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Posts posted by Evilv

  1. Ziplex,

    I agree with you, those German Shepherds looked terrible, the ones that Evilv refered to looked so much stronger and better for working!


    If the KC would change their standards to healthier shaped dogs would the nutters still breed dogs with their own relatives and cause these dogs to have miserable lives too?


    I think it is the enthusiasts who dictate the breed standards rather than the KC. In any case, those KC guys were wetting their pants that the 'enthusiasts' (AKA nutter obsessives) would run off and do heir own thing in any case - they said so in so many words. We are stuck with these weirdos destroying the breeds completely. Pedigree dogs cost about three times as much to insure than a mongrel for one reason, they are far more likely o be sick and crippled and that is because of the way they have been bred.

  2. come on whats everyone views :P


    i was shocked and but not surprised, this has been going on for along time,

    what really gets my goat is :good: breeding dog that have no quality of life is seen as alright in the show world,( most of the show people are interested in is ££££££££ ie stud fees and puppys)


    i have been weighing up option for quite a while now on what dog i am getting next year " i do alot of picking up on shoots"

    i like the idea of having a lab/spainel cross, they seem to be a lot more robust and less prone to health problems but i would also like to take part in some field trials,i don,t think it would go down well if i turned up with a cross breed and won ;)


    i have three dog, spainel :( , a pedigree labrador and a collie/lab cross which are all used for shooting, i have had more health problems with the pedigree lab,£2500.00p later

    but my 14 year old lad cross is still going strong,and has caused more no problems through out his life, "touch wood"

    hopefully will be getting another season out him, he just wants to keep going i can,t leave him at home otherwise i will have no kennel and garden left, :lol:


    i would just like to here what everyones opinions is, :hmm:





    From what was said on the programme by the vets and from my own direct experience, you are onto someting good with a cross bred dog. It's just as you found out yourself. Field trials lines of animals should maybe be better than the show dogs though, but they are also bred into the same stock over and over again so maybe they will suffer the same kinds of difficulties because of inbreeding though the problems may be different ones. It's the breeding methods as well as the searching out of weird appearance that is the problem.


    That programme was an eye opener, even though I have noticed the deterioration in mobility and robustness of German Shepherds over time. It has got so bad that some breeders are crossing GS with collies to get a dog that can walk. Such a shame as there are few breeds that are as intelligent and loyal as the GS.


    The problem with crossing a lab and a spaniel from lines that have been damaged by inbreeding is that they still carry defective genes. They are I suppose less likely to be expressed in a particular pup than if you went back to the same lines on both sides but the concentration of genes is still there. It wouldn't surpise me if we had to go back to the mongrel mutts that used to run about all over our cities to get back to some decent canine genes. The problem has probably been m,de worse by the recent tendency to spay all dogs besides breeding stock - the very ones that have the problems. Where are old the old mongrels we used to have? Spayed and extinguished by the do gooders of the breeding fraternity and their stupid fashions. We may end up keeping foxes in the future!!

  3. I thought the 'show' German Shepard's were awful to look at as were the 'breeders' who continue to breed with dogs, (especially the King Charles), with known serious and ultimately life threatening illnesses. Was a bit of an eye opener weren't it?! I was very keen to have one or both of my Springers, (both pedigree), mated in order to keep back one of the pups as they were both wonderful dogs however Jazz had hip displacia and Lott' had a slight heart murmer so I didn't take the risk.......it wasn't as if I was in it for the money though, these lot quite obviously are. Trouble is every man and his dog, to coin a phrase, are into breeding nowadays without any thought of genetic crossing or hereditory problems. How can you stop it happening? the Kennel Club seem in disaray to me but in their favour it's gone too far now and too difficult to police, you only have to look in the local paper on a thursday or on the net to realise how many 'breeders' there are about now. My Pointer cost me lots and I am quite certain she is a top dog but who am I to say :good:



    Totally agree.


