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Everything posted by ads03ads

  1. Hi all, Considering swapping my .17hmr in for a .22 hornet. Has anybody got any views on this would it be a good move? My thinking was that the heavier bullet would not be as affected by cross winds aswell as it being a much more capable round for foxes. Also just getting into the whole reloading scene so I guess once set up it probally wouldn't cost much more than the hmr to feed. Cheers in advance, Ads
  2. Cheers Andy, I don't suppose you've any recipes with a fibre wad? its for the little hushpower you see and they really don't like the plastic ones Sitsinhedges thank you but I have tried Ian at clay and game and the only fibre wad loads he had were in 2" Doh! Cheers ads
  3. Hi sitsinhedges, I'm open to discussion really, not had that much experience loading for the .410. Most of the loads I have found for the 2" subs have been using vectan sp3 and to be honest vectan powders will be the easiest to pick up for me as its what the local supplier has!!! But as I said if you know of something better then I'm open to be talked into it. Cheers Ads
  4. Hi all, Does anybody out there have any recipes for subsonic .410 loads, prefrably 3" and fibre wad. Have a few loads for 2" cases but ideally would like to get as much lead in the air as possible!!!! Many thanks in advance Ads
  5. Well another outing out with the escort and I'm still alive, still got all my fingers and even managed to bag some pigeons Only put 1 box of carts through it today but still no jams, Bleeh I take your point regarding different loads etc it would seem the escort likes the carts I'm using and the good thing is I like using them too, so no worries eh. I guess time will tell, I'm going to keep an open mind about the gun, so far I love it in time that may change who knows? The important thing for me is to form my own opinion of it, I'm sure there are bad examples of them around but that will go for anything on general sale, it seems mine works ok so for me money well spent for others maybe not, as said earlier "you pays your money you take your choice" Cheers guys Ads
  6. Don't ruin my fun its not often I've something to bragg about I'll be sure to let you all know how great it preformed again later today...... If I live to tell the tail that is Ads
  7. Well guy's your not going to belive this!?! I went to my local gun shop yesterday morning and left with a shinny new Escort and do you know what? I put three boxes of cartridges through it and it didn't blow up, it didn't fall to bits and more importantly everytime you pulled the trigger it went bang, threw the empty cartridge away and even loaded a new one with no problems at all!!!!!! I guess there are a few good ones out there I'm well chuffed with it Well enough bragging about my new super expensive gun!!! I'm off to have some more fun with it. Cheers Ads
  8. Congrats on the new ticket mate, graet feeling isn't it
  9. Get a bigger safe, when I first go my FAC I tried to do just what your trying and it was a pain the backside!!! They did just fit but you had to fanny around for ages to get it just right. Plus its not worth bashing your scope or scrachting/denting you stocks. As sako75 says keep your old case for the shotty's and get a deep one for the rifles, this will save you bother when you want more rifles/shotty's!!! Ads
  10. The .22lr does sound like the kiddie for you, but why not apply for the .17 hmr as well, it is a bit louder but will give you a little more range as well as being more likely to get fox as a condition (local force depending!!!). I would ask for the pair on your application as if you decide at a later date that you would like the hmr it'll cost you for the variation, the worst that can happen is they'll say no Good luck with it, I'm sure you'll have no problems, Ads
  11. CZ Brno all the way mate, I have the 452 style and it never fails to impress me. They are a fantastic rifle, won't cost you the earth and accurate too. Also the .17 hmr is a brilliant little round, it is louder than the .22lr by a fair way but it doesn't seem to bother the bunnies to much they just have a quick look around and just get back to their business! Good luck with the application, Ads
  12. Have to agree with the others, every time I take my hummy out it never fails to put a smile on my face The CZ's are fantastic rifles too. Top shooting mate. Ads
  13. Hi all, A bit cheeky really, just got my hands on my new .223 but my existing permission is just a touch water logged (could probally go wildfowling there at the moment!!!) Was wondering if there is anybody local who might need a hand with charlie, I'm just outside of chichester but willing to travel. Mant thanks in advance, Ads
  14. This appalling!!!! How can you preech of your hunting skills and experience then post a vid of you taking half a dozen shots at one rabbit and it still running off. I accept that sometimes you can injure your quarry and it is important to swiftly follow up and humanely dispatch, however it is not neccessary to post vids of it with captions such as "another hit, he's not happy" DISGRACEFULL
  15. Well I,ve done it, I'm now the proud owner of a Remington 700 SPS. It has only fired around 20 rounds in its carrer so pretty much brand new, was set up by a RFD friend of mine to help a sceintist with some ballistic experiments and has been in the armoury ever since! So who was I to say no, came set up with scope and mounts its even zeroed (talk about easy life) Even got 40 homeloads thrown in as well!!! Anyway I'm off to play now thanks to all for the advice. Ads
  16. Thanks all for the suggestions, I do like the CZ's I already have two , a .22lr and .17hmr both synthetic with the stainless barrrel!!! was just thinking of a change? Or maybe I should stick with what I like and know. It will be used mainly to upset charlie, so something lightish would be prefreble as a fair few miles are covered of an evening I'll be sure to keep you updated as too my progress. Cheers
  17. Hi guys, Thanks for the replies, I guess I,m looking to spend around £600-£700, but for the right gun would probally spend a bit more!!!! Any advice on what mod to go for? Going to see a nearly new Sako on friday only fired around 40 rounds and has been locked up ever since! Cheers gents I'll let ya know how I get on
  18. Well they've only gone and done it!!! Got my variation back for my first centre fire in .223. To say I'm chuffed would be an understatment, only had my F A C for around 8 months. I must say how good the team at sussex head quarters have been, they said there might be a delay as its a very busy time and it came within 2 weeks top work guys!!! So I guess I better get shopping any recommendations for rifles, sound mods and ammunition? Cheers in advance Ads
  19. Hi Guss, Have a look at Target Sports Uk I belive they used to do just the thing your after? Hope this helps. Ads
  20. ads03ads

    house electric

    I agree with Hw682, the work should have had a minor works certificte issued!!! Was he part P registered or was it a quick cash job wink wink nudge nudge!!! The imersion in an ideal world should be on its own radial circuit also. All the best and I hope all is fixed ads
  21. A big welcome from West Sussex Ads
  22. Hello from West Sussex, welcome to P.W
  23. Hi Bow, New here to, its a top site with a top bunch of guys,
  24. Hi remmy 223, your literally 10mins from me then, small world hey!! :unsure:
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