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Posts posted by ditchman

  1. Ok I'm planning a shed in my garden . Timber separate building from house. Height 2.7m width 2.4m length 6m.

    Not by roads and in large garden 1/4acre of a 4 bed bungalow.

    Do I need planning permission ???

    Cheers Will





    ive been down this route, and as simple as it seems, it aint simple....everything is governing by a massive 3 volumn bible called the "town and country planning act"...you can do anything you like as long as you adhere to that.....thats what i thought anyway !, i had my architet advise me and it went on the percentage area of your plot....ie: do what you like as long as it dosnt exceed a certain percentage and it dosnt have foundations.......so i put all the uprights in aaaaannnnddd, yup the planning office were around and said it was ileagal, and i had to stop, so i stopped for a day as i had to put 8 dogs and my shed stuff somewhere and continued to build, got more visits and snotty threatning letters, but i got bloody minded as up the road ( this is a triple sssi area !) was an old couple who had 7 B&Q sheds in the garden to store stuff from the church charity stall !!!!.....i pointed this out and i got a letter back saying i could apply for "retrospective planning permission " so i coughed up £163 and got my permission.....if i had been a banker with loads of dough i would have gone to court and contested it, but if you win costs are never awarded against the planning dept you have to foot the costs............


    My advice is see what other people have in the area....if you go and see the local planning dept, do not accept what they say is cast in stone, it is far easier for them to say no.......what it all boils down to is Height-area-no concrete foundation-and what the area around you is like ....when you get an agreement get it in writing


    let us know how it goes

  2. Why is it, in areas where birds are feeding, on rape fields one will be untouched by any pigeons yet the one next to it will be mullered ?


    i think i read somewhere (dont know whether its true or not) is that a different strain of rape is the answer, one is a high yield and palatable to birds and the other is a lower yield and unpalatable,


    is there any truth in this



  3. Sounds really good, try using Hickory sawdust and damp it down and put it on a steel plate ontop of the coals, does nicely for mackrel and trout, havnt tried it on meat, but my mate has tried it on sauseges ( good ones ) and the were to die for, also served the bangers up in a sweet and sour stiky sauce made from plum jam, worster sauce, tomatoe puree, onion, vineagar




  4. I think alot comes down to personal preference :good:





    yer right there, if you have a good day with certain chokes whatever they are then stick with them...its like been given the best gun in the world ...if you dont like it you wont get on with it...

  5. I think rotaries on the right day, when the pigeons are single minded and mullering a crop. are the right tool, they will bring birds in quicker than you can shoot them ! not that i have ever been in that position......most of us have to make do with the few pigeons we have crossing our shooting areas and i believe a well set area of decoys with a flapper and a floater, will make the best of what comes along, most of the PW boys have both, the more you shoot an area the more you get to know which works an what dont work !

    Keep an eye on PW and see what the other boys and gals are using in your area........

  6. Im really sorry that your dog has been injured, we all put so much trust in our dogs and are influenced by trials and shooting mags about jumping dogs, have never taught my dogs to jump, as i was with a friend many years ago and his dog got a back leg twizzled up in a plain strand fence, the dog made a noise that would break your heart, thankfully she was alright, and he had a leatherman with wire snips on it and released her nice and quick........i always carry a multi tool when i have dogs with me and superglue to glue cuts up and a small 1st aid kit, its in a old tobacco tin and i have never used it but its always there in the bottom of the game bag.......

  7. Likely it was, he got around quite a lot from some of the shooting I see at public shooting grounds. On the other hand or limb as it may be, sometimes I think my barrels are all made by the chimp. Suppose he can run a button press as well??




    seen chimps push a stick down a hole........not far to go to operate a button press !!!

  8. My oldest son has started his first job on a building site,there is a man he works with seems to be enjoying making little of him and getting a laugh at his expense..Really feel for him cause its really getting to him and hes talking about leaving,theres not much out there and jobs are hard to come by..Worried that if I step in it will make it worse.. Any ideas on what I should tell him to do.........



    These people are a fact of life, i spent a long time in my earlier years thinking that fists would sort these problems out, bullies i learnt as you get older are usually hiding underneath their hard exterior some sort of social problem, so they hide it by doing the neanadtal macho thing, i think the worst thing you can do is to interveen on his behalf....tell your son to do something totally out of character, like when he is in the tea hut ask the bully if he wants a cuppa,something that is meaning less and not cowing down to him, get him to ask the foreman to put him with him working, i will garantee that once they are on their own it will stop and by the end of the week they will be workmates.....let us know what happens please

  9. Got there this morning at 5.45 set up and ready to shoot by 6.20 set up with 12 decoys and 2 floaters and 2 flappers.

    first bird hit the pattern at about 7 followed by 5 of his friends shot the first one then missed the seccond bunch shot 4 in the next half hour and then it went dead not a sausage,

    left at 11 to drive past a grass verge with about 150 birds feeding on the clover..grraaa doesnt pigeon shooting get on ya tits.

    think i'm going to try and find some drills next week they seem late this year.





    dont get down ole parter' 3 of us went out inbetween Hainford and Buxton today, rape was in perfect condition, there was a flock of about 1500-2000 bids over Buxton way and a flock to our left just flying over Carters Wood at Hainford up and down up and down....the flock at Buxton lifted off every 10 mins cause of the gas gun, and a dozen or so would peel off and head off to Hainford near the Chequers pub...all i did all afternoon was drink coffee and pee in the hedge my 1st mate went to sleep and i wandered over to my other mate and his cocker spaniel was snoring its head off on his chest, the skylarks had started singing, so i had another pee and had a snooze........thats pigeon shooting for you eh !

