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Posts posted by TaxiDriver

  1. Thy need a live in nanny. you need to get a job to get your life back on track.

    Your right to a degree, They need to sort out a proper longer term arrangement.

    I was helping out happily in the short term whilst job hunting.


    Have had to have a break as I have 2 weeks work at a local builders merchants, I'll earn a bit of £ and hopefully at least get a good reference out of it, Maybe employment in the future.

  2. I would do a couple of days to get a bond with your grandkids but not the full week that's to much.

    that's a fairly close explanation as to why I did it, and to help them out in short term


    I wouldn't charge to look after them, but I would ask them to cover petrol due to the distance involved.

    Being paid didn't sit comfortably with me, but as I'm long term unemployed with no income (not even JSA) I embarrassingly had to ask them to pay towards diesel.
  3. Depends on what job she is doing doesn't sound like she is doing a Prison Officers job or she would be working shifts if she is doing an admin job money would be a lot less

    I'm not sure why you would suggest she's not doing a PO's job ??

    She's currently at least 3 maybe 4 weeks into her training as a Prison Officer (I've seen her in uniform) Not an admin clerk :no:

  4. Well,

    I've been doing my bit and going over and looking after them a couple of days a week (3 days this week) and on the whole thoroughly enjoyed it

    Can't do it now

    Out of the blue I had a call from a chap who's wayward daughter is a mate of my son, luckily he likes my son as he's well mannered, polite and a good influence on his daughter)

    He runs an independent local builders/plumbers merchant and was looking for a van driver for 2-3 weeks initially, I've done my induction on all the health n safety stuff, and I start Monday.

  5. I think there are probably only 3 or 4 of these left in useable condition so its very rare. Villiers 1T engine primarily produced during 1940s. It has original tool box, thumb throttle 2 speed. Good for 30mph. I'd consider swaps, but I'm selling to finance a cheap Land Rover project.

    Is there such a thing ???

  6. I had an instance some years ago where I was able to retrieve a record of texts both sent and received simply by requesting same from service provider in order to get Police to deal with a bunny boiler nut nut who had developed a fatal attraction and wouldn't leave m alone (hard to imagine I know :P) and then tried to blackmail me.

  7. Was anyone foolish enough to do the two big bolts wound into a nut full of match heads then tossed into the air (high into the air for additional running time :-) ). Never found both bolts, ever.

    YEP :)

    Done in the dark evenings when all the neighbourhood kids used to play out after tea.

  8. Why can those involved not be named?

    Simply because it protects the children's identity, (supposedly) and saving them from any further stigma, embarrassment, or media attention.


    However, Perhaps some would argue that the parents deserve a taste of their own medicine.

  9. I'm looking after them in their own home, 24 miles from me hence 48mile round trip,

    So far it's been all good and a few proper funny moments.


    I've told my sons partner that whilst I'm loving doing it this week, and for nothing more than diesel money to help them out whilst they make more suitable long term arrangements, but it is a full time job for someone and more responsibility than I can take on.


    I've reiterated my willingness to help out on an add hoc basis or even just a couple of days a week.


    Her HMP salary I believe is circa £26k,

    But they both seem to be ill prepared for the cost of childcare, (or resentful of paying for it ???)

  10. Think its the feeling of being taken for granted, feeling somehow obligated, that niggles me, Plus, its bleddy hard work lol

    At same time I'd like to do it so may well suggest I can do a couple of regular days if they can cover the rest.


    Thanks for the input, seems peoples opinions confirm my gut feelings.

  11. Ok, I have a bit of a quandary with which I'm seeking some opinions on,

    As many will know I've only gotten to know My Eldest son In the past 12+ months and he has got 3 kids under 4, In the past year his partner has lost 4 stone, got fit and joined HMP.


    I think they've maybe not prepared themselves for the cost of childcare and have had a bit of a reality check also possibly she or both have assumed grand parents would help out full time.


    I've been asked to help Mon - Fri 7am till 5pm which I'm happy to do this week, they've offered to pay for my time (we didn't get as far as discussing how much) and my fuel as its a 48 mile round trip.


    Here's my quandary,

    I'd love to help and a part of me says I should do it out of family love/loyalty or whatever, (I'm uncomfortable with being paid/taking money for looking after my grandchildren)

    On the opposing hand, it's her/their life choice to have 3 kids and then commence a career and I kinda feel a bit obligated to do it, (given my unemployment) but I still have to be job hunting and free for interviews.

  12. no........as i said you turn it on and it is working...the top knife is going left and right...its adjusted fine ...but wont run thro my hair...it just jags up....

    Take yer balaclava off :P


    Very nice to meet you the other day by the way :good:

  13. You can always check the current status of Byeways and any closures/restrictions at the County Councils 'Rights of Way' Dept' before you go riding them.

    Used to do a lot of Driving Byeways in Essex and East Anglia, always checked unfamiliar routes with ROW depts before travelling.

  14. Thanks Me Matt and others,

    The arrangement I have with my land lady is such that our rent is lower than it could be ( by a country mile) We're responsible for general upkeep/maintenance unless it's anything more major.

    I don't think my land lady has been to the property more than 3x in the 10 years we've been here.


    What really got my goat, boiled my p*** was neighbour turning round and telling me my fence wasn't anything to do with me.


    Anyways, I'm quite happy she (neighbour) can replace fence, I'll fix trellis to the rails our side and grow Honeysuckle, Sweet peas or whatever or climbing runner beans.

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