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benelli montefeltro

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  1. hang in there pepe, you will learn from the experience and come back stronger. dont be disheartened
  2. i hate to keep banging on about this oth, but i really cannot see how you could accuse anybody of being greedy in regards to pigeon shooting, when you are proud to keep telling us of your record bag of 561 pigeons. just a little bit of greed involved there if you ask me
  3. i see your still hurting mc, just let it go for gods sake. oh and i have absolutely nothing to prove to you, and i think i said that before. you cannot prove otherwise so there we go
  4. oooooh, looks like you hit a raw nerve there cat, i take it jjs is one of mcs favoured haunts with clays at ten yards , to give him that inflated b class average
  5. i would rule the winchester out right away, and that leaves you the beretta or benelli. obviously im going to say the benelli, as it just requires so little maintenance it makes it a joy to own. will just never quit on you. ive owned a beretta before too and must say it does have less recoil because of the gas set up, and they are a great handling gun, but simply because i give mine a fair bit of rough treatment its got to be the benelli, for me anyway. although im fully aware that you will have the beretta shooters who feel just as passionately about their choice, and will sing its many advantages
  6. dont shoot hares, jackdaws or rooks. il shoot a magpie or greyback crow if they offer the chance when im out after pigeons or woodcock, but wont set out to specifically target them. also dont shoot pheasants, never shot one in my life, ive seen more pheasants running than flying so i see them as a tame kind of bird, and of course as someone said earlier they are just like a farmed species. oh and i havent shot anything since last week in january and i wont till september, and that includes the maggies and hoodies, unless of course they rip apart a songbird nest outside my window and they are asking for it. as for the snipe and woodcock i shoot them in real moderation, and by moderation i mean i shot 11 in total last season. i detest any shooter who would go out and shoot large bags of these birds as they come from far and wide to this shores and are truly a wild bird. shows a real lack of respect for them. also shot 1 jack snipe in my life, and that was a mistake, and will never shoot another. though i disagree with the things said bout snipe being to small, yes they may be small but they are packed with flavour, and work wonders in a pot of soup alongside 3 or 4 pigeons and a woodcock
  7. dont get so touchy there, im only stating a fact, you did waffle on about restraint during the coldest spell of the weather, and now you are out shooting hundred bags in the spring. i just wonder if you could explain your reasoning behind this. you should have said at the time im holding back from the birds because it is too cold for me, and it is harder to get a good day at that time of year. and that you were just holding on to spring when its much warmer and i have a better chance of a huge bag. you said all these daft things oth, not me
  8. i guess these recent big bags are blowing your theory out of the water that the pigeon population took a pasting in the winter then.
  9. the time you spent taking that "swimming pigeon" pic might have been better spent getting the bird dispatched quickly and cleanly, instead of leering at it with a camera and giggling at it like some kind of hillbilly. i mean did it amuse you that much? again that pic would be great ammunition for an anti
  10. interesting reading the negative comments about the hi viz sights you can get as im actually toying with idea of sticking one on my browning. it was secondhand when i bought it and already had middle bead removed and just had front bead. il be honest and say that i look an awful lot at the end of my gun when shooting, as i feel i always need to know where it is in relation to the clay. and so with this theory im thinking of sticking a wee hiviz sight on mine, to make the gun stick out even more in my peripheral vision. but i totally know where others are coming from in saying that its best not to look to much at the gun, as you are usually stopping the gun at that stage. but its just the way i shoot
  11. bit of trumpet blowing going on there. please elaborate on these numerous prizes you claim to have one? im interested. do they hold a remote controlled bunny competition do they? or the sitting pheasant at ten yards competition? and all that stuff you mention does not necessarily mean you have the one main ingredient in being a firearm owner which is common sense. oh and by the way i am not the only one here to have similar opinions about you. i will say no more as it is pointless talking to you. also it looks like you hired a private detective or something to discover my identity, bit creepy. it seems to be eating you up inside or something. and please do not send me another vile and abusive pm to me like you did before, no need for it. have fun with the gun!
  12. whats all this ******** about being happy for the guy? am i supposed to be happy for someone i dont know getting a rifle? hold on il go and break out the champagne for him! oh and you should live by your own motto about if you cant say something nice, calling me a **** aint to nice in my book. maybe your "momma" brought you up differently
  13. i didnt realise you were so sensitive frenchie. also please do not call me an idiot as you dont know me, thank christ i will add. and also i wouldnt call mindlessly blasting away at a scrap car, or a hairbrained scheme to create a remote controlled rabbit to shoot at, as using a firearm safely and responsibly. maybe you do, less said on that the better. also i dont know how you could say you are sure he will use it in a safe manner, unless of course you knew him personally, and knew what type of character he is, and what his behaviour around firearms is like? if you do know him and can assure me he is of a sound and sensible character towards guns then of course i apologise. you have it in for me, fair enough, but dont come on licking this guys *** just to somehow stay on the "right" side on here. have a nice day
  14. i guess that the pheasants will be in for a hard time then next season or the remote controlled rabbit will get it in the neck as well. you can bet if there is an inappropriate way to use that weapon, this guy will be at it.
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