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Everything posted by liamlumsden

  1. thanks m8 u have cleared alot up for me many thanks
  2. i have a letter from 1 farmer but i have many farms that i do not have it written yet
  3. i get you m8 i am after getting a 22lr and the land has had shooters on it before. its just i have land that i dont have letters for yet ( the farmers are to busy at the mo) and just wanted to no if i can put them on my ticket when the farmer sends me the letter
  4. so been my 1st app i will most likely have a close ticket and this means when i get new land i have to imform the FEO and see if the land is safe for the rifle i intend to use. will the police come out to check the land aswell you mean?
  5. as you will have noticed i am new to all this (trying to take in all the info i can ) i was just wanting to no i have all my thing ready for my fac app letters of farmer and that but a few question 1 do you have to let the Firearms department no every time to get new land (so they can check it out for safety reason). 2 i have been told that if you put the one farm on the app you may only be able to use the rifle on this farm and no other what can i do so that i can use am rifle on any farm i get (after been checked) ? there will be more i will just keep adding them i have all these question in my head and when i write this they all go thanks L Lumsden
  6. nice weekend m8 wats the big black dogs breed ?
  7. nice i like the placement of the shell cases m8
  8. good distance and good pics m8
  9. i have atleast 750 - 1000 ah coz i have 4 farms and then i hav a farm in scotland with a good amount of land i am putting in ma FAC for a 22lr sorry it took so long to write back been busy
  10. i hav not fired a rifle in a long time and dnt no any one that has a FAC and i am worried that the police force may not grant me it for this reason i have been doing alot of reading of police forces not granting fac's coz of people needing mentors and ect..... i do hold a sgc i hope this may give me a chance for the FAD to understand i do no about health and saftey but i cant help been worried about it i really want my fac i have been planning on have this for along time and abit worried about a little thing like this holding me back any comments would be helpful on what you think about this thanks liam
  11. so if i apply my cert and get it with the land i have and then need another rifle it would cost me £26 to place another rifle on my cert ?
  12. lmao ok i will giv u that one lmao thats a good one ha ha i wil remember that and use it lmao
  13. i have put 600 rounnd buy and hold at once this includes expanding ammo i have also put in the calibre i have placed 22lf rimfire sound modified rifle i have worked out that i am just going to have the one gun to start off with if i am granted the fac sorry to seem to ask question again and again i just want to understand all and get it right
  14. i have made the change to this part thanks again m8 is there any thing else which may help it swing my way ?
  15. kk m8 i understnad now lol (took long enuff) thanks for your help m8 i will make the difference now
  16. i have filled this part in will i hav to put in which gun i mean to buy for eg rf hornet things like this ?
  17. where do u write this if you want one ?
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