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Everything posted by Nildes

  1. I've got a fox red pup. He's got a stubborn streak but is not gun shy or game shy. Not as water loving as som labs though.
  2. None of the above I use a .243 for Roe and Fallow. If I could I'd use a .223 for Roe and Muntjac. I think they represent the best combination of killing power for bodyweight and limited meat damage. I think its a question of chosing the right tool for the job first and then fine tuning with bullet weights and loads.
  3. They are not currently on schedule 2 part 2 of the act so they are not counted as pest species under the general license. You could apply to defra or english nature or whatever they call themselvs now and they might give you a license if you can show damage to crops. Its currently both illegal to shoot them and illegal to release them into the wild If you get one in a Larsen trap, its probably illegal to sell as a pet too. Too many rules, too little common sense They aren't a native species, they are driving native species out of their nesting habitats but the government would rather ignore the issue than upset the twitcher lobby.
  4. Am I being got at? Tall? Ugly? well at least one of those Am I bovvered? Nah
  5. So, by the sound of it, nobody really knows? Well its been interesting speculating. :look:
  6. At first I thought it was a dominance thing. Perhaps the dog trying to dress up in the odour of a more powerful animal? But that didn't work for other smells. What dog would want to smell like a cow? Then I thought about hedgepigs. They self-annoint with saliva to try and kill off the fleas in their spines. Perhaps the dog gets some chemical from the smellier **** which kills off his fleas? It is noticeable that they try to get it on the back of the head and shoulders, areas where its difficult to scratch. What does anyone think?
  7. Yeah but a fox is just as much a predator as a dog is. Not many prey animals gonna be fooled by that is there? So I can't buy that. Mind you, pretending to be a horse or a goose makes more sense. I think there must be more to it than that though. Good answer, thanks
  8. Why do dogs roll in ****? My lab seems to have an instinct for it because he was never taught it by a parent or older dog. Nor has he seen another doing it to copy. It seems the smellier the better, he ignores old **** and is attracted to fresh fox scats. In survival or behavioural terms, what benefits does a dog get from doing this? TIA
  9. Nildes


    I was in Asda buying a large bag of Purina for my Labrador Retriever and was in line to check out. A woman behind me asked if I had a dog. On impulse, I told her that no, I was starting The Purina Diet again, although I probably shouldn't because I'd ended up in the hospital last time, but that I'd lost 50 pounds before I awakened in an intensive care ward with tubes coming out of most of my orifices and IVs in both arms. I told her that it was essentially a perfect diet and that the way that it works is to load your pants pockets with Purina nuggets and simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry & that the food is nutritionally complete so I was going to try it again. I have to mention here that practically everyone in the line was by now enthralled with my story, particularly a tall guy behind her. Horrified, she asked if I'd been poisoned and was that why I was in the hospital. I said no.....I'd been sitting in the street licking my balls and a car hit me. :blink:
  10. Yep, just been filling and fettling the vans. Dropped into sainsbo's for mince pies for the office. The fleet will start coming in at about three But hey! Shooting saturday fog or not
  11. Nildes

    4 Colley Birds

    The lords-a-leaping should be quite easy an' all.........Bliars sold peerages to loads of 'em lately 11 Drummers Drumming. Isn't that something Bernard Mathews makes from turkey bits?
  12. Nildes

    4 Colley Birds

    Are these the adverts that are stuck all over the windows? "Lady with a large chest for sale, call........" I had no idea, I thought they were just lonely
  13. Mine fits over and outside the barrel. full length and about 75mm diameter. There are holes drilled all the way up the barrel to let the gas out.
  14. Hi, I'm struggling with these. The patridge in the pear tree was no problem. Turtle doves, no worries, shot em out of the tree French hens? well, I just popped over to France on the booze ferry after knocking off the partridge in the Kentish orchards, so I thought I'd round up the hens while I was there. But 4 Colley Birds? D'you think she'll settle for 4 rooks? The gold rings are going to be a bit pricey too. What about laying geese? I know its pretty warm and the roses are flowering again but I aint seen no geese a-laying round here. Any of you guys got any suggestions. D'you think old Queenie would miss a few swans while I'm at it?
  15. Nildes


    http://www.canada.com/nationalpost/news/st...afe&k=56022 Could be a lot of bullets flying around when the treaty gets honoured
  16. Man of straw. He bends whichever way the wind blows :unsure:
  17. Suzi's always used to do pretty well, being a lot lighter than Landies. Of course, once bent, its a lot harder to straighten them out. I had and LJ 80 once followed by an SJ but my Disco beats all comers for low down grunt
  18. :( I went to the local Lidl but they were too liddle and didn't have any. Still, bought some nice chocolate instead
  19. For better than £1.5k, I expect not to have to be resorting to duct tape! I also expect to have calls returned.
  20. I was interested. Placed an enquiry with a dealer on south coast about two weeks ago, still no reply. Also phoned starlight and left message on ansafone. No reply from them either. One man band with bent trumpet I suspect
  21. I think it was the "JOB IN HAND" that was worrying Cranfield He was trying to protect your eyesight :(
  22. I see you went for the bigger magazine. You got a lot of deer on your patch?
  23. Nildes


    These guys are totally on our side which is more than you can say for some of the other bodies that represent our sports.
  24. You believe what you want. I'll believe what I see and know. I spend a lot of time stalking and shooting Munties and Roe and I reckon I know their ways as well as anyone. I'm not saying eagles can't, I am saying they rarely do in the UK and any owner worth his salt wouldn't be flying them through the sort of cover that munties favour and risking injury. Nildes, First of all it is not what i believe it is what i know i have over 25 years experience with birds of prey and what they can do in pursuit of quarry is breathtaking, but don't forget THESE ARE TRAINED BIRDS NOT WILD BIRDS There is no difference to Eagles taking munties to goshawk or harris hawks taking rabbits in the same sort of cover. The amount of bramble a hawk will dive into to catch it's quarry is unlimited, if they think the cover is too thick they will not go in. If you have never seen it then please do not cast asumptions, you would not like it if someone said something about your shooting who didn't know a thing about it, you would defend yourself as well. Listen Kip, If a newbie turns up on this site giving it large a bit and I chose to be sceptical, whats wrong with that? If he says that his goldies are hunting roe and munties in the area he claims, let him post the pictures up like everybody asks. I've seen film of goldies trying to spook reds into jumping off crags so that they can feast off the carrion but I haven't ever come across anyone flying a goldie into the sort of cover munties prefer. I think its risking injury and if I had a goldie, I'd be very carefull what and where I flew it at. He's come back and said he's flown one against a gut shot muntie which is a bit different. You're wading in saying its possible to use a bop against all sorts and I don't disagree but don't just take his part cos he claims to be a falconer. Is he the real deal is is he just somebody having a wind-up? Its possible to shoot a deer at well over a mile but I wouldn't do it or consider it sensible. There's a difference between what is possible and what is practical and sensible. If someone wants to stretch our credibility, let them back it up with some evidence.
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