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Posts posted by Kalahari

  1. I think it was hoped it would become the NATO round but the USA decided on the on the 7.62 and then the 5.56 so I guess that was that. I believe it was an efficient round in all respects. I am sure somebody better qualified than I will fill in more details.



  2. 1 hour ago, Raja Clavata said:

    Not quite, we agree what the polls say. polls are always right, right?

    I'd vote lib dem (you didn't even include them as an option, lol)

    Right, the Liberal Democrats, who are so democratic they have stated that if a second vote was to leave they would ignore it. You really do have problems with democracy don't you.



  3. How poorly formed is your understanding of democracy! Sadly when democracy is destroyed and people like you also lose the protection of living in a democracy you might end up regretting supporting people who believe they are above democracy. Remember Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot Mugabe and Mao were all far too clever to listen to democracy and look what fun living under them was.



  4. 5 minutes ago, Raja Clavata said:

    Cant speak for others but if a second vote returned a majority for a certain type of leave then I would happily accept that result.

    This is difficult to accept. If people would not accept the result of the first referendum, why should we believe any of them would accept the result of a second. Remainers have form when it comes to respecting or otherwise democracy.



  5. 4 minutes ago, harrycatcat1 said:

    Well, where will they find the money for several hundred thoiusand school places. People who educate their children privately have already paid the taxes for the state to educate their children. So they are subsidizing ordinary kids and this will disappear.



  6. 12 hours ago, Scrumbag said:

    Careful, it's a sickness...

    You'll start wondering about if you need something bottom eject, or comes with a Cutts Compensator, or...just because!

    Everybody needs (it is essential) a BPS with bottom eject.



  7. I thought, but don't know, that the "don't shoot steel" in these cases was because one barrel is 3/4 choke and therefore too tight for some recommendations. The multi choke ones you can shoot 1/4 and 1/2 and everybody is likely to be happier.



  8. We could learn a bit from today's news. I have posted this in another thread but it deserves to go here as well.


    Mugabe subverted democracy from the outset. It was known that the election was not fair or democratic but the British Government would not say so. So we allow people to subvert democracy at our peril. There are people in Britain doing exactly the same thing, they might not be like Mugabe but once you allow democracy to be subverted you set a precedent for evil people to use the same mechanisms for their own ends. Democracy is quite a frail plant and people inside and outside parliament are trampling all over it.


  9. Mugabe subverted democracy from the outset. It was known that the election was not fair or democratic but the British Government would not say so. So we allow people to subvert democracy at our peril. There are people in Britain doing exactly the same thing, they might not be like Mugabe but once you allow democracy to be subverted you set a precedent for evil people to use the same mechanisms for their own ends. Democracy is quite a frail plant and people inside and outside parliament are trampling all over it.


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