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Posts posted by mikky

  1. my mum died back ib 1974,we lived in kenya,i decided to come back to the uk to go in the navy,......i went back several times over the years,my dad came over for my wedding in 1981 and then he moved to japan...since 1981 i have only seen him 3 times and the longest he was here was for 1 week when his mum died......i heard the other week he had moved back to the uk and has been living down south for over a year,,he didnt bother telling me he was back....i am annoyed because both my kids have wanted to spend some time with him,and listen to his exploits travelling all over the world....he knows where i am,i havnt got a clue where he is.........sometimes i wish i had someone to turn to,but he has never been there for me or my family....he is now 86 and i will probably never see him again.........i hope i do but im not holding my breath


    go and patch things up with your dad





  2. cant believe it....got asked to pack 3 similar items today...value only 6k.....so i got my boss,his boss and one of the directors to come down and watch me parcel it,identical to the last lot....everyone quite happy until i asked each of them for their signatures on the dispatch note to say everything was ok......didnt get one........apparently it doesnt matter if it gets broken cos we have insurance....




  3. my mate has just arrived..he has just dropped his lad off at the army camp in harrogate today to start a new career in the army...he is worried sick,especially about the ied threat...looks like its time to get the jack daniels out.......




    my daughter has just walked in..had a row with her other half and asked if she can have her bedroom back.......................................no you cant......get on the phone and sort it out......



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