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Mr Majyk

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Everything posted by Mr Majyk

  1. Hi all. im on the isle of wight looking for pigeon & rabbit, and a mentor if possible to im tired of blundering round on my own! also looking for a wildfowling club or syndicate on the south coast as close to my little island as possible as i cant seem to find any here even tho we have a few amazing wetlands! any info much appreciated
  2. Well ive had one permission previously but its useless and i can hardly ever get the time to shoot it as its a camp ground. so time to go looking for new permissions! i was intending to get my insurance before looking for new permissions etc. the general idea behind a nice letter was to "get my foot in the door" I.E. ask for the chance to meet them so they can judge my character etc and decide wether or not theyre comfortable with me shooting on theyre land?
  3. would you lot think its a good idea to send out well worded polite letters to my local farmers asking for shooting rights rather than just turning up at there door or calling them out of the blue? if a letter would be a good way what should i include in it? Ta!
  4. heres a question for you? whats a good shot size for foxs? maximum to minnimum? ive got a box of 36gm BB's is that all good?
  5. why are they poor condition? whats so bad bout them?
  6. Mr Majyk


    Simple question when is the best time of day to shoot rabbits with an air rifle? ive heard different stuff from different people saying things like "rifle in the morning shotgun in the evening and ignore the day." but what do people think then? :o ideas please
  7. i'd be inclined to agree that i may have been a result of fighting as this one was DEFINITELY a male :lol:
  8. Went for a shoot earlier today and the first rabbit i bagged had some form of "growth" just below its mouth (see picture) and sticking on the side of caution i discarded the carcass as i wasnt sure if it was anything which could be transmitted to a human. it looks like a normal scab to be honest and i probably would have ignored it if it hadnt been for the fact that this rabbit was also missing a toe on one of its back paws, again it looked scabbed over but it was also filled with puss, and i mean LOTS of puss! basically what do people think this could have been? and was it a sensible idea to get rid of the carcass? (carcass disposed of in a BIG fire! again just trying to be cautious) Could this just be infected wounds healing poorly?
  9. Ok changed my signature. didn't think anyone would find it disturbing as thats essentially what we do, we shoot them we gut them then we eat them? i dunno about anyone else but i sure don't stuff them and put them on the mantle piece so the only other thing to do is eat it! and it tastes goooood. but signature changed sorry peeps. Anyways thanks to all who've posted you've given me some good info to run on especially the person who put up the link for the practical shot gun. I'm looking to see if there's a group in my area who do it? looks a bit more exciting than clay pigeons (but thats still good to!) and looks to be a challenging discipline to. Keep shooting laddles and jelly spoons! :good:
  10. wooooop! just found a video for this and that looks like so much fun! and the video was made here on my little isle of wight! gotta look more into this! thankyou!!! :yp: :look:
  11. Cheers! better to ask and know rather than not ask and guess.
  12. Iknow i'll sound stupid but is an FEO a fire arms enquiry officer?
  13. Well if i were to get the fac for shotgun then id spend the time looking for the one which i think is just right before buying as im the sorta person who buys something with no real intention of re-sailing it. so im not really worried about re-sale value.
  14. Yes kinda cos its fun! 8 shot was only a random number i came up with. but what would be a good reason for fac shotgun gimme some examples? one of my permissions is INFESTED with rabbits im having a **** loada fun trying to keep the numbers down! would that be a good reason?
  15. what exactly is practical shotgun?
  16. ok, so i got my shotgun licence a few months ago and ive been having ALOT of fun and i was reading about semi-autos and personally i dont see the point of just one extra shot, (no offense intended to those who do use them.) so i was wandering whats the law say to FAC shotguns? if i were to apply for an FAC shotgun just for a say, 8 shot 12 gauge semi-automatic. but no rifle etc? what do you think theyd say? would it be easy to get the licence for just that shotgun as a coterminus?
  17. I did consider stepping up to number 5 shot but wasnt sure but with you guys suggesting it i'll give it a go next time i need to buy cartridges which is gona be soon only got roughly 50 left! PANIC!
  18. Finally got my shottie licence and a permission, so just thought id post a pic of the results of a quick one hour totter round from the little isle of wight my gun is an O/U igi Domino 12 gauge. with double trigger. bottom barrel is fixed half choke and top barrel at fixed full choke The cartridges i was using were RC Professional game 30gm with number 6 shot and a fibre wad. my only worry was that the shot didnt seem to bowl these to blighters over properly, does anyone think that i should be using different cartridges? if so what? And the best thing is im going out for an early morning session tomorrow ACE here bunny bunny bunny those two tasted brilliant in the stew this evening
  19. He's talking to a moose skull.............
  20. good simple design i wonder if it could be adapted for anything else? e.g. people
  21. nope we dont rush things over here but the slowest part of the island is the south side time almost stops down there i love my island and i just herd that apparently we have roe dear over here but i find that hard to believe but it may warrent further investigation
  22. hmmmmmm i think my club does pistol shooting on a sunday? this i must investigate, i know they do black powder pistol shooting so i'll have to enquire if i can get my hands on one
  23. ok it probably wasnt grousse i saw but it sure as hell wasnt a pheasant!
  24. wait just watched it again, and yes i can see the bullet! which makes it even cooler!! :( :sly:
  25. Ok im confused? i thought all cartridge pistols were banned in the uk? so how did you get a .44 magnum? because i want one!!! o and cool video would be even cooler if you could see the bullet
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