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pigeon sam

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Everything posted by pigeon sam

  1. hi pete a mate and i normally shoot on saturdays cant make week days only too happy to tag along with you can you get rid of birds
  2. yep still about just cant shake a cold iv had for the past two weeks hence missing the meet. hope to be there next time
  3. hi men from kent im so glad i started this topic way back in december of last year its got us talking to eachother and keeping the essex boys out from taking over p.w im sorry i missed you all at your clay shoot and am glad it went well maybe next time lets keep talking to eachother i love the banter sam
  4. hi pete im also from deal i like the sound of your shooting ground mine are mainly fields but good killing ones iv got legers solly and lyons what are yours? o i forgot pearson/wood all the best for the new year
  5. i accept all new friends

  6. festive greetings to you all dont forget dont drink and shoot
  7. hi brooksie im in deal near dover have goodun
  8. sure thing all the best for xmass
  9. hi lads do u wont a chat about pigeon shooting in our area? drop me a line id like to meet a few of you
  10. what do you guys do with all your shot pigeons me and my sell ours to a local butcher but he will only take 50 at a time we have at times shot more and had a hell of ajob getting rid of the rest can u help
  11. hi john what part of kent are you

  12. never heard of them but interested in buying some whare from and how much
  13. nice one mate always been my ambition to fish off the needles but as yet havent done it its a long way go from Deal in kent for a day out
  14. im with you m.c this man will get what he deserves i wonder why he hasent remaked to my reply to him?
  15. i understand your frutration mate but what you are really looking for is a builder who will take on the whole job on a price, and not a jack of all trades (and master of -------)for the money you wish to offer. this jack would have to be a bricklayer, carpenter, roofer and a plumber i have yet to meet a good man who could do all well good luck
  16. my m8 and i went out yesterday on a field of rape we have been watching for while nobody had shot for aweek so we fancied are chances. like a fool id forgotten the dead birds iv been keeping for the magnet and decoying , but my mate had half a dozen plastic deecs which bought some birds in close enough to take out two quickly, with the magnet loaded we sat back and waited .well the birds came into us all day we actually ran out of shells had to stop at 3pm then the worst part of the day packing everything away we eventualy picked up 127 a great day. if we had shot as many birds as we had shot shells we could of had double that many. with that in mind just befor we ran out of shells we started only loading with one shell up the spout and incredably we dident miss much (haw often do we hit a left and right ) i had four , im going to try it again next time see you
  17. there are big flocks in my part of kent went out on sat and baged 50 in 5hrs
  18. its been snowing on off all night and this mornig. here in kent is it worth having a go at the pigeons?
  19. welcome to p. w. roger from another kent man im from Deal not far from you
  20. could anyone out there help me out with a problem i have with my dog shes a springer very clever and works well the problem i have with her is she runs in she doesent do it too much when im out on a shoot its mainly when im in a hide with her as soon as i shoot shes off im not that good a shot so shes out there looking for a bird i havent shot what can i do
  21. first check that the seller had building regs if they did the builder would of notifide the council of his starting and different stages of works completed at the end of he work he should of asked for a completion ,this is done by the builder not by the client obviously he has not done so. ask the vendor to get in touch with the council and the should send someone round if in doubt check yourself at the council offices good luck
  22. wont to know if there is any one from kent? there seem to be loads from essex!
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