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Posts posted by mikky

  1. my sister has just phoned me,2 weeks ago her 4x4 hit the back of a car parked at a set of lights...no damage to her car/bent bumper on the other.....approx impact speed 10 mph....she has had a call from the insurance company and the woman she hit is now claiming for whiplash....she may or may not have the injury.........highly unlikely,question is...is this standard practice no matter what speed you get hit at..there must be so many fraudulent claims which puts all our insurance up.just wondered if anyone else has had a claim against when you know there is sod all wrong with the other party




  2. thanks for the comments for every penny i have leant him he has had to match,,ie go out and earn it first ,the car was 5000 k he went out and earned 2500k,the deal on his insurance was if he put himself through college and pass his exams we would pay for his first years insurance,he took the money off us but insisted on paying it back as when he could afford it...which he has done...to be fair he has never asked for a penny,it was put to him as an incentive to do well...he has now been teaching up to first dan blackbelt for a year now and has about 80 students a week,the hard work is now starting to pay off and he is slowly feeling the benefits....unfortunately this has knocked him back financially but as mentioned it is a learning curve...at 20 i think he is doing really well.....mods its time to lock this topic

    thanks once again for all your comments




  3. Chuffing hell mikky !! Not cool.





    As Taxi driver said Marine, sounds like your Mrs hasn't given up completely. Try and embrace this crossroads fella, theres obviously something going off that you aren't in tune with. It may just be a shot over the bow. Good luck fella


    just trying to inject some dark humor........didnt mean the rifles...its a new scope i need :lol:

  4. bless him...he has asked if he can extend the time to pay us back and he has offered to up the amount on the direct debit he is already paying us back,he is also trying to get a saturday job to find some extra money...he teaches karate and most of his students pay cash,so he has offered to hand over all his wages ( class sheet so we know/taxman knows what he is earning )...and to give him back what he needs for petrol and the odd night out.........so at least he has come up with some sort of solution.....no probs...no one got hurt in the accident...both cars fully comp so its the extra insurance costs he needs help with,...so its time to put his mind at rest and let him know if he needs help all he has to do is ask.......if you cant look after your own whats the point........



  5. Brandon,,my lad love him to bits...paid for his driving lessons,,,paid 2600 quid for his insurance last year,,,,,,,,,,,,leant him 2000 quid towards his latest car....got in the car with him as a passenger...told him he was driving to close to the car in front and one day if he carries on he will crash into the back of another car,,,not a chance he says.....just got a report from the insurance company..the car he hit....5000 quids worth of damage.......its catch 22...if i dont help him,he cant go to work and earn money to pay me back.....or do i write off what he owes me ,dont help him and not pay the extra insurance and teach him a lesson.




  6. to be honest,if your coming to fl it don't matter what the tickets cost,your going to buy them any way.You'll end up driving around ticket tout places wasting loads of time and saving five bucks.Buy them at the gate ,it saves all the grief.

    As semi residents we can buy a yearly tickets for some parks for the cost of a day ticket and use it all year

    . Don't forget to go to the Gulf beaches at least once :good:


    go to sarasota...go for a paddle and do the stingray shuffle..............sat on the beach watching everyone paddling in the sea....it looked like they were trying to ski underwater....i asked the lifeguard what was going on...dozens of people shuffling about knee deep......stingrays he says,,,,,,shuffle your feet and they move out of the way... B) B)



  7. We did the lot last year ,when we arrived we went into sizzlers on the international drive opposite the upside down house there is a scam to get you into the parks we used it for the sea world to see the killer whale it saved us half the cost there was seven of us , we are going back fingers crossed next year we would use the scam for the rest of the parks


    recommend sizzlers..on i drive.......if you fancy a proper pint go up the road to ...the cricketers pub... :good:



  8. Can somebody please tell me the main questions the Police will ask me on my interview


    q do you have homicidal tendencies,are you a psychopath are you related to Mungler...if yes...your cert will be in the post





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