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Posts posted by ditchman

  1. It has now been revealed that Jerermy Coypue...(likes to undermine banks...see what i did there)....has said that DIANE ABBOTT is to step down as Shadow Home Sec...as she is unwell.....................



    i would love to have been a fly on the wall when he told her.......




    RING ...RING...RING...RING... "hello...Abbott here Shadow Home sec'...can i help you ?"...............


    "err hi there Diane....Jezza here".........


    "ooohhhh helloooo big boy......are we going to win ?"...........


    "look Diane ...ive got to give it to you straight"...............


    "oooorrrhhh....i love it when you talk dirty......"


    "noooo....i want you to pretend to be ill......"


    "oh...thats a bit kinky ...even for you darling"


    ......big sigh..............


    " look .......we aint going to win the election with you spouting off carp on sky TV..."


    " oohhh you can bloody talk..........................."...."who is standing in tempory for me....that white bitch from your office...........? "






    god you could make a great sit com about it all...................

  2. The vote for Diane Abbott,s Burka you forget to mention she has to wear it back to front as well so she doesnt scare small children whilst mumbling rubbish in answer to reporter,s questions



    it has been reported (maybe fake news...but seems logical) that Rent-o-kill are using pictures of her to frighten rats away....

  3. Diane Abbott is an out and out racist. People like her who use the racism card at every opportunity are an insult to anyone who is overtly opposed to racism in all it's forms. I've only voted labour once and that was when it was Blair vs Major but never again. Corbyn doesn't have a prayer. Chaka Amunna was a very close call. He is one of the very few politicians who seems to have a bit of integrity. I think if he had stayed the course for the labour leadership, they would be in a very different position to where they are now.


    As much as I would like to vote Tory I can't help but feel they will sell us down the river so it's UKIP for me. They are only party to follow through on what they say they will do. May has changed her mind a number of times already and that tells me she doesn't have it in her to do what needs to be done.


    Lib dems are a complete non-starter for me, as are the rest.


    When Diane Abbott starts her job as The Home Sec'...she will have to deal with the "Burka issue".....MP's will present to move a motion that Diane Abbott must wear one at all times...........

  4. Political parties have people holding up placards behind them. Do they think they will sway the undecided?



    well it swayed me..................until the next lot...that swayed me even more.....then i saw the Libs...and i was swayed a bit....then we went back to the first lot and i was swayed all over again...........

  5. Bloody hell......................its the 6th of June.......and not a single mention of it on the news.................also believe the weather pattern today is very similar to that day,......



    thanks for reminding us.............. :good::good:

  6. 2nd (shortwheel base )...looks ok...................might look better as a soft top........dont like the overhang over the rear window....has it a chassis...or is it monocot...with a landrover rear section welded on to it..............steel body panels ?...or aluminium...........


    might look better in a different colour


    no doubt a petrol engine...as all deseils belong to devil worshipers now ............


    good ground clearance.........


    but at the price they will be at...they wont be carrying your chainsaws...dead bleeding animals...and dogs covered in methane smelling pond water.................



    Don't beat about the bush. Tell it as it is. :good: I'm 75 and things have not changed, they will promise you the world until they get in. :yes:




    bloody hell........75 eh !..................i bet you voted against the Corn Tax...who was the PM then...Wellington........... :whistling:

  8. Diane Abbott as home sec'............................that still makes my blood run cold just thinking about it...............what attracted Jezza to her ,anyone know.....was she a real "cracker" in them days.............or was it well before specsavers time............

  9. Noticed over the last few days more splattered bugs on the windshield . Haven't seen this many bugs about for a couple of years or so in Norfolk . Any body else seeing bugs on their windscreen in different parts of the country . Got to be a positive thing .






    have seen and have got a lot of bugs about this year..............but the worrying thing is there are very ,,,very few swallows about flitting over the fields..................seen quite a few swifts...........well hear them anyway...but swallows no...... :hmm:

  10. I must admit, I have never shot any pigeons on growing beans. I have several hundred acres of beans to go at this year, so I will watch them a little closer.



    exactly the same here....never shot a pigeon on a field of young or growing beans..........are their tastes changing.. :hmm:

    My wife knows full well what a walk in the Wolds usually involves. Today's wander was no exception if not a bit longer than normal.


    In the last two days I have seen pigeons heading out of the roosting wood opposite my house in a determined manner. I know there are no peas nor laid barley in that direction so what was of interest? Some complaints about the length of the walk emanated frequently but the object was achieved when I came to two fields of beans in flower. Pigeons were dodging in and out of the field and landing on nearby power lines and dropping in.


    These birds are safe for the time being as we are going on holiday tomorrow. Others with beans may see the same thing and find an opportunity for a few shots.



    your good lady would be more interested in Sean Bean....no doubt

  11. several years ago ...my mrs "tripped...stumbled"...on a local train as there were kids sitting all over the floor...and no supervision...............


    upshot was that she ended up in Cambridge having surgery on her knee as a result.....................we had loads of sue em lawyers on the phone....not one of them did any good....didnt even get an apology from the rail company...or the school..............school says it wasnt their problem as their responsibility ends when they go out of the school gate


    in short it was an utter waste of time............

  12. I think the thought of Abbot getting into that job, scares me the most.

    if she does we will be the laughing stock of the whole world..........................'coarse you cant say that on television as you would be instantly branded a racist....

  13. well......watched most of it..............Corbyn promised everything to every person...........May was truthful...and proberly witholding the hard truth..a bit




    Corbyn...at this rate is going to end up as PM......cause people believe him......................



    the audience was 1/3 labour...1/3 conservertive....1/3 dont know ..............what a load of tosh....it was 80% lCorbyn....christ he nearly got a standing ovation when he stepped on the stage...............

  14. Was the cabin boy called Master Bates, if I recall?



    no........a myth .................there was Master Mate...........but no master bates ...or seamen stains............but there was pirate willy....and pug wash is 17th century slang for a willy suck....................the creator went to court to fight his corner that there was no sexual inuendo.....and he won.............

  15. The grinders supply hydraulic pressure ensuring power is available to the trimmers, they that move the sails.



    right ...now i understand.. :good:

    .....Ditchy you're full of seamen me ol' partner that's why .....



    Thats because you are Captain Pugwash... :lol: ...god knows what you did to roger the cabin boy

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