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Posts posted by Kalahari

  1. One other point is that young people can accomodate a 7mm exit pupil. ie. objective size in mm divided by magnification. So a 7 x 50 or 8 x 56 fulfil this criteria perfectly and you get the best your eye can cope with. However, as you get older your pupil won't actually open to the full 7mm so a 6mm exit pupil might be fine so 7 x 42 would suit or even a 5mm exit pupil in a 8 x 40/42. So have a look through a few at dusk if you can. Also the very big binoculars with high magnification are heavy to carry, harder to hold still and show the resultant wobble better and generally have a narrower field of view.


    I am sorry if this has only muddied water for you.


    Best wishes,



  2. The thing that many people ignore is resolution. This is the ability to "separate" detail. Often this is what you pay for but is not clearly stated. A really high quality 8x bin with high resolution often shows more detail than a cheaper 10x bin although this can only be shown in a side by side test.



  3. 8 hours ago, Westward said:

    The SNP groupthink as a government appears to be similar to Corbynism and thus they seem to perceive independence as a sort of nationalisation of the entire country plus a few  vanity projects like the scandal of the new ferries rusting away in a bankrupt Clyde shipyard. The big flaw is that with 70% or so of the workforce in the public sector, most of whom work for the UK rather than Scotland exclusively, it's difficult to see how Scotland could fund it's socialist paradise - with or without oil revenues.

    The SNP was formed in the 50s with a single objective, viz: Independence, and I'm not at all sure they ever expected be in government. Having worked in the 1970s with an SNP activist, I quickly worked out that independence was their only goal and oil revenues their only argument for it.

    The SNP was formed before this and certain influential people in it supported Hitler as a route to independence for Scotland.



  4. If you stand in the middle of the Makarikari in Botswana you can see the curve whichever way you face. (When you have paid to get there you could fit in a very good holiday seeing some of the greates game viewing Africa), From this you might have gathered that I am a tiny fan.

    Tsala sintle, borra.



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