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About LXX73

  • Birthday 02/12/1973

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  • Interests
    Shooting, Snowboarding, motorbikes, keeping fit.
  1. Hi LX.

    £30 per set deliverd mate. (cheque to==

    My add


    Roxburgh Bungalow.

    Abercarn Mountain Rd.,





    NP11 5AP


  2. Send me details for lenses, cheers

  3. Yeah no problem just send me details to sort.

  4. Hi mate.

    Lense kits are ready now if your still interessed , just P M me.

  5. I'll take a set when they arrive then, just let me know.
  6. Bought a Tempur mattress and pillows about 3 years ago due to back problems, wasn't cheap but best money I've spent. No more back pain, worked a treat for me and comfy as.
  7. If you have a spare 2 I'll take one as well.
  8. Not worked on enough VIessmann boilers to really say if they're good or bad. Just checked online reviews and the consensus is the majority of customers think they're garbage and the installers think they're brilliant.
  9. Vaillant Ecotec all day everyday. As for the Greenstar 37 or 42 not being up to the job, nonsense. Sounds to me like the builder has a contract to fit Viessmann boilers or can get them at a price to make it more profitable.
  10. +1 for Vaillant( Ecotec range) Take some of the advice on here with a pinch of salt as it's obvious some of the people giving it haven't got a clue what they're talking about.
  11. http://www.staffs-synthetic-stocks.co.uk/firearms.shtml
  12. Ventilation for a room sealed boiler if required is for cooling of the appliance not to aid combustion as the air for this is taken from outside via the flue. I wouldn't worry too much about the safety aspect if it's regularly serviced just make sure the carbon monoxide detector is working at all times. As for the noise I don't think the CDI range are a particularly noisy boiler maybe the pump or fan is the cause of any undue noise?
  13. LXX73


    Over and out, that's bad comms and if Bauer heard it he'd shoot you.
  14. LXX73


    Get some of these they are excellent( I know coz I bought some) http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Alpen-Pro-Binoculars...=item2ea6f82db8
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