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Posts posted by Houseplant

  1. They made a decision not a mistake, a mistake is an unitentional act


    I don't think it matters, but a quick google search gives this definition of mistake - "An error or fault resulting from defective judgment, deficient knowledge, or carelessness". I think that fits.



    I would suggest its maddie who has paid or is still paying


    No doubt, but the parents are suffering too.



    I hope their guilt (thats all it is)never eases


    We'll just have to agree to disagree here, I think that's extremely harsh, but you are entitled to you opinion.

  2. The McCanns made a mistake and are paying dearly for it - I really don't understand why people wish them ill.


    Perhaps, if they were less middle class, less well educated, less composed, less articulate and less driven to do everything that they can to get their daughter back they would receive more sympathy?

  3. Probably the dumbest question of the day :blush:, but I am new to this.


    Got a tapered key for my Teague extended chokes as per PW advice, but it does need a little encouragement to give enough friction to tighten the choke. I don't want to over or indeed under do it, so any advice?


    Also, of the chokes I have got (skeet; 1/2; 3/4; full), I was thinking skeet for clays and pigeon decoying and 1/2 for roost shooting and rabbits. Any thoughts?



  4. good luck with the op. i had an ear op yesterday and all seems to be going well, just taken the pressure dressing off as per surgeon's instructions.


    sounds like you're not too keen on having your op - your body, your choice. or is it more a case of you know you have to have it, but just not looking forward to it?


    try and enjoy the anaesthetic at least - it's the best bit :)

  5. Don't hear much about the baikal compared to the hatsan, but there is an amazing video on YouTube of a guy SERIOUSLY abusing the baikal and it still working.


    I was considering a baikal, but a beretta felt better to me.

  6. I doubt anyone isn't pleased to see the back of him. With regard to the manner of his demise, if it resulted from a snap decision in the heat of the moment, then fair enough. If it was a cold blooded execution, then I suppose it comes down to whether you think extra-judicial killings are acceptable under any circumstances. Personally, I don't.

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