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Mr Majyk

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Everything posted by Mr Majyk

  1. AA fields or JSB Exacts you say? well i'll give them a go! and see how it goes! either way i want me some more damn pigeon! ever since i had my first im hooked! tastes lovely!
  2. first few shots were rested but then i went to free standing and got the "good group" kept firing standing then got another rubbish group. this rifle has a huge sentimental value to me, id never get rid of it even if i couldnt hit a barn at point blank but id like it if i could get it working properly. range was roughly 12.5 m i havent used it since it was serviced a year or so ago so maybe something is loose?
  3. Ive owned an axsor for 3 years now and have never had a problem! hears a few tips for cycling the action, 1: when you put the magazine in rotate the magazine clock wise till you hear a "click" that means the spring has engaged the magazine and should be in the proper position. 2: when you pull the bolt back after firing a round pull the bolt back till you hear a "click" and look at the magazine whilst you do this, you should see magazine turn and cycle the next round. 3: when you push the bolt forwards dont try to ram it in! push it forwards with a smooth but firm action. a round will occasionally have trouble entering the breech due to the breechs fine size tolerances to use the bolt to "tap" the round in DONT pull the bolt all the way back otherwise the rifle will try to cycle and load another round (which is bad ) 4: get to know your rifle theyre damn high quality pieces of kit! if problems persist then give euroguns a metaphorical kick in the teeth till they sort the problem! they sold it to you so its theyre responsibility to make sure it works properly!
  4. my longest kill shot was 46 yards! perfect head shot on a bunny! windless day perfect flat ground from a bipod, and id just been practising at 50 yards on a card to see what mill dots id need to use. wouldnt have done that shot under anything less than perfect conditions!!!
  5. No i didnt know that already haha cheers for the tips i will have a little fiddle this evening with the action. funnily enough im using the same pellets you are, eley wasp 5.6, the same pellets i used it with when i was 8 and my grandad was teaching me to shoot! The fore sight is definitely tight. any idea how i can check the rear sight? and im guessing the action screws are the two slot headed screws near the fore end of the rifle?
  6. can i have some feedback on what the hell is happening with my BSA airsporter? its an underlever springer which im trying to zero the iron sights on for picking off the pigeons which land on my garage roof. the target on the left was first try to see where the shots were going. i tweeked the sights a little and got the nice little group you can see on the right hand target but after those 5 shots it completely lost all accuracy and produced the five shots you can see at the bottom of the card? anyone got any idea what could be causing this???
  7. "My choice of shot for pigeon is either head, neck or just below the wing joint if visible. You will probably find the little rascal about 50yds away on the floor." I Usually go for the neck but i had a nice frontal shot and aimed just above the breast bone next time i'll aim straight for the neck in future. i also had a good look round for it, climbing up on the roof to as he flew over me, was hopeing hed save me the hassle of digging him out the undergrowth and land at my feet haha but he swooped up and above the roof at the last second. darn it! and it was the last i needed for my pie!
  8. Right im peeved off! I just had a perfect shot on a pigeon in a tree behind my workshop and the little feathered flying meal had the cheek to fly off AFTER i put a 14.2 grain hollow point into his chest (just above the breast bone) using my webley air rifle. and it suddenly brought up the old argument in my head of what pellet is best? so i thought id put it to you lot? what would you use? dome, flat top or hollow point? i always was under the impression that hollow points were best as they "transfer more energy into the target" but another person once told me that flat tops were best because they got better penetration thus causing more damage? any thoughts are much appreciated!
  9. im interested but in all honesty im a little short of cash but i'll see what i can muster up. if you dont hear back from me soon please dont hesitate to sell it to someone else k?
  10. cheers! :unsure: so theese guys can do what id like? i.e. turn my fixed gun into a multi choke?
  11. SEAL SKINS!!! there bloody brilliant for shot gun as you can feel trigger etc throught the gloves and still find the feel of cartridges well to. this things are everything proof! (within reason.) but in all honesty id say there rubbish for anything like a small calibre rifle as there a bit to thick for tiny fiddly bullets but stil good for larger calibres :unsure:
  12. If you had a fixed choke shotgun would it be possible to send it of to a gunsmith and have it threaded to accept chokes? much in the same way a rifle will be threaded to accept muzzle breaks or silencers?
  13. still for sale? any more details? chamber size etc?
  14. well thats a very thorough de-activation! i'll see if i can e-mail my fire arms officer and ask him in detail whats best to do and how to go about it? my guns not worth much but id love to keep it working as its worth quite alot sentimentally.
  15. maybe i should ask my fire arms officer???
  16. well lets just say in theory i have 2 guns, on one the barrels get damaged so i take the barrels from the other i then have an incomplete gun right so wont the law get funny about that? (i get rather paranoid about the law as id rather like to stay on the right side of it!)
  17. De-activate it as i dont think the law would like it if i were to buy another gun then take it apart for the spares and not tell them? if its de-activated then surely theyd feel more comfortable with that rather than the parts of a gun just seeming to disappear?
  18. IGI Domino o/u 12 bore has a lot of sentimental value to me and ive found that getting spares is quite difficult? picking up the same type is fairly cheap so i thought buy a second and have it de-activated then use it for spares and repairs?
  19. how bout this............. My gun has alot of value to me. would it be possible to take another gun identical to my own have that gun de-activated then take the barrels from it?
  20. can someone please tell me a good place to get hold of replacement/custom made barrels for s/s & o/u shotguns?
  21. cheers very much i'll pm you for details
  22. ok, theres obviously two schools of thought to this, letter or talking, think ive got a nice compromise between the two. write a letter but deliver it by hand so maybe i get the chance (if i see them) for a quick chat in person? seems like a good idea?
  23. Hi all. im on the isle of wight looking for pigeon & rabbit, and a mentor if possible to im tired of blundering round on my own! also looking for a wildfowling club or syndicate on the south coast as close to my little island as possible as i cant seem to find any here even tho we have a few amazing wetlands! any info much appreciated
  24. Well ive had one permission previously but its useless and i can hardly ever get the time to shoot it as its a camp ground. so time to go looking for new permissions! i was intending to get my insurance before looking for new permissions etc. the general idea behind a nice letter was to "get my foot in the door" I.E. ask for the chance to meet them so they can judge my character etc and decide wether or not theyre comfortable with me shooting on theyre land?
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