights ....but woow what a finish it will give you.

  11. Hi all

    Just got me a new semi, the woodwork is bare, I have just stained it all and can`t decide wether to wax polish or oil.

    Any advice on the pro`s and cons of either would be apreciated.

    Cheers !


    cant give you any advice but as my auto has taken on so many deep scratches im going to strip the woodwork back and stain it and WAX it. All my side-by-sides are oiled but as the forestock wood is so thin im worried that if i alter the moisture content by oiling it ...it might change shape because it is so thin, hence my choice to stain it then wax it to keep the moisture out....i also need to stain it as the forestock is a differant shade from the butt.....


    comment anyone ?


    ditchman ;)

  12. I use a pull string flapper all the time, would not go shooting without it. However, the flapper does not represent a bird flapping in distress, it mimics the feeding flaps of pigeon as they try to get to the front of the feeding queue. Pigeon etiquette dictates that they join at the back of the queue, and advance on the floor.


    Webber is correct the mirror ball is illegal.




    The ball was used 20 odd years ago hasnt used it since...the guttering is still used tho........what about if i set up a pull string flapper with a dead bird on it at a angle in a rut away from the decoy pattern and then activate it like a bird that has gone down from a shot away fromthe deeks ? :hmm:

  13. From time to time it is unfortunate that before you can retrieve and dispatch it, a pricked bird will flap and show distress, unlike a flapper which tries to copy a feeding or landing bird, pigeons generally and corvids usually show an unhealthy interest in this. Has any one made or used a pull string flapper to emulate a bird in distress and have they had any success.


    A friend of mine has used with particular success a rotating mirror glass disco ball amongst 20-30 offcuts of grey guttering, this has worked too..............................................your comments

  14. It can be difficult to stay calm, but I pick the nearest birds and wait until one lands and then shoot the next one dropping in and then the landed one as its taking off.

    If you take the early birds, you can often keep the flock milling around for a while, which gives you a chance to reload.

    By waiting too long you get the, "the next one will be better", "that ones better than this one", etc., nadgers.

    Ending up either not getting a shot, or missing everything.


    It is fun though. ???




    EXCACTLY :lol:

  15. just wondering...



    I do a comprimise....set up 2 cammo blinds in a "Vee" shape with a small gap in the front....then throw another bit of cammo over the top of the front of the "V" ....this gives you cover for you dog and all you **** and you can duck beneath it when high birds come in....the gap at the frount is to let the dogs out..............other scumbags tell me it is so i can shoot prone position when the birds have settled in amongst the decoys.....i hope you are reading this Adrian ? :lol:

  16. Still hitting the rape hard here in Norfolk , bags of 54, 68, 53, 130, 12 and 54 all off different rape fields over the last week. As I drove home tonight I saw 100s comming off rape fields and heading for the woods so i guess its out again in the morning. Some of my local farmers are pulling their hair out got gas guns \ flags\wind blades and banger strings out , but the pigeons pay little attention to them. One farmer gave me a case of shells on the way home as he reconises that shooting is the only way to scare them off the fields for at least a few days. A few birds also feeding on chick weed in winter wheat , but 90% on rape.



    Yes me ole mate, dus right boy, pigs still on rape but have started to notice small groups of them picking on young clover in paddocks


    keep you on a troshing bu


    us norfolk boys lead the field



  17. Im 18, and havnt been shooting for that long.


    I go out pigeon shooting with my Dad, i own a semi-auto n he has an o/u. He's even newer to the sport than me!


    We've done abit of clay shooting before, and have had a lesson with clays. I found that I was hitting the clays almost every time by the time the lesson had finished, and thought that id be alright at pigeon and crow shooting.


    How wrong i was!


    The last few times we've been out pigeon shooting, me and my dad have struggled to hit any birds at all. But when it comes to clays we're ok.


    Does anyone else have this problem? Im not sure what im doing wrong, i dont know if im rushing or if im not giving the birds enough lead etc. But we really have missed some absolute sitters and its really frustrating going home empty handed.


    Any advice would be greatly appriciated.


    Cheers. :good:



    Dont worry about it too much, clays are great to get you swinging and pulling through....pigeons are probaly the most difficult quarry.........i rekon i am a very tasty shot, i reguly shoot straights without the option on skeet.....set up last year on the end of a headland as the birds were coming in and gliding over the stubble infront of me at 25-30 yards...had 25 shots didnt hit a damn thing just for some reason couldnt connect...skulced off home didnt dare tell anyone !!


    One of my biggest problems is when im pigeon shooting i keep on forgetting to put my cheek onto the stock.....dont have that problem with clays as it is repetertive and you get into a rythmn...but pigeons are differant thats why they are habitforming.


    Just remember one thing if you pull the trigger behind a bird you will miss everytime if you shoot infront you have a chance....the rest is just experience



    have fun



  18. Alryt thought id write to see if any one else has had the same problem as i have and if they have got any ideas of how to get bigger bags. I have land which i have shooting rights on which grow quiet a bit of rape, i check the fields regularly and theres always about 500 + birds on one of the fields in the area which i shoot but i try decoying them and they just dont want to no they are in big flocks so they dont come back in after the first bang so after a few hours you end up with like 2 or 3.


    Me and my shooting buddy have the same problem, have given up setting up on fields of rape covered with pigeons, too often we get suckered...BANG BANG BANG...its all over.


    we went on the Multi Map and downloaded saterlite photos on a scale of 1;5000, peiced them all together and made a large map of the area, then everytime we went out we would record where we saw the pigeons and wich way we saw them flying......over a period of time you build up a flight plan of the whole area and district you shoot on...flights do change as to food availability but a pattern does emerge eventually.......we walk the birds off the feeding areas then set up on one of the regular flight lines...the decoys dont really pull the birds in but they do tend to pull the birds down from height, enough to pull through on them.


    Making the map and filling it in is a lot of fun and it gives you more of an understanding as to why birds use certain areas to fly in, and it is surprising to watch as a pattern emerges



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