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Posts posted by Kalahari

  1. There seem to be a lot of people who say these shows are very expensive. I don't think that is fair. The post above is right. We went to a classical music concert the other day, good orchestra, but £50 each for two hours. Makes £20 for the whole day seem quite reasonable.



  2. 31 minutes ago, panoma1 said:

    Allowing the man made side streams, dykes and rivers of East Anglia to silt up and consequently shallow, would put the fens back to the times before Vermuyden....likewise any natural river where the depth was compromised through lack of dredging would increase the chance of flooding

    The shallower the river = less/slower run off capacity = increased risk of flooding

    The deeper the river = more run off capacity/faster = decreased risk of flooding

    As I understand it.......the government in the past encouraged landowners (by paying subsidies) to fill in drainage ditches on the moors, so more sheep could graze result......more uncontrolled run off and regular flooding in the valley communities below.........now the protectionist/antis are using this to lobby to get driven grouse shooting banned, blaming this flooding on grouse keepers, who they claim breed more grouse on drained moors!

    The real trouble was (if I understand the papers correctly) is that the government encouraged the draining of moors which brought about many of our current problems because of rapid drainage from the moors. This meant that there was also a large vegetation load which increased the risk and intensity of fires. The elephant in the room is that the antis won't accept that the moors that were managed for grouse were not extensively drained (which meant that when there was a lot of rain the moor got very soggy and drained slowly, reducing the risk of flooding) but the fact that grouse moors are ecologically good, species rich environments, which reduce the risk of flooding must be lied about because of their strange beliefs.



  3. I am sorry David, but I feel that youand BASC are being either naive of wilfully obtuse. I have been along term supporter of BASC and even stood for council twice, but was not elected, but as long as one side are willing to use the courts and the "government", I include QUANGOs in this, rolll over at the first sign of a lawyer we have to use the same tactics. BASC must get some teeth.



  4. Take the bulbs out of all the interior lights for a week and see if this fixes the problem. Carry a little torch with you. If this fixes the problem you know where it is. (It is probably the delay on the circuit not shutting off the current completely and allowing the battery to bleed energy) This test will tell you if this is the case.



  5. It is interesting but there is another democratic deficit for England here. Under the Act of Union and its amendments the only country which cannot vote to leave the union is England. Just like they don't have a devolved government. (Mind you I think devolution has been more trouble than it is worth. When the devolution referendums came about I thought that there is no question t which the right answer is "We need more politicians!")



  6. 38 minutes ago, Scrumbag said:

    Hello folks, what's news? Anyone been getting the pumps out?

    Also, shall we try another piece of pump shotgunning?


    You can always come up for a bit of 'fowling and get to play with a  Mossberg 535!




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