    The German Shepherds were grotesque. About twenty five years ago, I had an old fashioned, straight legged GS and he was a fine hound. He could run twenty miles in an afternoon and didn't have those horrible bent legs. Those show GS dogs were being bred for crippledness. They couldn't walk, let alone chase down an intruder. Mine could run like the wind and in his whole life he was never ill until he was ten.


    The people who have become the breed 'experts', were obviously self selected groups of fanatics with no rational support for the deformed breed standards they are promoting. They were also quite immune to the argument of experts such as vets and academic specialists in animal genetics.

  4. My personal feeling is the punishment should fit the crime, I know we don’t, cant, wont, but in such cases I really wish we could, I have no sympathy for the likes of Mr Paul Gadd AKA Gary Glitter he knows its wrong he known’s he has committed sick crimes against young kids and has no remorse quite frankly the world would be a nicer place without him


    Exactly.....and whilst it's sort of commendable/brave to pipe up and say what's right and wrong and how should we help in relation to rehabilitation etc. how one's tune might change if a known peadophile moved up the street should they have youngsters? :good:


    There's a weird, dwarfish, Lord of the Rings troll kind of a guy lives near me. He stalks about looking really like he just walked of a hobbit film set. Couple of years ago, he was done under that child porn sting thing where people had given their credit card details to visit nasty sights on the web. He had a few pictures and was one of the milder offenders -I gather they were of sub 18 year old girls, but not the grotesquely horrible things that some of these nonces have been into. Anyway, everybody knows him, some of the kids shout 'hobbit' and 'dwarf' at him when he goes past and nobody speaks to him. The one I feel sorry for is his mother. She lives there and suffered the indignity and shock of having her house searched for several days when it came to light. She's a nice woman. I helped her sell her husband's motor bike when he died a few years back. She walks about like a ghost, looking at the ground. She used to be quite sociable.

  5. National Gamekeepers Organisation costs £30 with £10 million for lawful shooting activities, but nothing else much.


    Also check out the thread about trespassers of yesterday. There was a guy there saying that some other shooting organisation also included legal cover which BASC may or may not chose to cover in your case. One member in the thread had legal problems that BASC may well not cover, so he said.


    This post is purely for information about alternatives. Each organisation offers different benefits and costs. You pays your money and you makes your choice.

  6. I agree with the sentiments expressed about the criminal justice system, flawed that it is. However, because LS has not towed the line 100% with the baying mob to call for Gadd's immediate execution upon return to the UK he has been accused as being a "sympathiser", and that is most certainly not on.


    Crimes of this nature are not properly addressed by "the system" because of the nature of the beast. These people are chemically and mentally wired up wrong and plenty of offenders refuse to submit to the treatment on offer by the "system" - whilst they may not get out early on parole by refusing the treatment on offer, once they serve their time they are free but the "system" has not addressed the underlying problem i.e. their mental and chemical state. I believe that one of the solutions available is the castration of persistant sex offenders (chemical or otherwise). If there was a type of offence where the leopard is not likely to change its spots, then this is it. If someone kills someone in a bar brawl it does not automatically follow that he will kill again if given a drink or going into a pub. However, the likes of Gadd should permanently be excluded from all contact with children and the internet of this I am certain.


    This is a good post as was Baggsy's and LS.


    I've only read the first two pages, but most of the contributions are mad.


    Nobody here sympathises with child abuse, especially not with the most horrible abuse of the very young which is deeply monstrous and beyond explanation.


