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rushy lad

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Everything posted by rushy lad

  1. Its funny you should say that, Every time I had a pee on the beach it glowed! B) Thats the truth!! Rushy.
  2. Cracking fish Mate, Not like that anymore unfortunatly.. I fish near to the BNFL Site here in Cumbria and have had some decent catches, Up to the 9lb mark. Bit far to travel now though. Better off the boat up here for the bigger fish. Rushy.
  3. Went out last night and fished the flooding tide, Caught three fish, all codling, all on blacks..Wind still easterley up here so really suprised me to do so well. Biggest was around the three pound mark. They are predicting a good year for the cod, so I will wait and see, B) Rushy.
  4. Yes the North sea is a good place for a big Cod, Planning a trip to Norway next year, Chance of some Monsters out there! Rushy.
  5. Tried in vain yesterday off the boat, with only whiting to show, These strong easterlies aren,t helping, Had loads of live black lug too. :< Rushy.
  6. What make is yer floatation suit?
  7. Correct Mate, I just wondered if they had any policies against Hunting etc, They can be a bunch of funny Fu*****! Rushy.
  8. Anyone ever had permission to Ferret etc on National trust land? We have a lot here in Cumbria that hold a good population of Rabbits on them, A bloke that I used to go digging with managed to get written Permission to lamp and shoot from the trust but it was just for one year.(10 years ago at least) Anyone any advice? Rushy.
  9. Great shame,Rest in Peace Ernhya.
  10. You are too kind to her Lurcher boy!
  11. No I only use fresh black lug, If the tides are too small to pump them then I use normal beach lug, If crabs are a problem then I use small floats on the hook snoods to keep the bait off the sea -bed. Works well. Rushy.
  12. I have a book at home about longnetting in the Dales around 50-60 years ago, Brilliant read and tells how the dales used to crawl with Rabbits, This guy who wrote the book(Richard Fawcett( states he had over 1,100 Rabbits in one week using longnets and snares. Rushy.
  13. I use camarosa for my Terriers and It really is worth the money. It is advertised in the country-mans weekly.Here is his number-01892 783240. Tell him your problem and he will sort it for you! :thumbs: Rushy.
  14. I will try to put one on but I don,t have the facilities to do so, I will have to ask very kindly the big red fox if he can do it! :thumbs: I hate asking people for favours but he has been very patient in the past with me.(Crawling Wretch that I am!) Rushy.
  15. Hello, I have decided to sell my Air-arms s410 carbine Multishot,2.2. It is fitted with "Hawke" Nite-eye Scope(3-9x50IR) With illuminated mil-Dot, Also comes with silencer fitted and has a pump with it too. I paid £780 for it, Will accept £450. The gun has been used four times. Rushy.
  16. Thanks for the replies, Healing again well and look as energetic as a pair of Pups! Yes Lakelands are a hardy Dog and some fear nothing. I like a dog not too hard and with plenty of brains, She is a wee bit too hard at times for my liking! :thumbs: Rushy.
  17. They say It every year! But I guess it will happen some time, Haven,t had any significant snow fall in this part of Cumbria for years, Plenty in the lakes but not here and I am only 20 minutes away. This is a great start to October, It was 20 degrees here yesterday! :thumbs: Rushy.
  18. Yes at this rate I will have to wait until December to ferret again!, Won,t bother for a few weeks now, Good to see healthy population around my patch but damn frustrating when you want to go out.
  19. Just got back from a spot of ferreting. A beautiful day, Really calm. Took one polecat, 10 hemp nets and did a few smallish warrens. Bolted two into the nets, but lost a few when I decided to have a go at a larger spot of about 15 holes. Two or three bolted out of the unnetted holes, But never mind, At least I was out in the fresh air. Noticed a lot of young about though and with this sort of weather I can see them being around for a few weeks yet. Rushy.
  20. Cracking fish Mike, Big Cod are as rare as hens teeth now off the beach. Rushy.
  21. Yes I agree, The freshwater rod would be ok for light estuary work, maybe for flatfish etc. But too lightweight for general beach casting. Most of the mags advertise beach fishing outfits for as little as £40-£50 for the lot, Worth it if you fish evey now and then. Yes the Cod are not around in the same size or numbers as they used to be but what do we expect? when they are hoovered up by trawlers and the one man netting brigade I still have had some pretty good fish off the beach, 10-11 pounders with 5-6 pounders regular catches in some spots, But a lot of codling 2-3 pound range. Rushy.
  22. No I mainly shore fish but I also fish for Cod over rough ground from my Boat, I use rubber shads just off the bottom, moving with the tide. They work really well and have had some decent fish using this method in the past. I enjoy shore fishing though and have some cracking sport over the winter period with Cod and coalfish, Whiting and Flounders being the main species caught. I feed some of the flatfish to my ferrets and they look well off them. Going pumping black lug tonight so I can freeze them for the next few months. Rushy.
  23. Anyone doing any Cod fishing this Winter? I have just pumped 40 Black lugworms to fish this week as the Cod are starting to show from our beaches. Rushy.
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