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Everything posted by ads03ads

  1. BothBarrels, your quite right it is a bit like shooting fish in a barrel, but I guess its a job that needs doing. The farmer seems happy that they have been shown the error in their ways so with any luck it'll lead to some decent decoying on the rest of his land, the best thing is he even offered to pay me for my troubles. I told him "I wasn't after his cash but if he had anymore pest issues to give me a ring and I'd be right over". He said "of course I will, but please take something for your time" So after a bit of "go on, go on, go oning" we settled on a couple of quid to cover the cartridges used, happy days!!!! Ads
  2. Cheers guys, looks like I'll be having a few hours fun then Ads
  3. Hi all, As the title suggests really, got called to a farm today to take a look at a pigeon problem around the machinery, the little b******ds are sitting up in the rafters and doing their business on all the tractors etc. Great I thought I could handle a couple of hours of this. Anyhow when I got there (not 15mins later) the farmer showed me round and pointed to the the top of the barn, now there were at least 30 of them sitting up there happily cooing to each other, the problem was nearly all of them were white, there are a couple of obviously feral white and brown ones but generally they are all 100% white. They look like feral pigeons but pure white like a magicians dove!!! So thats my question can they be dealt with or not? Many thanks in advance Ads
  4. As they said, I went to Bangkok twice last year and didn't see any gun stall/shops, where are they hiding them all? Ads
  5. Its funny how some things just make you smile . I had a rather good meeting with a farm manager yeasterday and walked away with 190 hectares of shooting permision. To say I'm chuffed is a bit of an understatment! He took me on a guided tour of the farm, and whilst driving about we must of seen at least ten thousand rabbits and even in broad daylight we saw five of our little ginger pals Aswell as the vermin problem there is acre after acre of maize, wheat, peas and beats that looks very promising to pull a few pigeons in. So happy days, it just goes to show if you don't ask you don't get. Never be afraid to go and speak to the farmers, you never know what you might get, the worst they can say is no and just sometimes they say yes and you can walk away beaming ear to ear. Ads
  6. They're a great gun Sam. My old man bought me one when I was about six, I've still got it now thats a good twentythree years later and its still going strong. Not the prettiest thing but great fun and they certainly stand the test of time. Enjoy Ads
  7. Hi Rarms, Haven't got a trap made up at the moment, but where in west sussex are you maybe I could pop over and help you knock one together? Have you considered snares I have some set up on my land and charlie just loves to stick his head through them They have accounted for four in the last couple of weeks alone. Ads
  8. As he said, is it still up for grabs? Cheers ads
  9. As they said I've got some very small bits of land cleared simply because its got a good backstop and there is a need to shoot my rifles there. Ads
  10. Another thumbs up for the hushpower .410 Good luck. Ads
  11. Well done mate, top shooting, keep it up Ads
  12. Your quite right sako75 "zorro" was a first class act I couldn't belive just how many streakers there were this year I know the sun was shining but it was just getting a bit rediculous. Ads
  13. And how about the Navy winning!! What a result And top result with the two bucks. Ads
  14. Did you get your electric problem sorted? I am a qualified spark and would happily have a look for you. Where abouts are you I'm only about 45mins from Gatwick so not much bother to get over. Cheers Ads
  15. Cheers MC , Running Man. Yes I do know Steve I'll have a word with him next time I'm over his way. Look forward to hearing from you. Ads
  16. Cheers Running Man, I'm just between Chichester and Bognor Regis, any help would be gtreatly appreicated. In the meantime I'll see what I can find on the tinternet to read up on the subject. Ads
  17. Yes running man I'm a member of my local range, but to be honest I usually only use it to zero the rimfires. They do occasionally do a trip to Bisley but I wouldn't have said they go often enough to actually master longe range shooting more of a "Jolly Boys Outing". Ads
  18. MC thanks for explaining the open sights, I had visions of you tagging targets at 1000 yards with a set of BSA Meteor sights What you explain does seem to have a bit more finesse. Still pretty impressive though, how do you get into long range shooting, the longest range I've found locally has only got 100 yard facilities. Cheers Ads
  19. I'm not sure I could even see a fox at 1000 yards. let alone shoot him!!!!!!!!!!!! MC I must say I'm impressed, thats some shooting with open sights, about 50 yards has got to be my record with them. Just how much pratice have you put in? Cheers Ads
  20. It certainly would be dull wouldn't it Running Man. To be honest I'd like to be as fastidious as you but I'm far to impatient Ads
  21. Well a polite hello to you as well Ads
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