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welsh warrior

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Everything posted by welsh warrior

  1. no why do these things happen im just waiting for the laws to get harder now.i dont want to see our sport our passion be driven out by do gooders. who only make the masses happy.why is it the sportmen of shooting get it so bad when 99.9% of us treat firearms with the up most respect and care.
  2. welsh warrior


    4-6 inch in south wales with about 2 inch on the road and still throwing it down
  3. not for the south west and wales heavy snow for tomorrow and the day after
  4. just pick another gun make lol
  5. tell us what you called it .when your decided ...purdey brill name
  6. purdey .as in the shotgun make
  7. got the go ahead for my sgc so in about 2 weeks it should be here the firearm officer said cuase they are short staffed
  8. just want to say ive got my sgc and it took just 4 week from putting it in to the call and he came up the same day but he did say becuase they are short of staff it will take a week or two for it to come in the post.south wales firearms department
  9. not for sale any more going to hang on to it
  10. happy to see so many in south wales shows the sport is alive around here
  11. its 177 sr with a very good scope i only bought 2 mounths back its not a walnut i paid 200 for the scope and i dont just want to give it away .
  12. o sorry mate read it wrong so any ideas on what price the sr is?
  13. yes it the one that slides when fired and its got a very good scope on it.i think its called the xr
  14. 500 for tx same for falcon but i realy want to sell them now i need funds for a new shotgun
  15. yer i was thinking that but some have said that it should be at about 430.so what should it be at then becuase i do want to sell them
  16. FOR SALE;my tx200 the one that slides. also my falcon rifle. both are in perfect working order no scope with the falcon i dont know what model it is but its very short light and got a skelonton stock.falcon is a bolt action single shot 20 cal.the tx is .177 cal with a hawk 6-24-50 ao ir sr12 nite eye.i have asked my local gun shop and forums what pirce for the tx on its own and they say 400-430.the scope i paid for was 200 and i only bought it about 2 mounth back.price wise for the tx im looking for 590 and for the falcon about 290.i am open for a offer. i cant drive as of yet so you will have to pick it up sorry. falcon comes with butler creek sling. any qestions just ask ryan
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