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Posts posted by aister

  1. Good video, I have just got a GoPro but only managed to catch one pink I shot on it so far, I use the GoPro app on my iPad for editing, but got no idea how to get it on here so you are doing ok! Jim.

    Its the gopro 2 I have and was thinking about getting the wifi backpack for it so that it can be used with a smart phone but I was wondering if the editing can be done on the phone?

  2. My good wife bought me a gopro as an early Christmas present but being a bit of a numpty when it comes to technology I am struggling a bit with the editing and uploading also I think my laptop may need replacing, its old and tired haha. Here is my first video of a goose flight from the 5th of last month.


  3. I was out with a couple of friends for a morning flight, we weren't very enthusiastic what with the full moon but we all had a shot and put 4 greylags in the bag. One of the boys had family commitments after the morning flight so that left two of us to have a quick walk about. We didn't see much but I bagged a snipe and a couple of rabbits, my compadre had trouble with his gun miss firing or we may have had more. We headed out again at night for a look and this time I was the only one to burn powder and managed to bag a mallard and another greylag. It was great to be out and walk off some of the copious quantity of food that was consumed on Christmas day. Hope you all had a great Christmas :good:

  4. Sage and onion every time for me.


    Fry a chopped red onion in butter, then add 2 chopped up rashers of smoky bacon.

    Blitz up 2 or 3 slices of white bread and add 2 heaped table spoons of atora suet, a heaped tea spoon of sage, salt and pepper. Add the bacon, onions and butter to the bead crumb mix and an egg to bind.

    It always takes more butter than you think and I usually have to melt some more butter to add in if it seems too dry.

  5. For the last few weeks I was thinking max was showing his age and about a fortnight ago he went completely of his food and started to lose weight, I was quite worried but after changing from dry food to tinned food he has bounced back and seems to be full of beans again. This morning he stunned me with a fantastic retrieve on a very tricky wing tipped mallard. The bird folded and came down in the water as though it was stone dead but just as max was about to pick it up it flipped over and dived. The mallard and max played cat and mouse for what seemed like forever and both ended up about 150 yards away when max got hold of it and returned with the duck held high and tail wagging. The perfect scenario would have been a dead duck and a quick retrieve but as you all know it doesn't always happen. Not wanting to push him too much we headed home after his fantastic retrieve with two fat mallard drakes in the bag. I was so glad to see max back to his normal self I thought I would share.

  6. Reestit mutton is delicious especially reestit mutton soup. There is a few different "recipes" and ways to make reestit mutton but we always mixed water and salt until there was enough salt in it to float a small potatoe with a 2" nail stuck in it then the meat went in and was held under with a clean stone. After a week in the pickle it was hung up to dry, hung above a peat burning fire definitely gives it more taste but mine is just hung above the boiler. Some might add sugar to the brine and saltpetre, there is different ways to do it.

  7. I had a good couple of flights yesterday to make up for a few blanks. I was out on Friday morning but the geese went wide so I had a better idea for yesterday morning. The geese came off the loch and came over me tail to wind giving me some very sporting shots, I bagged 4 before putting the gun away and watching the rest of the birds come of the loch. While waiting early on I had an owl drift silently close by, I am always amazed at how silent they are. With the frost I knew exactly where I was going at night and I finally had a decent night flight. I managed to bag 2 mallard, a wigeon and 5 teal. I also saw another owl, I saw him coming and sat still, he passed silently literally inches from my head. I think the one in the morning was a barn owl and the one at night was a little owl.

  8. I have just recently scraped a remington 700 bdl 30-06 and I have all the parts that don't have the serial number on. The wooden stock was bedded for the rifle which is a shame as otherwise it is like new with a beautiful tiger stripe and finished with a high gloss. I have the bolt internals, the bottom metal, the open sites, two sets of bases-one set warren (steel) and one set weaver (alu). I swapped the original trigger for a rifle basix trigger which is the most valuable part, they start at £90 at rimfire magic, it is a very nice trigger, very crisp with no creep. I have no idea how to price this so I will say £100 for the lot but will sell bits separately. Any questions just ask, thanks for looking.

  9. I have seen a few owls whilst waiting for fowl to show, in fact Saturday morning I had a long eared owl try to land on the stone wall I was sheltering behind, he have been no more than a few feet away when he saw me. I think the most amazing or entertaining thing I saw was an otter trying to get hold of one of my mallard decoys, he tried his best but the decoy kept pushing away from him, he then left looking pretty disgruntled.

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