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Posts posted by aister

  1. I have been a joiner since I left school working on roofs and outside in the elements a lot, I have tried a lot of different types and makes of waterproof work wear and some were better than others. I started working as a salmon farmer about a year and a half ago and our standard issue oilskins are stormline and they are definitely the best oilskin type water proofs I have worn. Very hard wearing and pretty easy to move around in and I reckon if they can keep a salmon farmer in Shetland dry they are pretty good.

  2. I have been thinking for a while now about making 6 or 8 mallard nest tubes to try out. I have been trying to think of a place to put them that will not have anglers to disturb them, most lochs near me have trout in them and a fair few anglers that visit pretty regular. The main loch where most fowl would be have two protected areas for fowl and waders that the RSPB own and there is no anglers or shooters allowed.....perfect, or so I thought. I got in touch with a local RSPB warden and friend and let her know what I was planning and to seek permission. She got back to me and said that she had been in touch with her bosses and they had said that they were very interested to hear how I get on with the nest tubes but they didn't want them on their reserves. I am a bit miffed to be honest. There has always been a good relationship between the local RSPB and local shooters so I don't think its because I am a shooter. I guess I will just try it some place else. Anyone on here made nest tubes?

  3. I had a fantastic day out looking for hares on saturday with two good friends from work. We struggled to get close enough for a shot to begin with but once we got a bit higher where it was windier they sat a bit better. Neither of my friends have had much experience with guns so I said once we were in range of a hare just shoot sitting and not to bother with any running. We then went on to have some great stalks. Ross bagged his first hare after a long stalk and successful shot then it was Billy that put a hare in the bag after a long hike to get around the other side to get the wind on our faces. We spotted another but to get up to it Billy had to crawl flat on his belly for a long way, when he got up to shoot he bagged his hare then turned and bagged another that we hadn't seen, to say he was delighted was an understatement. I am heading away next month for some stalking so I had my 6.5x55 for a bit of practice and managed to shoot a couple too. We saw a lot of hares and also a few grouse which was good as I saw no grouse when I was out on the glorious 12th.




















  4. Well folks that's the end of the season for me, went for a walk to see if there was any snipe around and came home with a snipe and three greylags. When I left the house it was fine and managed to bag a snipe about a hundred yards from the house then it started to snow. I am not sure if there was no more snipe or were they sitting really tight with the snow but I only saw one more and when I lifted the gun I couldn't see anything due to the snow on my barrel. I came in among some old stone ruins and stone walls and could hear geese so I stuck in three heavier cartridges and sure enough I managed to sneak up on five greylags. They got up and I downed a pair with two shots and I noticed that one of the remaining 3 only went a few hundred yards and dropped out of the sky like a stone, so ended the season with one of the smallest birds on our quarry list and three of the biggest.

  5. I haven't shot clays for a long time but to end up with I shot all my sporting with no8's through half choke and left the other chokes in the club house. I felt that I was getting myself all wound up trying to decide which combo was going to work best for the next few birds, so I went middle of the road with both shot size and choke.

  6. I have everything from a remington 700 long action except for the barrel, action and bolt (I have the insides of the bolt) if you are interested. The gun was stripped before being scraped so anything with a serial number is gone.

  7. I have 3 uncles that shoot and all of them started with a single baikal, the same single baikal. They all said it was as tight as a tight thing and it could kill. One of them crept up on geese once and fired as they lifted and 5 fell, a great result for a young fellow suffering from a serious dose of goose fever.

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