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Everything posted by ads03ads

  1. Running Man, I take your point about the seasoned experience shooters and MOD ranges etc, but unfortuately I'm just not that good a shot (yet) I'll have to admit that having to mess around with the scope between shots is probally a little bit more effort than I'm after when out in the field, on the range maybe but to be honest I don't spend much time on the range these days. When thinking about changing loads for different quarrys I just didn't put the differing tradjectories in to the equation (silly boy!!!) I think for what its worth if I can find a good all round load I'll be as happy as a pig in muck. Cheers Ads
  2. Fair enough, I suppose it would just be a case of tinkering for the sake it :look:
  3. Would you not suggest this for the Hornet then Mr Logic, Is it that the Hornet only likes one load or is there just not enough flexibility for different loads? I assume it'd be ok with the .223 though? Cheers Ads
  4. My thoughts exactly running man, thats just what I intend to do when I get my ticket back, have one recipe for the bunnies and a faster heavier load for mr foxy. Cheers Ads
  5. Cheers Nick, Will give them a call on Tuesday as I'm off to the army navy game at Twickenham tommorow and I'm sure its going to be a messy one !!! Ads
  6. Take revenge, eat his cubs and see how he likes it I'm sorry to hear you're having such problems but unfortunately poultry and foxes don't mix the need to be kept apart! It can become an obsession though so be warned. I've shot six foxes in the last month trying to get at my chickens, keep up the offensive and it'll pay off. Best of luck with it Ads
  7. Cheers Nick, your right that is a bit of a journey for a tub of powder!!! Any other ideas anyone? Thanks Ads
  8. Thanks mate, I will look them up. Ads
  9. Fair enough, Can anyone recommend a good hodgson stockist in the south Cheers Ads
  10. Thanks Mr Logic, I don't suppose anybody has any recipes using Vectan powders, its all my local shop stocks so would save me a bit of a drive? Cheers Ads
  11. Cheers njc, that should get me going thanks for all your help Ads
  12. Cheers Mate I thought so :thumbs: Ads
  13. Well decision made, the paperwork has gone in for the .22 Hornet and I'm going to keep the Hmr and the .22lr aswell :thumbs: I'll see how much I use the others over the next couple of years and make a more informed choice at my renewal. Njc I don't suppose you'd like to share any of your recipes for the hornet would you? It'll give me something to play with until I can buy the rifle. Cheers everyone for your advice, its been alot of help. Ads
  14. Well took the .22lr out this morning for the first time in an absolute age and now I'm considering keeping the HMR and swapping the .22lr My god doesn't it seem slow after shooting the HMR and .223 for awhile!!! I bet you lot wish I could make my mind up Anyway I took the .22 out on one of my main permissions today to see how it would preform, its an area of flatish land that I usually only shoot with the HMR and .223 on due to being seen from miles away and now I know why. Its just so much better to have a bit of range behind the bullet. I know your all shouting if my fieldcraft was better it wouldn't be a problem and maybe your right, but I've got a job to do on this permission and need to rid it of as manny bunnies as possible in short windows of time (can only shoot it for a couple of hours first thing in the morning) so being able to tag them at 100yards certainly helps. So now I'm in two minds once again, if I can find the cash I think I'll keep both and purchase either the hornet or possibly the .17 fireball, but if I can't find the cash I need to get rid of one of the rimmies and I can't for the life of me decide which one? Ads
  15. Swap the .223 you say? Its a thought I suppose? I've not shot any munty's yet as we don't seem to have many around are way, however it'd be nice to have the option so I think the .223 is here to stay, besides which I love my remmy an don't think I'd be without it. I guess I need to decide weather the HMR needs to go, before I can make any real decisions about what to get next Ads
  16. .204 you've gone and said it now al4x!!!! Better throw that in the melting pot too! So if anybody would like to share some experiences with this feel free to chime in I'd like to keep th HMR but to be honest it depends whether the funds will allow it. Incidentally my FEO said if I swap my HMR for another caliber and send the variation in at the same as the transfer notice it'll be treated as a 1-4-1 ie: Free. Is this normal? I'd expected to pay for a swap of calibers Ads
  17. Well I've just spoken to my FEO and he's more than happy to grant the variation he even said I could keep the HMR if I wanted . However just to throw a spanner in the works he suggested that I might want to consider one of the .17 centrefires as I've already got the .223? So what do you guys think, has anyone got any experience with any of the .17 centrefires they'd like to share? From what I can find on t'internet they can be pretty handy bits of kit but I'd love to hear some first hand experience. Cheers Ads
  18. Don't get me wrong Eliv Elvis I think my HMR is fantasic, it's just I fancy a change and something I can reload. In an ideal world I'd have both but I'm not sure I'd get away with it!!! Cheers Ads
  19. Hi al4x, I've already got the .223 as a serious foxing tool and I must say it does a bang on job at that. When I'm out on a proper rabbit session I will usually take the .22lr as that costs peanuts to fire, my thinking with the hornet was kind of a happy medium between the two, as well as being able to reload. cheers ads
  20. Thanks Mr Logic, I'll have a look at henry's site. I have to agree my CZ's are fantastic they were born to shoot and thats all they want to do, regardless of how they are treated!!!!! Ads
  21. Cheers Hiflier, Consider yourself redeemed, a very usefull article indeed. njc110381 thanks for the input I think the CZ is the only way I would go anyhow, both my rimmies are CZ's and I can't fault them there are just superb :unsure: Ads
  22. Cheers Sitsinhedges, its good to know that you can use the H17's as I've got a couple of recipes for subs using these. You learn something knew every day :unsure: Ads
  23. Thats pretty much what I wanted to hear Mr Logic, thanks for an excellent reply it looks like i'll be filling out some forms then!!! :unsure: Just out of interest where did you purchase your brass from as I'm not sure my local shop stocks it? Cheers Ads
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