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About ryantidgwell

  • Birthday 03/09/1983

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    Grimsby, lincs

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  1. I'm up for a day pm me what dates u got
  2. Cleethorpes is no fun when u live there lol would rather be back at the moores
  3. Hi there just had a 3 day break at kildale in the North Yorkshire moores and WOW the scenery and land there is gorgeous !! I have never seen so many pheasant partridge and grouse in my life every where I looked there was birds . We was in a reall remote part with the nearest house been a good mile away does anyone live local to that area ? As I would love to come again and possibly do some shooting up there such a gorgeous place
  4. Went down the Humber this morning and it absolutely hammered down before we got there thought oh this will be fun really heavy rain and 20 mph wind straight in the face and a really high tide made all the birds lift off managed to get a teal a mallard and a pink foot so was well worth getting wet :-)
  5. Oh the joys of getting up at 4 am to drive down the marsh in this freezing weather lets hope the geese and ducks are playing ball :-) wish me lucj
  6. Any come over ? Seriously I have never seen so many geese !!! For 2.5 hours none stop they was coming over in groups between 10 and 60 mixture of grey lag , Canada and one small group of pinks with the odd duck in between !!! I shot one duck and one goose . Could have bagged a whole lot more but was a mile walk bak to the car trough sloshy cow fields didn't fancy carrying any more was nice to just sit there and watch them come off .. Will be nice for next time !!
  7. Been sat down here since 4 am ! Little too eager I think I can hear honking and quacking so hopefully not too much longer before they start moving of the Island and over me :-)
  8. anyone who goes up there will have a cracking time can't wait till January !
  9. cheers for the upload mate :-) all goose jow sorted 4 in my freeZer and the rest all breasted :-)
  10. alex is going to upload pics for me soon I can't add them for some reason
  11. wow what a great couple of days!!!! Well where do i start . i have been wanting to go goose shooting for a long time now and finally got myn chance to go last year with alex aka shotgunspud , waited 4 months to go ad then we got the snow last year bad what put a end to my chance to go shooting , but this yar got a phone call to go down there so date set and yesterday was that day .. up at 1 am to have the drive to wales stopping on the way for a brew and a smoke and finally arrived at 6 am as we waited for andy to come and pick us up ready for the flight !! we set of in the cars to the spot he had chosen for our flight and as we was getting closer to the area i could hear the HONKING from every where at this point my heart rate was pumping and the tiredness i was feeling soon went out of me and i was awake and ready to roll!!! we then got out the car and spoke to andy (spuds) dad did the usuall greetings got the gear out the car and off we walked to the spot ,, we stood back in to some tall maze 60 yards apart and waited for some geese to come our way all i could hear in the back ground was geese thinking i do hope they come this way !! then within 5 mins two canadian goose come our way i jumped back in to the maze and waited they swung away from me and headed towards my mate garry 20 yards in front of him and BANG BANG and yes.... he missed !! there was not no time to take the **** out of him as a big skeen of grey lag was coming my way this time !! i fired twice and dropped a goose !! my first goose i was over the moon texting about 10 people including alex jujst the word ACE! then within a minuite or ttwo again they was more goose coming our way gary then got a double of greylag !! i have to admit we both missed a few shots nut doesnt everyone lol!! the geese continued coming for the next hour or so ,, i was only on two due to my shooting (i blame tiredness) but as we was about to go the sound of the honking started again .i was the only one loaded so i stepped back in to the maze where 9 canadas came over me about 30 yards up BANG BANG BANG my first ever double and treble goose !!! but that was not all a 4th also dropped so 4 for 3 shots not many people can say they ever done that on goose !! so with the bag at 16 we called it a day !! after sme breakfast we was asked if we would like to go shoot some crows so obviously we said yea . so we set up and the crows just kept coming ! all i had with me was 36 g of 3 steal shot ! as i left my other carts in the b and b but thoght what the hell so i banged away and shot 34 crows in a hour and 10 mins and missed a good 40 (shouler feels it today) but was a fantastic hour or so and gratefull for the go on them! we shot a night flight the same night but no wind full moon and the birds not wanting to play ball they went every where else but over our head we called it quits and went to the pub for a well earned pint and pie and chips!! day 2= in the morning 7 o clock sharpe we went out again andy took us to a lovly spot and as soon as we got there we could hear the honkers again ! so stood up against a hedgrow and waited to see what happens , the geese started coming but again going of at different angles due to lack but a group of 5came over garry shot a double and one veired of towards me and i dropped that one and we then got another and then called it a day as we had the long drive back home !! soo all in all we ended up with 20 geese in 3 flights ! to say we are over the moon is a understaement it was a fantastic two days with great company ! andy is a fantastic guy with great hospitality and where we was shooting is gorgeous every where u looked was like a post card !! alex and andy are top guys alex said he would get me geese and i got geese and cant thank him enough for that!! if you ever get the chance to shoot with alex or his old man then take them up on the offer as they are a pair offantastic guides and no there stuff !! well time to go and do some plucking ! happy hunting people!! pics to follow when i can upload as im thick
  12. Hi Ryan,

    basically 2 does on one stalk is 14O if we get lucky and get chance at two or two stalks 1 each time is 200,best ring me for dates as changing by the minute.07836270390

    kind regards jason

  13. hi Jason I'll be come up for another trip can't beat the last one was a great day and bagged my first muntjack can u pm me available dates and price for two does if possible cheers Ryan
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