    The suggestion that LS is a sympathiser is offensive. The problem is what to do with recidivist criminals and make no mistake, a large proportion of criminals are habitual offenders, not just child abusers. Actually, I have read research papers from the States that show that sex offenders are reconvicted much less often than other criminals THOUGH THERE ARE A SMALL PROPORTION OF PREDATORY MADMEN WHO MAKE A LIFELONG HABIT OF IT. These according to the American research are much less common than is often believed. We are the subject of a myth put about by lefty social workers here that SEX OFFENDERS IN GENERAL are incurable. They are less incurable than burglars, violent thugs and thieves. None of this takes away the fact that we are more revolted by what they have done. I do think though that this has become the new 'witchcraft' - the thing that has the mob howling for mutilation and a painful death. What's more, any of you lot who have looked longingly at some 15 and half year old trollop, half dressed on the high street share the same tendencies - maybe that is what makes people start calling for mutilation and putting the unpleasant Mr Gad into a cage with wild animals.



    Our prisons in general are hopelessly lost. Gangsters, I read this morning have made several jails dangerous. What I want to know is why prisoners are walking about hurting one another, intimidating staff, and getting away with it. Jails should be single celled units or cages. No prisoner should be free to injure anybody, because they should all be totally confined alone. In my jails if I was in charge, inmates would receive only a survival diet unless they fully cooperated with education and rehabilitation. Most prisoners are almost totally uneducated. They would be confined with a firewalled computer system which presented education and rehabilitation material and nothing else. Cooperation and effort would lead to rewards like association, sport, better food, and family visits. Violence, insubordination, corrupting others and idleness would mean solitary confinement, less and worse food, and no privileges whatsoever. The idea that we allow prisoners to wander around injuring one another, bullying staff, and perverting others shows how far gone this country is.



  7. If that cannon dude isn't dead, I'll be mightly surprised. At least he'll have some pretty serious internal injuries, like most organs squished and no gonads or pelvis left.


    I agree. The violence of that blow would be at the least very serious if not fatal.

  8. The landowner, or an agent acting on their behalf, has a right to eject a trespasser using minimal force if necessary. I would be careful though where possible ring the Police, advise them of your intended actions and invite them to attend. With a few exceptions trespass is a civil not a criminal matter.


    As already mentioned by some posters though I would not under any circumstances challenge or even approach anyone whilst armed, it really isn't worth it.


    You are probably quite right about landowners and agents rights. I'm sure you are in fact, BUT I'd be wary of how a court might interpret my attempts to eject with minimal force and their judgments about WHO these rights of ejection are aimed at.


    Take a landowner's right to eject travelers illegally camping (trespassing) on farm land. Probably a court would take it as correct that a landowner could hire a security company to eject them if they refused point blank to cooperate, that might mean laying hands on them and escorting them away to the boundary. However, I'd bet money that if a farmworker or a gamekeeper were to lay hand on me because I had missed a footpath and refused to go back, but instead offered to go by a non-damaging alternative route, he'd be guilty of assault. Likewise if some youth came on a golf course at night to scratch an itch with his girl in the dark and declined to cooperate with a man in cammo and was manhandled, I expect the agent of the landowner might well have a big problem satisfying the court he was right to get up close and personal. A ***** encampment is a different matter and even these have to be handled very carefully.





    Ah - you didn't intend to quote me and now I have replied as if you did...


    No worries Bagsy. It's a terrible wet day and I can't go out shooting up here in the northern wildlands. Maybe I'll go and buy some more HMR ammo instead of ratcheting on here.





  9. I'm not a lawyer, but I don't think that tresspass is an arrestable offence. This means that you have no right to detain them. Maybe if you found them carrying armfulls of property that they had stolen that would be different. As an ordinary citizen you would have no rights to do anything other than hold a conversation with them. Put a hand on them and you could be held to have assaulted them.


    I think you may be very lucky that they ran away. You could have been far more in the wrong then them. While carrying a firearm in this country cool heads are better than righteous indignation. If you had arrived in close proximity to them with firearms they could easily have claimed you threatened them with them. Threat is much more a matter of how the recipient of it feels rather than how you intended it so in fact you may well have threatened them since they felt threatened by your angry shouting and rushing at them armed to the teeth.


    By the way - you are there to shoot rabbits not patrol like Dirty Harry. This isn't Bagdhad and you are not Blackwater Inc.





