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Posts posted by mikky

  1. my bosses boss came down and said ...can i have a quick word...showed me the damage ( photos ) to each box,asked me to explain how i packed them...he was more than happy how i sent them out and agreed the damage was out of our control....looks like i am in the clear relativly speaking.......



  2. Don't listen to these lot.


    The time for 'talking' has passed.


    It's time to let your fists do the talking.


    As your disciplinary meeting, just imagine your boss / supervisor is the arch villain Joker, the person taking the notes a henchman.... and you are batman from the 60's show.


    Kerpow, thwack and bzam.


    as the ambulance man asked me what happened.......i said..mungler made me do it

  3. well..didnt get summoned to the office at 1030 this morning..............i can see them all sat round the office table......ok ..ring him and tell him to come up.......no..you ring him....why....cos he has got a shotgun...so...what do you mean so.....i dont want to upset him.....ok ..i will ring him.....he has a rifle...ive seen the pics....it looks like a sniper rifle...all cammo....big scope....and a huge silencer..........glynn....your his manager....you ring him..........................................................................................



    no doubt i will get the call tomorrow............might take my howa in and ask if anyone can explain minutes of angle..........




  4. Stay calm - tell them your side of the story. Do not give anyone the chance to escalate matters.


    At this moment, it would appear you have no case to answer - keep it that way.


    If you get stroppy - you may well be in the right - you will suddenly find yourself in the wrong.


    Time to bite your lip. Explain calmly and firmly that you believe that you have done your job properly and ask just what it is that you were expected to do differently.

    :good: :good: :good:

    Good luck Mikky.


    cheers...only 14 hrs to go

  5. Have they actually said that they want to give you a grilling? It could well be that they just want to talk to you formally so you can put your (experienced) opinion across.


    I certainly wouldn't go in there all negative and defensive. A decent employer will want you in there to tell your version of events, not to put the blame on you.


    there speaks the voice of reason..you are spot on

  6. i would stay calm mate its more than likely they want a formal interview with you to make sure you packed the items as per your usual safe method of packing and once thats ascertained they intend to fire a massive pineapple in the direction of the couriers bottom!! after all as long as the package was in good condition when you haded it over into the duty of care of the courier you have no worries. fair enough if you packed it at 5 to 5 on a friday evening and made a ham an eggs of it you may want to be worried but i can't see that being the case :no: :no:


    packed properly.......and signed for at the other end as in good condition :hmm:



  7. Are there any specifications for how such equipment should be packed? If there are and you followed them, no problem. If there are not and you followed good practice, also no problem. Explain that you will make a formal written statement to enable your company to claim compensation from the courier company. Any action they take must be "reasonable" i.e. if you send stuff off in a Tesco's bag, expect trouble - if you did everything you are supposed to do there is not a lot anyone can do. It should certainly not result in you losing your job or being put in a position where you are forced to resign. If so, you have a potential unfair dismissal or constructive dismissal claim, particularly if you have a good work record.




    no specific method for packing,just tried and tested methods we have used in the past...thousands of items sent in 11 years with no problems..thats whats so annoying

  8. no unions or reps...as far as im concerned i havnt done anything wrong....packed properly...handled by me around the warehouse...transported by me onto the courier...not a scratch....


    dont see why i should be blamed for someone elses poor handling techniques


    checked the computer before i left work...this year alone i have sent out 3000 plus items...multiply that up by 11 years and not one previous complaint.....thats why i am angry



  9. to cut a long story short..2 weeks ago i despatched some equipment via a courier,at the time i didnt know the value of the goods,and they were so badly damaged in transit they have had to be written off £8000,at the time i packed them/similar goods like i have done for the past 11 years,packed properly labelled properly...and they have been smashed to pieces( computers contained in a steel case)....my boss says i have to go for a formal interview tomorrow and explain why they have been so badly damaged........obviously they are going to say i should have packed them better...we have packed items like this many times over the years....so it looks like they are looking for someone to blame...question is..do i keep calm and collected while i am being blamed for something out of my control....or do i stand up for myself and tell them its down to the carrier......not a happy bunny




  10. went fishing yesterday....6 barbel,2 bream..2 f1 carp and.......hit a big carp after 5 mins he got off,i thought he had snapped me,but he actually straightened my hook :o thats never happened before so i have no idea what weight but i suspect a big double...



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