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Everything posted by Boromir

  1. Im on about how rotties and Staff's are more pussies than JR and LABRADORS. If your JR went up against a Rottweiler it didnt know there wont be a JR LEFT and Saying that Labradors are a tougher breed the Rotties and Staffies makes me laugh.
  2. Thats what they all say there good with kids is that the only defence you have for them?
  3. I choose option 3 A dog can be as dangerous as a gun yet we have to have a licence to own a gun. Licence the breed and get rid of the idiots who use them to demand respect.
  4. Go back under the carpet you cretin.
  5. Fishmouth compare them with staffordshire bull terrier attacks and the ferociousness of the attack.
  6. KennelClub talk and right a load of **** again dont believe what they say, go out and look for yourself how many that have attacked children and other dogs compared to any other breeds.
  7. Mikee get this in the local and national papers. Then the Police or council will have to do something about it.
  8. A Labrador puppy like it probably meant to do it
  9. A handful of numpties? Just get it in your head that these dogs are more likely than any other breed to be more aggressive whether the owners are good or bad.
  10. I hate them totally out of all the staffordshire bull terriers and thats hundreds I have seen only one has not shown aggression to my dogs when I walk past them. Its the owners that make them bad total bullcrap, in a dog like that its easy to flick a switch in its head and turn them aggressive it's in there nature to fight, I can bet you that the owners that have staffies say that they will never hurt a thing have actually done so. So dont go on about how Staffordshire bull Terriers are the Nanny dog cause your being fed **** if you believe that. I think there should be dog licences for the bull breed and other known species that are known to be aggressive such as Akita's. Has a Labrador ever killed a child? I would rather leave a child in a room with a wolf than a Staffordshire bull terrer.
  11. Boromir

    Toodle ooh

    Kk enjoy your holiday and dont catch swine flu
  12. Bobbo I have defended you on here a little and im glad you have a job that pays well but if I was in a job like that I wouldn't be thinking about ££££ all the time. I myself work in the countryside and I enjoy it but talking about ££££ doesn't really bovver me as there is always somebody out there that is earning a lot more. Enjoy your job remember stick to it, there are 100's of people who maybe waiting to take it.
  13. He' is in his 60's and things have not been going right for him for the past few years, he has had to give up his driving licence cause he has a heart condition and he said its to late to treat the cancer. When he lost his licence he was going to sell his Disco to me but didnt have the cash at the time but somebody came up and got it anyway. He has rifles and he likes to go deer stalking maybe if I talk to the gamekeeper I work with I can get him to let him get a few Roe or red as we are plagued with them. Just a shame but he has accepted its life and he is going to enjoy it.
  14. He say's he is gonna enjoy his life and gonna leave his son everything, he says he is gonna give me it whenever it suits him could be later today or soon dont know really.
  15. Cleaning my car today and met my next door neighbour we got talking about hunting and shooting and came down to a sad bit that he has got Prostate cancer he says he is gonna enjoy his life and that he will give me his shotgun for nothing. Left me speechless I didnt know what to say to him shall i accept his offer or not?
  16. God bless your son and all those that are fighting a war thousands of miles away, your son and all those that are putting there lives on the line are all heroes. Your son and all those fighting get my total respect.
  17. Another thing who is going to suffer from this in the future? Your children and Grandchildren due to this slimy Government who are so corrupt they dont even listen to the people.
  18. Dont worry bringing in loads of immigrants will sort that problem out.
  19. Talking about Vikings the Southern softies saved you ***** from the vikings, so King harold had to march his men 300 miles North to defeat the Viking's which he successfully did, then march his men back down south again to fight the Normans which we all know the ending of that.
  20. And what about the ones that dont pay for parking?
  21. We were warned of this a couple of years ago. I have to use my car to get to work as its in the middle of no where. So the government can go and stuff themselves if there trying to sneak in another tax on me. Bring on the revolution now.
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