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the poacher

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About the poacher

  • Birthday 13/06/1967

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  • Gender
  • From
    rhondda valleys ,south wales...gods country
  • Interests
    my interests are shooting,walking,i like bird watching too

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  1. Hi ; I have a hw110 in 177 that I may swop ; I am in north wales ; flintshire ; not sure how far away I am from you 

    1. the poacher

      the poacher

      Your along way away mate,im in south wales..if you were closer id be interested..

  2. Would consider swapping this emaculate bsa r10 se regulated pcp plus 3 mags walnut stock..shrouded barrel silencer.. For a hw100/110 Must be emaculate Face to face only, rhondda valleys south wales Inbox me only..
  3. Nobody got nothing to swap in south wales...
  4. 170 quid collected.. Inbox me..
  5. Still got these here.. 30 quid collected..
  6. Yer i suppose...love the hw 100 though...
  7. Thinking on swapping the above gun for a hw 100kt .22 Anyone interested inbox me The r10 is a .22 model with walnut stock..plus 2 magazines. Excellent condition.. Face to face only south wales.. Inbox only..
  8. the poacher


    3 boxes of hornandy 17 hmr ammo.. £35 Collection only rhondda.. South wales
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