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About binman

  • Birthday 17/01/1965

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  1. surely this has to be the largest thread ever on pigeon watch doesn't it? 119 pages so far and a few more to go id say, easily the best thing iv seen on here, followed it all the way and im fascinated that some guy with no knowledge of land rovers or the mechanics of them has taken on such a massive challenge and done so far such an outstanding job, i truly take my hat off to you viking. it looks fantastic so far and no stone has been left un turned, my favorite bit so far is the engine, to see what it looked like when you started to it looking immaculate now is incredible.this is going to be worth some serious money when its done, keep up the good work my friend
  2. Right laugh. It's sold Already.
  3. One if my thoughts that they look quite good and a little different. Bloke at shoot on Saturday had a hi rib gun but that poked stupid. Must of been a good 3" high though.
  4. I'm not to bothered about it shooting high. I just wondered how high it migh shoot compared to a sporter. And if it would be suitable for sporting. Just thought I'd give it ago. And if it's not suited to me I could always sell it.
  5. I'm thinking of buying the miroku TR-1 that's for sale on here, never had a trap or a hi rib gun before but for that price it might be worth a dabble. I mostly shoot sporting. With a bit of DTL. What are they like. How much higher will it shoot compared to a sporter. Looking at picture of them there not that high really. Will it be ok for sporting too. Thanks, Steve
  6. far from professional. he couldnt push the birds about as he cant drive, and even set up on the field with us, all it is, is a lad off out shooting and charging £40 for you to tag along, as long as you can drive him about, probably the worst pigeon guide in the country. i dont like to say anything bad about people but then i dont like to see people waste there time and money, because thats all it is, a waste of time, and the best thing is he says theres load of pigeons about and plenty of good bags to be had. (sorry arron but i feel it my duty)
  7. i didnt want to have to write this but i feel i have to. iv been to see arron a couple of times now, and although £40 isnt a lot of money its a very poor effort form someone offering paid pigeon shooting, i know nothing is guaranteed in pigeon shooting, but he didnt seem to have a clue, i dont think he can drive so he does no recon, when we got there we had to ferry him around looking for birds, farm after farm 10 miles apart, he then found a field with birds on and stuck us on there, the birds went and never came back, and we even had to take him back home after and its was out of our way. in my mind recon needs to be done so you know where to put paying guests, not driving round looking for the birds. we had a 3 hour round trip all for nothing really, went twice and wouldnt go again. arron is a sound lad, but needs to do things a littler better, and abide by the old saying, recon,recon,recon. steve
  8. This gun was being sold a while ago by someone who had a girls name. Same place as your from. Can you explain that please. And also clear up the adj comb issue? Ta. Steve
  9. probably best contact him via gun watch mate as he doesnt seem to be a member on pw so might not see your question.
  10. iv found a lad on here/facebook that will do the woodwork for £80 and i found some old post saying richardH can do the barrels for £70,pm'd him. so with postage probably £200, not really sure the gun will be worth £200 more when its all done, then again im not doing it to sell, so will probably get it done.
  11. thanks maverick, i was thinking of doing the wood work myself, its an old old gun so really dont want to spen a lot of money on it, i think i could tackle the stock and forend, not to sure about the barrels though, but i guess im keen to give it ago, if i can find the info on how to do it. thanks. steve
  12. thanks gordon, iv emailed them for a price, but i was hoping to avoid shop prices really. thanks. steve
  13. does anyone on here do both, iv done a search and found people who do them both but none of them seem to do both. if not who do you recommend to do as separate jobs, and any idea of costs, iv just bought a second hand browning where the barrels are quite poor, and the stock if fine really but it could do with a freshen up, doesnt need to be a great job as i dont want it costing the earth thanks, Steve
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