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shot shot

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Posts posted by shot shot

  1. it was suggested at one point (not by me) but it was quickly scrapped - no matter how long the rope its just too much of a risk to take :lol:

    yep, not safe at all. That point was proved on boxing day when tony and I came to the conclusion that 28g of 7.5 steel won't penetrate a vehicle skin, but 32g of 6s definitely will :oops:



    another, altogether simpler idea would be to use a fishing rod to reel the bottle across the field :good:

  2. fast enough, what really helps is if you enter into a posting competition with someone - me and lee had one, hence lots of posts :angry:


    nice one anyway :bye2:



    Well done mate but it suggests you don't have much of a life :angry:



    in babs' and Lee's case it's due to cheap vodka and "shine"


    boy, there were some interesting nights :hmm:

  3. it would look good with an over barrel mod on it or a standard mod with some sort of barrel cover to make it look like an over barrel mod, could you fit a normal scope on it or are you limited to the red dot sight? nice bit of kit but why do we get raped on price

    I'd say that the barrel will be free floating, so you should be able to put any mod you want on there


    and what red dot sight?? :good:

    that "thing" is just the rear peep sight

  4. Following a mock test today... it seems roundabouts are my downfall.


    So if you could all stay the **** away from Chippenham's roundabouts next Friday it would be greatly appreciated. :yes:


    FM :lol:

    will do mate :P


    I aint good at roundabouts either :good:

  5. I have one (well, it's my mums), a 99 1.9 diesel, and it has its good points and its bad points



    can be taken apart with an allen key and a hammer (very important with land rovers)

    adequate off road (pulling horse boxes out of wet muddy fields)

    very very comfy front seats

    gutsy low down power

    The back half of the roof can be taken off (3 dr), as well as the sun roof (would probably be a good lamping vehicle)

    The back window goes down, which can be very handy

    fair sized boot (get two bales of straw in no bother, with the seats folded forward, another 2)



    It's very hard to get into the back of the 3dr

    electrics can be temperamental (door locks especially)

    flat out, it'll only do about 80-85, cruising speed 60 ish

    ground clearance isn't anything special

    the 4wd wont be up to serious use

    weird interior

  6. I've just had a brainwave (about time), whoever said that the new cheek piece had to come from the same stock??


    take a nice rounded cheekpiece from a damaged air rifle/rifle stock, cut a hole the same shape out of the ruger stock


    get some threaded bars, and metal plates they can be bolted to


    screw the plates to the wooden pieces, add the bars between


    and bobs your uncle, an adjustable cheek piece :good:

  7. if you have the use of a car at home, take it around the town, stop at the shops. do lots of pulling in the side of the road. Make sure that you know every route. Learn every corner, junction, etc. off by heart, because the examiner may waffle when coming up to junctions and confuse the hell out of you. (as a 2 time failure, not yet pass, take my advice :oops: )


    Get it into your head that failure is not final, it will help. I had that mindset the second time, and only failed due to lack of local knowledge.


    Make sure that you know what the speed limits are, because you won't have time to look around for signs. And whatever you do, the single most important piece of advice I can give you is to try and keep calm. If you let yourself get worked up you'll be jittery, and end up making a stupid mistake (or several, reasons for the first failure)


    A trick my dad plays on me is to cover the rear view mirror and then ask what is behind me. A friend of mine had the examiner do this to him on the test, so be aware of what's around you.


    If you can, choose a time that isn't busy. Not half 3, the buses are a nightmare. I've heard that about 11 ish on a monday or tuesday is a good time to go for it.


    Be aware that the examiner could do the unexpected. Just because your instructor never gets you pull up in a certain place doesn't mean that the examiner won't

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