    Ah - it's all been said as I now see on reading further. I think you are lucky to still have your rifle to be honest, however upright your intentions were.

  10. The thing I'm taking away from all these horror stories is that the man who mocks all these people as fools and thinks himself 'safe', is lining himself up to be the next person to do something unthinkably stupid.


    There is not a man among us who could not, given the right distraction, or 'off day' hangover, make the possibly fatal error of momentarily forgetting safety routines.


    Somebody a long way back went into a diatribe about how stupid and irresponsible 'these people' are who made mistakes. I'm not as cocky as him. I know I could make a mistake, and that is why I check, and check, and re-check, all the time thinking that a fatal mistake is just one inattentive step away.

  11. I blame the lendors - had they stuck to the time honoured 3.5 times annual sole income or 5 times joint income we wouldn't be in this mess. They have now slammed the stable door shut on most lending, long after the horse has bolted.


    Add on individual greed driven by propery "investment" shows on the telly where in a rising market every muppet was making.


    Bang on the nail there. When the boom in house prices started it was obviously being fueled by endless amounts of money being thrown at lenders. When I bought my first house in 1975, the bank made it perfectly clear that they would allow 3.5 times the man's wage and would take a dim view of what his wife earned since she would likely have a family before too long. That earnings lending ratio gave you limits beyond which you couldn't go, but until recently, they were pouring silly money in front of people. I've heard tell of well over seven times earnings. People will pay whatever they can get hold of for a house. The only limit is the availability of cash. Then there were the 110% mortgages in terms of loan to value. How ridiculous was that. It was bound to prod the prices upwards. I'm not finished either - the buy to let 100% mortgages meant that any ***** waster could buy a portfolio of houses and put them to rent at high values. More and more money chased up the prices.


    The result of this is that kids of the age mine are will have a VERY much more hard up time than I did, which is a shame. When I started out, I could pay my bills quite easily and was able to rent a cottage on the farm I had shooting on as well. We had a good life while our kids will be grafting hard and getting nowhere.


    As for the ********* who bought a half a dozen properties at the peak of the market and now can't cover the rent - F ck them! They deserve what they get. As for the banks, the slimy gets seem able to slither away without taking responsibility for impoverishing a generation and get baled out from the public purse.Adam Applegarth in less restrained times than now would have been strung up from a lamp post and beaten to death. Instead, he walks away from NR with a severance package and a pension pot in the millions!


    House prices need to come down by at the least 50%. I hope they do. This may seem hard on people who just bought, but it isn't. They still have the house at the price they thought it was worth. When they move up to a new and better one, it will cost them less than it would have done if prices had remained at ridiculous levels.


    Also... planning laws prevent building where people want to live and force all new building into ever denser cities. Meanwhile, every waster on the planet can walk in here and declare that someone was nasty to his brother and be granted leave to remain here. Even if he isn't granted leave, he can remain anyway and will be competing with our kids for the ever shorter supply of houses.

  12. You want to move down South then :lol:


    ROFLMAO - oh yeah. Nobody gets shot by hoodies down south do they?


    I know where I am well off thanks.




    Newcastle City Centre


    If you're a jerk, someone will deck you for sure, but nobody gets shot up here.

    Yes, lovely picture, the shame being that it was taken mid-day, and all of the street lights had to be on to see through the smog and pollution.


    I know your joshing, so I'll smile at that nonsense. All the best jokes involve turning the truth on its head after all.



    Just for you Bob. This one was taken on the day all teh smog works were on holiday. If you are serious, your last visit was in the nineteenth century. Did you accompany Queen Victoria on one of her trips to Scotland and get off the train perhaps?





  13. You want to move down South then :lol:


    ROFLMAO - oh yeah. Nobody gets shot by hoodies down south do they?


    I know where I am well off thanks.