  10. Hah...had to larf at that, reminded me of a time 35 years ago when i used to do a lot of ferreting, i bought a spainish .410 by post single barrel, skeleton stock as it was light and easy to flick about, shot it half a doz times and found it was patterning 6" out at 10yds ! yep you got it the barrel was bent....the model was called " El Chimbo"....i rekon it was your chimpo' from over the pondo !!

  11. I know of the first two but not the last. The barrels I shoot(Shilen) are all button rifled and I have not had one yet that wouldn't shoot. My expectation for a match grade barrel is >.5@100yds and they have all done it with ease. Cut rifling has it's proponents as well but they are a little more expensive here and they may or may not be better/more accurate.




    Ive always been told the buttoned rifles are the best as the buttoning is drawn thro several times the same way and it lines all the molicules of the metal up the same way and wears much better, ive also been told that cut rifling is better with a patch and ball, and as i understand it mass produced rifles are hydraulically stamped,


    read somewhere when i was in florida that the first of the plainsman rifles the grooves were cut using a rosewood rod with hardend steel cutters set into the end and drawn thro the barrel (by hand) to form the lands over a couple of days !!

  12. Your opinion please....as i understand the rifle grooves are made 3 seperate ways, 1-cut into the barrel 2-buttoned 3-hyraulic stamped, correct me if im wrong...........


    question what gives the best result and why ?

  13. If you are an inexperienced gun I would have some of the choke removed if I were you - to quarter & half.




    totally agree with that statement, dont let anyone take the micky out of the baikel, they may be russian but are made to last and not go wrong, my mate has several thousands of pounds of guns, and whats the one he uses most....yup youve guessed it,



    good choice my man, in 20 years time you will be remembering the fun you had with it,,,,,,,,,,

  14. Right guys gearing up for knocking on doors this weekend and just getting some cards made to give to prospective permissions.


    Have I missed anything






    what i can do

    free service


    Also best way to word what I want to do pigeon shooting?









    My buisness cards read...........






    "No Muff too tuff"




    there are several lady farmers around here !!

  15. I just read it might have been a mine left from the soviet era! ******* hell.




    Having worked as a technical advisor for many years for hmg on the sub-continant, you get cynical, what if it was a shaped charge fresh from Iran, that would be a good excuse to CAP Iran, before they develope nuc munitions and israel to do a pre-emptive strike...NATO would love a good excuse !


    sad fact war is good for business,


    the whole world governing bodies stink, the only respite i have is getting out in a field with my dogs and my mate and forgetting it all, something those 6 boys wont be doing ever again, things just arnt right.............

  16. My 18 month old lab will bring dead birds to hand when in my garden but when out in field will not bring them into me Stops about 5 feet away and plays with it ( will drop it when given comand) If put on a long lead will not go out to pick up the birds at all. Will bring dumies back straight in no problem

    Any suggestions please





    I solved this problem in one hour !!! this goes against everything i have ever been taught, i used to pick up 3 days a week with teams of dogs resting them and swapping them, i introduced one of my new dogs 12-18mths old ...had the same problem, the old boy next to me told mefor the next hour pick nothing else with the dog except very lively runners......he picked the first one and dropped it 3 yds out infront of me...and it belted off dog was not happy...he didnt do it again !!!!!!


    This can be the wrong thing to do sometimes, it can make a dog hard mouthed and introduce other traits, it very much depends on the temperant of the dog, if he is stong in temperant then it would sensible to find another way,


    To help you find a solution try to put yourself in the dogs shoes and work it out that way, there are a lot of dog people in PW who im sure if they read you post would have had the same problem...different probs for different dogs !

  17. yes i think you may be right, there is a trainer down the road we are due to go and see so think I will have to go there sooner than planned.





    Just a thought, have you anybody else in the house ? children wife etc, are they playing with the dog whilst you are out, they can give attention to the dog but you must lay down the ground rules, everybody must give the same commands....good sense from the other guys, but if you have a trainer near you as someone suggests get down and see him, they do it for a living, getting a gundog book is a nightmare, they all say slightly different things.....my greatest help was a book by P.R.A. Moxton, i think that was the name....just good commonsense all round.

  18. I have 3 sprockers, 2 bitches, 1 dog, the dog had his nuts off and it didnt make any difference to his temperant, one thing i will say is dont train the spaniels in short grass ! they get board and start to range out too far and hunt by eye, then they get "skylark" fever, keep them in cover or long grass for retreiving training.


    Spaniels were developed for putting up birds for hawking in Spain hence the name a derevation of "espaniol" so if trained in large fields with short grass they will revert to type !


    I swear at them constantly but will never be without sprockers in my kennells




  19. Keeping an eye on my local permissions at the moment, not a lot of action, where have the pigeons gone?


    I live in central Scotland, there is a lack of oil seed rape fields around my area.


    What's the next crop to look out for, seeding for barley?






    Down here near Norwich, at the beginning of the week the birds were everywhere, but in the last couple of days they have all dissapeared, took a 20 mile drive out to the coast this morning to diliver something with my mate and we took the country lanes......nothing !!!!

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