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    Huntin Shootin n Fishin
  1. Hello, I am interested in a permit.Could you let me know the procedure. Thanks Brian,

  2. Get a life, get a life get a life!!!
  3. You did'nt read this the on the intro, 'For the first time on British television, you a can follow a British wild boar hunt including the moment shooter Simon Barr pulls the trigger'. ?
  4. They were some French breed that had gone ferral i.e. escaped from someones pig sty.
  5. As I said there is a need to control boar or ferral pigs.But the article suggests that the pigs were wild boar and that it was a hunt. I would argue that both were inaccutate. Anyone viewing the programme with no knowledge of fieldsports in general and wild boar in particular would be sadly mislead as to what was being depicted.
  6. I have just finished watching this weeks Fieldsports tv which has a link via this site and youtube. The programme featured a 'wild boar hunt' and the presenter and headlines suggested that this was indeed a hunt for wild boar. Having watched the piece I was dismayed that the main freely accessable channel in the uk solely aimed at the shooting fraternity would broadcast such drivvel. The hunt was infact two men sat in a makeshift hide in front of a pile of feed put down for a small group of 'ferral' pigs not wild boar at all. I have hunted wild boar on the continent and dread to think what any hunter from mainland europe makes of this 'British wild boar hunt'. I remember watching a tv programme some years ago where an American 'hunter' was shown sitting in a similar hide as the one above, waiting for a 'big cat' to arrive at a carcase which had been left for it, before shooting it from close range. I thought then and now that this depicts the shooting/hunting community in a poor light as what was dipicted was neither hunting,sporting nor a good example of what countrysports are about. If there is a pest control issue then the animals have to be controlled but to promote this as hunting does us all a disfavour. I expect this kind of coverage from the mainstream tv channels, but not from one run by and for shooting folk.
  7. waitesy

    Child Benefit

    I think that child benefit should be paid to a maximum of 2 children. If you have more then so be it, its your choice, but not at the expence of others. If you can't feed then don't beed.
  8. I have the same rifle in .243. Its a steel at the price.
  9. Why do 'they' call it cheese when it's really hard milk?
  10. I know you are just starting out and you are eager to get shooting and that cost is an issue. But take it from me, if you don't take your time, try different guns and pick one you feel confident with and then pay a 'reasonable' price for it. You will end up paying for a gun that will frustrate, annoy you, knock your confidence and it will end up sat in the cabinet. You will then be looking for another gun, 'if you are still interested in shooting by that time'. My advice to you would be go to a number of gun shops pick up the guns and see how they feel. Identify a gun in the right price bracket for you and if you have to wait a while until you can afford it the wait will be worth it.Many shops will let you try their guns especially those at shooting grounds. The old saying 'buy cheap, buy twice' is never more true than when buying guns guns/ rifles.
  11. Lost my Chesie to cancer three years ago. Quite emotional watching this. Great video.
  12. Looking towards season 2012/13. I am an experienced, insured game shooter with dogs. I am currently seeking a syndicate place in a 'self help' type shoot. I am not one for turning up on the day, shooting and heading off home. I prefer a more hands on approach to shooting and have experience in game rearing, shoot and woodland management/stalking. I am seeking a syndicate place within a 1 hour drive of Pontefract West Yorkshire, anything considered.
  13. Yardy Yarda,bitterness and bias but no substance. When the brown ansd smelly stuff hit the fan.Someone has to step up to the plate and deal with it. If the response is proportionate and necessary then 'put em down'. Its easy to make snide comments from the comfort of your own home or in the bar.
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