    Newcastle City Centre


    If you're a jerk, someone will deck you for sure, but nobody gets shot up here.


    Yeah right it's like the gunfight at the OK coral at times in the Bigg market...and has been since I started drinking there as a 16 year old. Maybe Mungler is being sarcy/ironic/p*** Taker etc.....and if you're from 'Northumberland why do you need to go into the Toon.....surely you can find a sheep in the countryside you wooly back :lol:


    Yeah, but without the guns and I have never ever been attacked in this town unless I have asked for it by acting like a tw *t, and then only rarely. By the way, the vowell missed is an 'a'. We like to call a spade a spade up here and I don't like that silly profanity filter.


    Well known professional grievers scousers.


    It's getting that way everywhere though, look around most forums on t'net and they're scattered with RIP threads for people the posters have never met.


    I couldn't agree more about that. I have a mate from Liverpool and hes very sound, but they have a horrible maudlin streak there. Remember when Boris had to apologise for telling it as it was about the scousers?


    Politician and journalist Boris Johnson today apologised for his "outdated stereotype" of Liverpool as he prepared to visit the city to say sorry for remarks made in his magazine about beheaded hostage Ken Bigley.


    The MP for Henley has come under fire over a leader written in the Spectator, which he edits, which claimed Liverpudlians were "hooked on grief".


    In the same opinion column he also blamed drunken fans for contributing to the 1989 Hillsborough disaster, which claimed 96 lives.


    In an open letter in the Liverpool Daily Post, Mr Johnson repeated his apologies for the article.


    I mean - who here doesn't believe that the Hillsborough fiasco was caused ny drunken Liverpudlians pushing into the ground without paying? We saw them on teh tele doing if for F sake.

  14. You want to move down South then :good:


    ROFLMAO - oh yeah. Nobody gets shot by hoodies down south do they?


    I know where I am well off thanks.




    Newcastle City Centre


    If you're a jerk, someone will deck you for sure, but nobody gets shot up here.

  15. My Winchester 9417 has a nine shot magazine in the tube under the barrel. One thing though, I suspect that it is far quicker to reload a couple of CZ magazines than to undo the end of my tube, slide out the brass carrier and plop in nine new rounds. Also, it is a far less convenient system when you want to unload quickly, like say when you meet someone on the farm and wish to make the gun completely safe. That's a doddle with the CZ. Not so the Winchester.

    It's a doddle, just open the lever fully, they can see clearly that the breech is open and it's 100% safe, leave the tube full. I would rather see a gun like this, than one closed but empty.


    Yes I take your point and the open lever is a more obvious sign than an open bolt.


    However, with the CZ, I remove the magazine AND pull the bolt. On the Winchester if I meet and stop to talk to someone, or case the gun to cross a road,I fully unload the gun. That means I need to empty the magazine which is a bit awkward, though perfectly possible. Then I have to cycle the action which ALWAYS involves loading and unloading a live round with the hammer fully back (only has a half cock safety). I have to cycle the action because even though I have emptied the tube, there is ALWAYS a live one already in the claw of the bolt ready to load and that one will only come out by working the lever.


    Still, it's a nice gun in a nostalgic sort of way and I do enjoy using it. It's extremely light and very good offhand at ranges like fifty or sixty yards. Further than that and I'd have to adopt some other position. There has never been a really calm day to judge the guns accuracy properly since I bought it. I think about a 12 mph wind was the calmest condition I've used it in, but it is stunningly good on long range rabbits even so.

  16. My Winchester 9417 has a nine shot magazine in the tube under the barrel. One thing though, I suspect that it is far quicker to reload a couple of CZ magazines than to undo the end of my tube, slide out the brass carrier and plop in nine new rounds. Also, it is a far less convenient system when you want to unload quickly, like say when you meet someone on the farm and wish to make the gun completely safe. That's a doddle with the CZ. Not so the Winchester.

