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shot shot

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Posts posted by shot shot

  1. Thought I would just up date on my lr3 saga. Landrover found the fault that left me three days over christmas with out a vehicle, fault, transmisson failure, air suspention failure, traction control failure.ebd failure. cause. Bit of corrosion on one of the rear brake light builbs. :good:

    all at once?? :lol:

  2. Firstly.....horses are definitely not stupid!!!!!!!! :blink: :blink:


    I've been riding since I was 5, all my life up to my 26 years now lol! Give it a go, its not for everyone but Horses are majestic and a thrill ride!!


    If you can't control the horse you are riding (which happens to everyone at some point!), then you have to appreciate that they have their own minds, and you cannot win every battle with strength or size........the reward of working with/riding horses is that you learn to rise the ranks, and get a horses' respect, and you will get control eventually!!



    ok, maybe I was a little harsh, they're not all stupid. I have a couple of ponies, and one of them in particular is probably about as smart as your typical dog. But they can (and will at some point) be spooked by a: rabbit, pheasant, apple, stick, snowman, car, wheelbarrow, stone, bucket, bale, boot, shovel, different colour of rope, washing line, cat, rat or mouse..... :good:



    and they can be very mischievous!


    on the other hand, we had one a while back that was as thick as two short planks. You could walk past it every day in a month, and it would still shed its skin!

  3. I was amazed at how quickly I learnt to plan my route and look where I was walking after a few mins with the chammys on!!!

    its generally a lot harder when you've a few tonnes of prime beef double timing it to the one hole in the hedge :good:

  4. :good: Its a false economy!!! spend some decent mula on a decent pair 1st go!! :ernyha:

    not a chance, you ever worked on a farm?? one barbed wire fence and your wellies are ruined. I'd rather buy 10 pairs of cheap dunlops than one pair of "gooduns"

  5. im a size 8 - 9 bud :good:


    are the dunlops any good?

    very comfy, spent whole days in them before (on the farm, building, out shooting, etc.)


    mine are these (but like I say, I only paid 15 ish for them



    tbh, your best bet is to go to a decent building/agriculture suppliers and try them all on, they are all different


    I know that these are a slimmer fit around the arch that my previous pair of dunlops (a different model)

  6. horses are stupid animals, seriously, they're stupid!


    they could spook at any moment, and with any horse big enough for the rider, the rider won't be able to control it, even dismounted



    I prefer tubular steel and rubber tyres, much much safer :good:

  7. Hi All

    Sorry boys got to dissagree with you, it should be my choice if i want to wear a seat belt or a crash helmet, yes i know the consequences but if i want to ride a motor bike with the wind blowing in my hair it should be my choice.People soon start whining about civil liberties when stop and search or id cards are mentioned this is just the same only it is my civil liberty that has been taken away




    I am also against totalitarianism, and yes, it should be personal choice whether or not you protect yourself.


    but there are too many idiots in society, and yes, they might actually thin themselves out. But it will be the intellectuals that will suffer the costs of damages to society.


    We can't win :lol:

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