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Posts posted by aister

  1. Thanks for the feed back. It's a rifle on guntrader I have seen in 30-06, it's a nice looking gun with a silver oval in the stock which I have never seen before unless in very expensive rifles. My RFD is going to get it up to have a shot of, hopefully it's a keeper. Thanks again.

  2. Hi folks, just wondering if anyone on here has had any experience with the sauer 200? I have seen a second hand one for sale that has taken my fancy but I have zero experience with sauer. Any info or input greatly received. Cheers.

  3. On the last night flight of the season for me, Max retrieved a bird that I never knew had fallen. The only chance I had was at a pack of mallard that came over, I swung up and managed to down a right and left which both fell right in front of me. I sent Max out in front but he set off in another direction and I couldn't turn him, as I was muttering some bad words under my breath he appeared out of the gloom clutching a fat mallard. I had knocked down 2 mallard with one of the shots but hadn't seen one of them, thank goodness Max was paying attention.

  4. My first right and left of woodcock is the most memorable of the season. I was walking up snipe and had a couple in the bag when a pair of woodcock got up just a few yards in front of me. The first one dropped going away from me then I turned and dropped the other one as it went to the left and behind me. The hound retrieved the second one but neither of us could find the first one, max couldnt pick up a scent at all and I was beginning to think I had missed!! There was a burn along side me but I was sure the bird couldn't have been near it but sure enough I found it about 30 yards down the burn.

  5. So far this fowling season the night flights have been poor in general. A lot of no shows where I would usually see plenty and the couple of times I could have put a few in the bag, I have shot like a numpty. But last night I had a cracking night flight. I had spotted a bit of flood water in the links at the back of a beach so I thought I would give it a go. Its a fairly big area of water so I just sat in the middle thinking I would move if the birds took to one area. I didn't have to wait long before the first duck came in right over the top of me, I was expecting mallard but it was a pair of wigeon.....which I missed :( . A nice flight formed right where I was sitting, I missed a couple of silly shots to begin with then managed to start connecting. I had two singles then managed 3 rights and lefts. Delighted with my shooting and the bag, I unloaded the gun and watched wigeon pour in over the top of me for the last half hour.



  6. Had a fantastic walk about today with the gun and dog today made even better because I finally managed to bag a right and a left of woodcock wooop wooop ha ha. I was after snipe and really wasn't expecting woodcock in such a wet boggy place but two got up and managed to bag them both. I also had 4 snipe, a plover, 8 rabbits and a goose. I bumped the goose up from the edge of the loch and judging by its actions and condition I reckon it had been pricked before so I think I did it a favour. Lots of ducks around but with water levels being so high and not a lot of cover everything got up out of range.



  7. The big day has finally arrived, thank goodness, I was beginning to think the kids were going to drive me round the bend ha ha.


    Happy Christmas everyone, hope you have a great day, eat far too much, sleep whenever the need arises, scoff loads of sweets and maybe have a wee dram. Enjoy.....

  8. I had a go at making my first burgers today on my day off. I had scraps of pork and pork fat from our pig that was butchered at the end of last week, I also had 6 greylags hanging from Saturday morning. I minced all the pork then all 12 goose breasts then ran it through the mincer again to give it a good mix. I then added a juniper burger mix to make it, 50% pork, 40% goose and 10% burger mix. I took out enough for 9 burgers for tea tonight and bagged the rest up and put it in the freezer. Before cooking tonight I added some fried onion to the burger mix then we had them for tea tonight................................total success, wife and kids loved them, 5 clean plates :good:



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