  17. Northern Ireland Farmer shoots boy in head with .22 rifle.




    13 November 2007

    Fine For Farmer Who Shot Boy

    The 73-year-old farmer who admitted that he shot a five-year-old boy in the head by mistake at a school playground near Enniskillen has been fined £5,000 - and escaped a jail sentence.


    Fergus Cleary of Ballydoolagh Road, Garvary admitted maliciously wounding Darragh Somers more than two years ago. Darragh was critically injured and spent two months in hospital after he was shot in the back of the head as he played at St Patrick's Primary School, Mullanaskea.


    Surgeons carried out two major operations to remove the .22 rifle bullet from his head.


    Cleary was arrested two months after the shooting and initially denied maliciously wounding the boy, but in a fresh move last month, his defence team requested the case come before a judge in Dungannon.


    The accused insisted the shooting was a mistake when it happened in April 2005 as Darragh was playing with friends in the schoolyard.


    Cleary, who attended the school at Mullanaskea himself and had been a past vice-chairman of the board of governors, said nothing during the hour-long hearing.


    He pleaded guilty to maliciously inflicting grievous bodily harm.


    Judge McFarland said the incident was quite unique because it involved the discharge of one round during a common rural activity (shooting crows), "albeit in a grossly negligent manner".


    He said Cleary should have known how far the bullet would have travelled and taken into account that the school playground was in his line of fire.


    "This incident is clearly a lesson to you, and others, that the discharge of these weapons, even in the context of sport or vermin control, can have serious consequences," he said.


    The judge said in imposing a fine he was taking account of a number of matters including the age and good character of the defendant and his remorse.


    He also considered the guilty plea although he commented that it took Cleary more than two years to come to terms with the fact that the bullet came from his rifle and to admit responsibility.


    The judge also ordered that the gun and the ammunition be destroyed.


    Darragh has been left with eyesight difficulties and a facial blemish which may need further surgery.


    The defendant submitted a letter of apology to the family on the day of the court hearing and said his thoughts had been with them.



    Crow shooting goes wrong

  18. The 1979 story reminded me of the only time, thanks be, that I came close to an accident, I was night shooting on my own with a semi auto .22 and using Remmington hyper velocity yellow jackets, I took a shot and it just sounded odd, a muted crack and looked as though I had missed an easy shot.


    I had half an idea about what had happened, so I returned to the landy, dismantled the rifle and checked the bore, sure enough the bullet was lodged a third of the way up the barrel.... being a semi it would have been so easy to have just squeezed off another round at the rabbit I had "missed" resulting possibly with my good looks rearranged and not found for sometime.


    Remember to be even more careful when you are out on your own, tell someone where you are going and always carry your mobile.


    :yes: D2D


    Completely right. ALWAYS INVESTIGATE the bore after an 'odd' sounding shot. To be honest, the moderated eley subs are so quiet, you'd hardly know whether they fired properly or not.


    I notice that the bolt and the receiver of my CZ 425 have bleed holes for dispersing escaping gas from the chamber in a reasonably safe direction but I think they wouldn't cope with the whole charge. I suppose they are there to deal with the result of a split or perforated case.


    The safest way to think about gun has something in common with using a chain saw. ALWAYS recognise that when tired or distracted you can do something uncharacteristically stupid. Being cocky about how safe you are is the wrong way to be. Recognise that fatigue and other things can cause problems and if necessary, unload the thing, case it and go home.


    There are some pest control methods that I wouldn't touch with a barge pole - lamping with a rifle being one of them. Remember that horrible story a year or two back when a man shot his stepson between the eyes. Makes my blood run cold to think of it. One of my farmers suggested to me that I try lamping one particular field that has a footpath in it. I told him and his wife that story and he then said, 'Actually a few years ago Dave and his mate were lamping there and they had a small and a large lamps. Dave spotted a what he thought was a fox in the small light and aimed at it, but asked for the other one to be brought on the target just to be sure. When it was, there was a woman on the foot path carrying a cat.'


