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Everything posted by Boromir

  1. Greener(59), RichS(31), deputy dog(35), jcbruno(26), scotgun(21), Wruffit(30), evilstoat(35), kreuz(38)
  2. and also I cant view new posts
  3. I think they are bracing us up its only showing me and Shot Shot
  4. bs, Good on the Police, if you resist arrest you should get what is coming to you. What are you supposed to do with a drunk man resisting arrest? " Come on luvvie calm down we just need to cuff you". They wouldnt arrest a man for no reason and they wouldnt tazer him twice if they didnt need to especially in front of a crowd. And you notice the man didnt put the complaint in it was a member of public, so it tells you that the man know himself did wrong and got what he deserved.
  5. I think my dog is suffering from them as well, he is starting to go bold around the eyes and muzzle area. His eye's also swell up. Is there anything I can do to stop them from biting him? Im not sure if you can use that skin so soft as the affected area is the eys and muzzle.
  6. Boromir


    If I say yes I did vote them I be called a racist so there's no point in answering it
  7. Boromir


    Skin so soft works just dont rub it in just leave it. see the ******** drown to death
  8. How the hell did this idiot get hold of a rifle?
  9. Thanks for that mate filled out the form and hopefully soon I will have another dog.
  10. What would of happened if he did throw punches back? He would be called a thug and terrorist. He did what a man would do and walked away and even then the press was like his minder pushed over a lady, whatever he does seems to be wrong and simply that is not on. Thankyou I respect your opinion on him and that democratically elected members should be respected. If anybody wants to blame somebody for BNP getting in blame the ones that never voted.
  11. Its RMT look http://www.rmt.org.uk/ It even says it on there website mm Cant see no information on the strike on ASLEF website about it http://www.aslef.org.uk/homepage/106572/homepage/
  12. If that was Gordon Brown what would happen? And to think Labour and the Cons support that group who commit violence. Just goes to show that Labour and Cons will do anything to stay in power. Bunch of Communist ****
  13. Just looked at my Virgin Media bill over the internet and it shocked me that I didnt pay last months bill so I got £10 extra charge and got to pay last months and this months bill in one. So I phoned up Virgin media and they told me that my bank has denied Virgin Media the Direct debit agreement. Neither Virgin Media nor my Bank told me this. Who is at fault me, Virgin Media, or Abbey?
  14. When he gets the dummy act all stupid and excited arms wide open, so that he thinks he missing something. Better still get a bit of rope and put the dummy in length of the rope, he cant run off then. Does he know Basic commands yet?
  15. May I say god be with us in the near future. You may not be feeling the pressure's of living in this country due to over-immigration but certainly when your older and your children are in classes with so many other nationalities that the teacher has to spend more time on the pupils that are struggling with basic english, your child wont get the education s/he wants mean before Labour came into power our education system was ranked 3rd in the world we have now dropped to 11th place, what does that tell you? New labour's motto was Education, Education, Education. When you have to go and get an operation eg hip replacement how long do you think your gonna be on the waiting list? Government not building more hospitals instead they find Doctors cleaners from other countries cram them in a hospital and expect bugs like MRSA to disappear. And jobs well there's so many jobs out there for immigrants that millions of us Brits are struggling either to stay in a job or find one. Now I dont mind some immigrants but when the present government are giving them money at every single chance dont you think that its a bit unfair on us? Yeah they may well pay tax but they stay here build up a mass of money then go back home and buy a house after a year or two and during there stay they are raking in as many benefits as possible for kids and family that dont live here. Then us Brits also have to give £40 million to Europe everyday to build there train stations. You can call me racist but thats only cause I see past the Curtain.
  16. Well everyone has different views and just cause he is an Animal rights Activist doesnt mean he is wrong on this does it. I didnt know he was and Animal rights person, I was saying that he is right on what he saying in that video. Basically if you dont agree with the general public on immigration your a racist. now get back on track without the Animal Activist thing.
  17. Well its says Pigeon on here about 6 times and you still manage to spell it wrong. Its not the about how many posts you put on here that counts its the quality. The Mods on here now are doing a fine job and I dont think they are wanting another one.
  18. Well I take it you just red the Sun and BBC news. Take a look at this, this man takes every word out of my mouth
  19. Agree the most dangerous animal is a dog and thats after the Human Being.
  20. I would fight for an independent Britain again cause we are giving it to the Germans again, cause they are the biggest economic power in Europe they will have more say and power over Brussels. We need out of Europe that should stop about half the immigration and also look at this, if I was to say anything like this I will be imprisoned http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OIbqSvV1iA...feature=related
  21. Uh hang on, you go to America seeking asylum you would get sent straight back here. You go to Pakistan, China, Australia seeking Asylum you would get sent back here. But now that you got a party that will do the same you say the opposite. William Hague said it himself People are looking for Change and I said that last week as well. Only one thing I didnt like about the BNP and that was about the Gurkhas but there is alot more I dont like about LIBLABCONS.
  22. It was worrying livestock there you go you got an excuse. If I had a rifle I wouldnt mind getting one.
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