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shot shot

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Posts posted by shot shot

  1. They will now know that Johny Cash was right with his 'Burning Ring Of Fire'. :blink: :good::yes::yes:

    another appropriate song by the late great man in black :lol:

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  2. all the personal little jibes will not make me reveal my identity i can assure you. and mc if anyone seems like a bitter little man, it is you im afraid. you have turned this into a real witch hunt against me, and are getting increasingly personal. i on the other hand have merely presented you with some facts. and your reaction to those plain and simple facts, tells me alot about you as a person. certainly enough to know i do not want to give you any more information about myself. and now i await your next childish insult, i wonder what it will be this time eh? YAWN!

    past your bed time?? :blink:

  3. Momentum is a result of mass and velocity as is kinetic energy. I dont understand why you are obsessing with the weight of the powder charge. What will go deeper into you a nail at 100mph or a brick? The brick has more enrgy for sure but the nail will penetrate much further therefore reaching vital organs. 7.5 is smaller so will penetrate deeper.

    wrong :blink:


    the energy is dissipated evenly (ish) as the object passes through the material in question. A brick at 100 mph has a huge amount of kinetic energy, whereas a nail only has a fraction. Now, the nail may provided penetration due to the much smaller surface area contacting the material, but the energy exerted to the material by the brick is still much much higher. Penetration does not kill outright.


    If you were to take the time to read through some of the american stuff on self defence cartridges, you would get a much better idea about energy transfer than I can impart, but the facts remain the same. When a round impacts flesh, the energy of that projectile is transferred to the flesh, and this energy travels through the flesh, causing significant cellular damage. This instigates massive organ failure, which kills the subject in question. As mammalian cells are roughly 90% water, the energy is transferred as a longitudinal wave through the flesh. It is therefore not necessary for the projectile to penetrate to kill. Using your argument, the nail may penetrate the flesh, and cause internal bleeding, but the the brick will kill


    (its waffly, I know)


  4. I recon they are mint! however Starlight and I where out a few years back and some bloke turned up and ran one up the field he had his deeks on, loop the loop and all that.... he never had permission to fly there but had rented a cottage off the land owner and assumed he had some kind of air space with it <_<


    Starlight put him right :yes:

    32g of 6s?? :good:

  5. In that case Stubby you are no better than any other thief.


    I don't consider it stealing from a company as big as argos. Me and my dad went in there to buy a new reciprocating drill. they handed us a big cardboard box, with a big warning lable on it "28kg". Long behold they had given us a box of 2, so my dad just took one of them back to a different store. In the end they turned out to be **** anyways, (pro-tool or summit) so we ended up getting a black and decker one for about a fiver in the end <_<

  6. Even the chavs can turn off the swearing when up in court or being interviewed at the dole office. He could too but treats the Indians with contempt.They know fine well what he is saying and that it is for broadcast in the UK.He is a really bad ambassador despite being a genius.

    lets not go that far :unsure:

  7. I have to wait at least 3 months before I can get my fac sorted and away, and then have to entail a 9 month wait. Who knows, I might have it for christmas :angry:

    I'm sorry, but if I'm deemed safe enough to use a semi auto 5.56 rifle under supervision (albeit on military ranges) then why can't I participate in clay pigeon shooting? The issue was raised in the latest BASC magazine, page 10 (that's me at the top of the page). Next time the English/Scottish/Welsh are complaining about their firearms laws and precedings, please take a second to think of the short end of the stick that we have to put up with. Robert has added a valid point about how we are still technically able to own handguns, although the government would really rather that we didn't.


    I would also like to address to those of the mainland another significant hurdle over here, by asking this. How many of you started out shooting through the use of an air rifle, whether it be your fathers, a relatives or your own? Over here, ALL air guns capable of exerting a power of more than 1 Joule of energy (about 1.5 ft lbs) are subject to firearms laws and regulations. As a result, I do not know anyone who owns one.


    (btw rob, I have an uncle who is high up in one of the major political parties, but he's a bird watcher :unsure: )

  8. Sorry to hear your news groach but vole is right, get to your GP.


    As an aid you could do worse than take, Garlic tablets, Glucosamine tablets, and Cod Liver oil tablets daily. I will have athritis in future (2 rugby injuries both operated on) and was told that the above could help. Garlic can also help with circulation. What i do know is my achilles tendon (which i snaped 8 years ago) is a lot better since i've been taking the above.

    Good luck,


    make sure it's odourless garlic :welcomeani:



    btw, it's also a great for quick relief from hay fever :yes:

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