    I can't vouch for that story, except to say it was told to me in the last ten days.



    From The Times

    July 27, 2005

    Man shot stepson while hunting

    By A Correspondent


    * A man killed his stepson during a fox-hunting expedition at night, a court was told.


    Byron Evans, 13, was killed when his stepfather Philip Rowe, 51, fired his rifle believing that he was aiming at a fox. Rowe admitted manslaughter by gross negligence at Exeter Crown Court and will be sentenced next month. Rowe and his stepson were out shooting near Totnes, South Devon, last September.


    They located their targets by shining a lamp into the darkness, which would light up the foxes’ eyes. Rowe and a gamekeeper left Byron and two other teenagers, but the two men became lost and failed to realise that they had almost returned to the spot where they had told the boys to wait.


    The gamekeeper shone the torch and when Rowe spotted a “glintâ€, he fired and killed his stepson. The charge stated that Rowe “failed to identify a target properly or at all before shooting and fired at a glint. He failed to appreciate that he was shooting in the direction of Byron Evans.†Detective Sergeant Paul Bean, who headed the investigation, said afterwards: “It was totally unnecessary and avoidable.â€



  19. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/otherspor...ints-faked.html


    and with regard to the girl singing, miming a live performance is one thing miming a song that someone else recorded is another................... didn't some band do it in the eighties and get rumbled, can't remember what they were called, guys with long hair and tight trousers i think !!!!

    This happens all of the time in the film industry, I just don't see why it's a such big deal because China has done it.


    Well I'm bothered about Bob..... in fact I am absolutely gutted.


    It is has been mentioned the UK goverment's financial committment to the games has cost every British taxpayer a 1000 quid each?


    Could anyone elaborate further on that rumour?????


    But the bottom line for me is I want my money's worth :yes::Pand I ain'nt having no fake firework displays or girls miming it when I've paid for a proper show :)








    :lol::lol: *** mate, Chill out B)


    "i aint havin no fake firework display....FOOL" ...hahahahahahaha its all gone a bit "Mr T" in here now.

    The botton line is that they dont give a hoot about the brit wanting to see the games, they will fill it full of visitors and we wont get a look in unless we pay a high price for a crappy seat in the back row.

    There has been a murder in China whilst the games are on, and they will be forever trying to redeem themselves. When it comes to London, we will have the best handgun team in the world, all about 16 years old, sporting the best "Gats" you have ever seen. Wonder how many murders we will have? I think other countries might send B teams, rather than risk their finest getting stabbed or gunned down.

    They dont give a **** about us, face it. i wont be going, and i wont be "bigging up" the games over here.

    Look at what was spent on the Dome, massivley over budget, yet we all paid for that. the stadiums wont be finished in time, we wont be able to transport people around properly, everything will be hashed together last minute.

    the only people to benifit from the games will be the "Lord Coe's" of the world. all out to line their own pockets, every one of em.

    You want a "FAKE" games? Ladys and Gents, i give you ...................LONDON 2012.


    Olympic games? My ****! :good:



    Martin already said waht I wanted to. I fear he may be right. The Chinks done good in my opinion. Hope we can.

  20. computer generated for the cams i heard :P:yes:




    Not sure that I follow this, surely the worlds tv crews and cameras were there filming it? I didn't see it, but I'm with beretta, how so you fake a firework display? Why would China need to? They are probably the world's largest manufacturers of fireworks.

    Does it matter if the girl was miming? Is that not what 99% of singers do in this country?


    The excuse for the faked fire works display was that on the night, polluton made the visibility poor and they substituted some pre filmed stuff and I believe some CGI graphics.



    As for China's performance in delivering the games: I am impressed. I hope we can do as well, but fear that we may deliver a very much less polished and decent set of resources and performances. I hope that I am proved wrong. I am put in mind of the Dome fiasco. How much did that cost us all and how cr ap was it for all the hype and nonsense?

