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shot shot

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Posts posted by shot shot

  1. The use of lead shot for shooting over wetlands is being phased out in the UK. In England the use of lead shot to shoot all wildfowl wherever they occur, as well as over all foreshore and on specified SSSIs, has been banned. (Courtesy of BASC).


    So I hope you are lead free if not you are being very naughty...

    does not apply to anything other than shot guns :unsure:

  2. :yes: Used to use it when i was body building, gives you tons of energy but contains equally nasty substances like ephidrine!!! :rolleyes:

    so I'm guessing that it would be very very bad to dump a scoop in a can of kick?? :yes:

  3. there used to be a thing on the market called 'cocaine' its had problems with its name being an issue (obviously) :rolleyes: I think it was renamed and repackaged but its this concentrated powder that you pour into orange juice or whatever tickles your fancy and make energy drinks to your own strength..

    Think it turns out cheaper too then all of these big brand heart stoppers, you buy it online ill have a look



    :yes: Do you mean ultimate orange?

    sounds dangerous, I want some :yes:

  4. i know, but i cant decide which one to pick at the mo, plus im enjoying my freedom to do silly things at the mo :rolleyes::yes: :yes:

    like blow up the house?? :good:


    I've heard that you're supposed to put a damp tea towel over the pan, but seeing as your sink was on fire, I'm guessing the tap wasn't easily reached :lol:


    BTW, how'd the dinner fare to the inferno??

  5. I prefer coffee, but needs must :rolleyes:


    the most of them taste the same (like red bull) but I like kick the best (tescos cheapy version)


    and yes, it is very strong if you don't know what you're drinking. But I could easily drink a litre bottle of kick to get me through an exam day. The key is not to drink too much at once, or you'll end up with a trail of thought a mile wide. Don't be fooled though, the caffeine content in them is minuscule compared with a good strong coffee, I have done the maths before, but it's temporarily displaced.


    They taste best from the can

    They taste best out of the fridge

    They go stale quickly, so drink up


    The trick is to find one that matches your taste buds (sweetness wise)

  6. It coats the inside and outside components in a microscopic film which repels water. I can assure you that this isn't a gimmick.


    Have a look at this video of a carpet that's been treated with a nanofilm


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    in a solid state application (mp3 players, phones, etc.) I can see the market. However, it will ruin the heat transmission capability of laptop heatsinks. O, and if its non conductive, how can the headphones work?? :rolleyes:

  7. Mungs argument is valid. They got their selves into the situation, they should pay to get out of it. I'm surprised I haven't heard of this before now, get some wealthy loan shark to lend them the money, and get them to pay it back (with a whack of interest of course)

  8. basc is chewing their behinds about it as well at the minute

    (copied from an email)

    BASC meets head of FEB


    BASC’s Roger Pollen and Tommy Mayne met recently with John Rafferty, the new Head of PSNI Firearms and Explosives Branch. Mr Rafferty visited the BASC NI offices in Lisburn for lengthy discussions on a range of firearms licensing issues.




    Top of the agenda was the timescale for processing of applications for grant and variation. Mr Rafferty stated that the actual processing time is around four to six weeks, but that there is a delay of up to 12 weeks before the processing begins. This is completely unacceptable, but it will only be resolved if the Branch gets more resources.




    BASC’s Chairman, Robert Irvine, met recently with the Chief Constable and raised the issue with him. BASC is now seeking a further meeting with the Chief Constable to maintain the pressure to get sufficient resources to Firearms & Explosives Branch to allow them to improve their service.




    Other issues discussed included firearms security and consistency of approach to licensing. It was a good meeting with a number of positive outcomes and we hope that Mr Rafferty will be successful in strengthening the Branch’s resources and improving performance.

  9. for the benefit of the anti military looking synthetic fun gun brigade you wont be seeing these at your local shoot anyway as they are only 20" barrel and therefore not legal whether for psg or whatever :lol: sorry babby.

    I don't even know if we have a psg venue over here harv, so I wouldn't be worried :drinks:

  10. If you're new to quad bikes, I strongly recommend that you have a go on someone else's sporting quad to get some experience. Due to their much lower ground clearance, rear wheel drive only, and much less grip, they are a lot harder to get on two wheels than a utility bike. A farm quad will go up on two wheels if you push the speed (which you will) as the seating position does not allow for leaning into the corners. My cousin and I had many many near-incidents when we first started out. As others have said, they are very dangerous machines if you do not know what you are doing.


    O, and buy Japanese :drinks:

  11. As some of you might know, the US military is currently in the process of upgrading its M4 weapons system. Mainly due to reliability issues regarding the original (especially under sustained fire)


    Here is the difference between the firearms under sustained automatic fire


    The original M4, rounds till failure: 535

    Reason for failure: ruptured barrel



    The new M4a1, rounds till failure: 911

    Reason for failure: melted gas tube



    ATB :drinks:

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