  21. Some years ago I managed to fire a muzzle loading punt gun in my living room. The bang was very loud and the burning wadding set fire to the curtains. The charge of shot ruined the carpet before punching a hole through the skirting board and the wall behind it.


    The recoil sent the gun back about ten feet and smashed through the closed french windows. By the grace of god, no one was injured.


    I pulled off a cap on a muzzle loader that I`d have sworn was empty. Evidently it was`nt. The bloke I was showing it to was impressed by its penetrative qualities and bought it there and then. When he had stopped shaking. Still makes my blood run cold when I think about what might have happened.






    That means - rolling on floor laughing my ar se off....... What did the insurance company have to say - or were you too embarrassed to tell them?


    That one puts my rifle primer iidiiocy into the 'very minor' category for maniacal danerousness. I won't say I couldn't imagine doing such a thing

    myself though, because I can. Anyone who thinks he couldn't make a mistake of ludicrous proportions, is setting himself up to do exactly that.


    I have seen some terrible mistakes, some of which ended up with serious bodily injury, though only to those who caused them:



    1976 I set off a .303 rifle primer in a duff cartridge with a punch and received a nasty reminder in my thumb about my stupidity.


    1978. My mate let off a twelve bore right behind me and blew a great crater in the mud about twelve inches from my foot.


    1979 I was standing about a yard away from a man who ran a gun club known to other more pucker rifle shooters in the Northumberland Rifle Club as, 'The Bad Reputation Gun Club.' They were right. He was firing solid slugs in rapid succession from a mosberg pump action repeater. he had about five loaded which in those days you were allowed and one failed to fire properly having no powder. it just went click. He fired again and the gun blew up right beside me. It had strips of metal barrel splayed out all over in a most dramatic way. The click was a primer pushing the .729 slug up the barrel about 18 inches, and the boom that followed was caused by the following round coming up into the obstructed barrel. no one was hurt - amazingly.


    1980. I saw a man shoot himself in the hand at the same 'Bad Reputation Gun Club, when he was loading a muzzle loading flintlock pistol. he had it on full cock and the trigger caught in his clothing. He had a large ragged hole in his hand where the ramrod and ball went right through. He was also burned somewhat, but that was the least of his troubles. He was severely injured in a car crash about a year later while trying to retrieve a dropped packet of cigarettes from the floor of his van while driving at seventy miles an hour.


    1981 At the same ragamuffin gun club, a man clearing up and burning the rubbish, was stuck in the ar se by a pistol round (9mm) which had inadvertently been put in the fire with rubbish such as smashed up targets.


    1981 While shooting black powder pistol at the same shockingly bad club, the man next to me had his colt 1860 blow itself in half as the chambers flashed over and several rounds went off at once. He was severely shocked by this and never came back.


    Since those days, I have mostly shot on my own and have probably increased my life expectancy more than a little.

  22. I agree, that with hindsight, both men were indeed innocent and I also agree there were some outrageous misjudgments made as far as Mr Menezes death was concerned, noteably with senior officers involved, who for the record I believe should be held accountable, perhaps that should have been made clearer on my original post. As far as Mr Stanley goes, there's a bit more to it than he was shot for being in posession of a table leg... I've also never taken a shot with any firearm without a totally safe and appropriate back stop, if you don't then perhaps indeed you should be held responsible for your actions, in any case it's certainly not a comparable example to the two previously mentioned scenarios. However I'm aware that we have hijacked this thread for which I apologise and perhaps we could agree to disagree on the matters?


    If you're ever about in Essex PM me, we'll shoot some pigeons and perhaps discuss it further down my local!






    Sorry John, just found this post and must have seemed churlish for not responding. I would be pleased indeed to PM you and come for a shoot and a few pints in your local.


    Thank you. If I am ever down that way, I will try and arrange it. meanwhile keep on at those pigeons.



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